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The Mountain Crags of Tarhyl
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The Mountain Crags of Tarhyl | |
Formerly known as: | Tipt, Treacherous Crags |
Short name: | tarhylcrags |
Map: | ![]() |
Level range: | 1 - 15 |
XP modifier: | +15% |
Region: | The Old World |
Adjacent Zone(s): | Southern Waste of Tarhyl The Runnyeye Citadel |
Evac spot: | Near the Southern Waste of Tarhyl zoneline |
Outdoor: | Yes |
Binding allowed: | Yes |
Wizard Spire: | Unknown |
Druid Ring: | Unknown |
Edit this page: | Infobox Zone Description Lore Events NPCs (Table) Items (Table) Quests Quest Items |
The Mountain Crags of Tarhyl is the home of the Vah refugees and the starting point for new Vah characters. It has creatures and quests suited to players level 1–15 and is connected directly to The Runnyeye Citadel, a dungeon for players level 10–30.
Note: This list does not automatically update. Please add these NPCs:
See also: Automatically updating NPC table.
The Kish-Ka
- a Kish-Ka chatterer
- a Kish-Ka clatterer
- a Kish-Ka clickiter
- a Kish-Ka picketer
- a Kish-Ka scuttler
- a Kish-Ka skitterer
- a Kish-Ka chitterer
- a Kish-Ka scuffler
- Klikiti-klik
- Shiki-tiki-tar
- Tiskakatisk
- a Valk double
- a Valk eye
- a Valk fist
- a Valk foot
- a Valk glare
- a Valk hand
- a Valk mind
- a Valk regret
- a Valk spirit
- a Valk thought
- Valk
The Vah
- a vah rehn
- a vah fisher
- Haryn Rehn
- a vah refugee
- a vah child
- a vah scout
- a vah guard
- Shaylan Nairu (Brewing)
- Yejhana Rehn (General supplies)
- Vahir Ghan
- a vah scout
- Hyvek Vahl (Bard GM)
- Dharnan Vahl (Bard spells)
- Jhellan Rhen (Bard supplies)
- Vysha Nairu (Bard spells)
- Sasha Shahar (Poisons)
- Mira Shahar (Rogue GM)
- Cassar Kajek (Rogue supplies)
- Araghin Vahl (Banker)
- Jyharja Rehn (Jewelcrafting)
- Harresh Shahar (Pottery)
- Vahir Rahkahl
- Yilsha Rehn (Leather armor)
- Garrekh Rehn (Tailoring)
- Sharani Rehn (Chainmail armor)
- Healer Deshuva Shahar (Healer)
- Ryhajin Kajek (Shaman GM)
- Okyarna Rehn (Potions)
- Kesh Rehn (? supplies)
- Bhera Jasinth (Shaman spells)
- Esha Rehn (Shaman spells)
- Garath Khura (Shaman spells)
- Verjya Hakahm (Beastlord GM)
- Tisha Keshuval (Beastlord spells)
- Yishi Rehn (Beastlord, Monk, and Shaman supplies)
- Lashar Kashek (Beastlord spells)
- Unbinder Wrashera Kajek (Unbinder)
- Laresh Hakahm (Warrior supplies)
- Lyjan Vahl (Warrior GM)
- Frayshi Rehn (Bags)
- Tuushal Vahl (Platemail)
- Kyrshi Laythen (Weapons)
- Jhalan Hakahm (Blacksmithing)
- Sorysia Laythen (Fletching)
- Cytha Rehn
- Ora Rehn
- an old adventurer
The Runnyeye Cabal
See also: Automatically updating Items table.
- Vah Shield
- Vah Spear
- Crude Sermon
- Valk Emblem of Honor
- Martial Headband
- Kish-Ka War Plans
- Ornate Neckguard
- Valk Parryblade
- Armored Chitin
- Runed Skull
- Kish-Ka Claw
- Casting Bones
- Patch of Diseased Skin
- Bloody Horn
- Crude Idol
- Bugbow
- Notched Belt
- Kish-Ka Wing
- Kish-Ka Talon
- Valk War Plans
- Gold Nosering
- Bloodied Kish-Ka Claw
- Sword of the Lake
- Kish-Ka War Sledge
- Red Chestplate
- Ensouled Spear
- Muddy Boots
- War Drum
- Trilobite Scales
- Crown of Victory
- Valk Gizzard
- Valk Brain
- Throwing Stone
- Pristine Trilobite Scales
- Autumn Leaf
- Streamlined Cape
- Ring of the West (Item)
- Valk Warmind
- Unlife Totem
- Ring of the East (Klikiti-klik)
- Lakestone
- Ring of the East (valk regret)
- Drought of Two Lives
- Mountaineering Shoulderpads
- Blue Sleeves
- Bangle of Health
- Angler Meat
- Piranha Meat
- Knifefish Meat
- Pristine Knifefish Blade
- Pristine Fishbones
- Scuffed Fishbones
- Broken Knifefish Blade