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Halas | |
Formerly known as: | Halas |
Short name: | halas |
Map: | ![]() |
Level range: | N/A |
XP modifier: | N/A |
Region: | The North |
Adjacent Zone(s): | Everfrost |
Evac spot: | N/A |
Outdoor: | Yes |
Binding allowed: | Yes |
Wizard Spire: | Unknown |
Druid Ring: | Unknown |
Edit this page: | Infobox Zone Description Lore Events NPCs (Table) Items (Table) Quests Quest Items |
Halas is the starting city for the barbarian race. It hosts trainers for shaman, warriors, rogues, and beastlords. Several shops, bars, and a bank round out the facilities.
Be careful going behind the bank. Going out the back door will cause the guards to attack you.
Note: This list does not automatically update. Please add these NPCs:- A Frost Warrior
- A diseased water elemental
- A silvercrown escort
- Aileen McGuilhelm
- An ancient barbarian spirit
- An excited child
- Banker Egund
- Breven McDowel
- Chieftan Warren McAston
- Craig McDaniel
- Daniel McUlric
- Diplomat Daars
- Finna McThompson
- Gerra McQuaid
- Icetooth (NPC)
- Jarlock McDerrick
- Jird
- Lissa the Bard
- Merral Mc Aston
- Mystic Karlin
- Mystic Wulfrig
- Ralia
- Raolf McUlric
- Sheena McGuilhelm
- Terla McQuaid
- Trainer Sharn
- Training Master Wargus
- Trash Barrel
- Ulfen
- Wykra
See also: Automatically updating NPC table.
Rogue Guild
Quest NPCs
- Alchemist Banner
- Docksman Ulfrig
- Greta McDerrik
- Jalos McDerrick
- Karlin McDouglas
- Kemlik McGandor
- Primalist Vylva
- Trader Hagna
- Trader Parak
- Ylva McDaniel
- Mic McMacson
- Lara McGandor
- Alchemist Kayla (Alchemy)
- Mic McMacson (Tailoring)
- Mac McMacson (Leather)
- Alden McPherson (Weapons)
- Koria McPherson (Shields)
- Docksman Ulfrig (Fishing)
- Emma Gemcutter (Jewelcrafting)
- Joan McGuire (Blacksmithing)
- Ian McGuire (Augments)
- Maureen McDonald (Baking)
- Gowan McDonald (Brewing)
- Ainsley McCurry (Fletching)
See also: Automatically updating Items table.
- Ice Forged Greatblade
- Ice Forged Greataxe
- Prophetic Visions
- Box of Metals
- Bracelet of the Blessed
- Signet of Fanaticism
- Ward of Divine Favor
- Sapphire Necklace (Quest)
- Vial of Diseased Water
- Tarnished Wedding Ring
- Shimmering Dagger
- Adorned Silver Amulet
- Love Note
- Northern Perch
- White Bass