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Fearstone Keep
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Fearstone Keep | |
Formerly known as: | Crushbone |
Short name: | fearstone |
Map: | ![]() |
Level range: | 10 - 25 |
XP modifier: | +20% |
Region: | Faydark |
Adjacent Zone(s): | Greater Faydark |
Evac spot: | N/A |
Outdoor: | Yes |
Binding allowed: | No |
Wizard Spire: | Unknown |
Druid Ring: | Unknown |
Edit this page: | Infobox Zone Description Lore Events NPCs (Table) Items (Table) Quests Quest Items |
Fearstone Keep is an open dungeon (i.e. outdoors only spells work) located off Greater Faydark and populated mainly by Frilakhs. These Frilakhs dabble in the dark arts and as such, you can expect to run into several Shadow Knights and Necromancers.
Because of its location and relative difficulty, this zone sports a healthy 20% experience bonus.
The lower level mobs routinely drop leather armor and low-grade generic weapons. For tradeskill purposes, look out for meat for baking as this is an ideal place to get it. For quests, grab the tails that can be turned in for cash and Kelethin faction.
Note: This list does not automatically update. Please add these NPCs:
See also: Automatically updating NPC table.
Named Mobs
- a frilakh quarrymaster
- a frilakh commander
- a frenzied frilakh
- an enormous frilakh
- Fakzuath the Scavenger
- King of the Hill
- Orcwrangler Khizalhk
- Ta`Firyik the Darkscale
- Terror Master Gziilakh
Mundane Mobs
- a frilakh blackguard
- a frilakh bladeforger
- a frilakh fright blade
- a frilakh fright speaker
- a frilakh grimguard
- a frilakh guardian
- a frilakh sacrificial priest
- a frilakh scale guard
- a frilakh shadow seeker
Other NPCs
See also: Automatically updating Items table.
- Report for Berengot
- An Old Letter
- Wrist Pouch
- Backpack
- Orchide Haversack
- Pristine Frilakh Scales
- Fearsome Metal Ore
- A Bone Girdle
- Chainmail Mask
- Kite Shield
- Horn of the Commander
- Leather Whip
- Blackscale Scrying Stone
- Buckler
- Voice of Terror
- Scythe
- Rusted Iron Circlet
- Monkshood
- Orchide Whip
- Hammer of Thirsting Souls
- Shadowed Soul
- Blackened Scale Armguards
- Depleted Fearblade
- Frilakh Hide Cloak
- Granite Earstud
- Hillfork
- Chainmail Belt
- Torn Page of Songs
- Polished Bone Charm
- Frilakh Hide Boots
- Kulren's Armor
- Visage of the Frilakh Master
- Frenzy Claw Dagger
- Short Sword
- Sturdy Cleats
- Vest of Dark Scales
- Mace
- Chainmail Cloak
- Frilakh Fearblade
- Commander's Sigil
- Fright-Edged Broadsword
- Darkscale Staff of Bones
- Broad Sword
- Torch
- War Shovel
- Chainmail Sleeves
- Chainmail Leggings
- Orchide Wristbuckle
- Frenzied Focus Bead
- Chainmail Coat
- Chainmail Bracer
- Leather Leggings
- Mining Pick
- Gudgeon
- Leather Jacket
- Crown of the Hill
- Leather Sash
- Crappie
- An Enormous Meatslab
- Leather Gorget
- A Bountiful Brew
- Rock Bass
- Drape of Virulent Scales
- A Rope Harness
- Shadowed Cape
- Dark Bow Staff
- Silver Plating Solution
- Black Widemouth
- Ration
- Frilakh Tongue
- Frilakh Tail
- Leather Boots
- Leather Sleeves
- Staff
- Leather Mask
- Dagger
- Great Staff
- Lizardman Meat
- Bandages
Quest | Suggested level | Quest giver | Classes |
Guard Kulren's quest |