Gimble requires that you go to Western Plaguelands and pick up some items that were somehow scattered. He requires you to get four items. The items are Scitterous Mechanopendages, node of chemicular vigor, Wiggy orbinous puppetosphere, and axelized rotational matrix. Respawn on items is 1.5 hours and all items are lore.
Find Gimble Highsprocket (Shadowdale at 1484, 2307, 297 •) .
You say, 'Hail, Gimble Highsprocket'
Gimble Highsprocket says, 'Good day to you! Come to help, have you? We can always use more able minds.'
You say, 'What are you doing here?'
Gimble Highsprocket says, 'You mean what are *we* doing here?' Gimble taps his nose. 'You're part of the Council now, remember. And we're here studying the mysteries of the dale.'
You say, 'What mysteries?'
Gimble Highsprocket says, 'The creatures, the place, but,' he lowers his voice, 'above all, the ghosts. Rivervale is severely haunted, and we mean to learn the why, how, and what of it.'
You say, 'How can I help?'
Gimble Highsprocket says, 'Glad you asked. We had a shipment of bits'n'pieces lost in the West Plaguelands. The contents of the caravan were scattered across the area, but I need those contents, and so I need you to get them back for me. Alternately, there's another project we've been working on.'
You say, 'That sounds simple enough.'
Gimble Highsprocket says, 'That's because I'm not done talking! The contents were housed in special boxes that are now destroyed. Suffice it to say, you can't have more than one of the same kind of bits'n'piece at a time, or bad things happen. You'll have to make a few trips.'
You say, 'Bad things?'
Gimble Highsprocket says, 'Very bad things.'
You say, 'How many kinds are there?'
Gimble Highsprocket says, 'Only four. You'll know them when you see them--gnomish engineering is recognizable anywhere! Each set you bring back will put us a long way towards our goal, and you towards your promotion. Now get going!'
Your journal has been updated. [Bits and Pieces]
Journal Text: I was told to scour the Western Plaguelands for various gnomish items.
Note: A combination Invisibility and Invisibility versus Undead make this an incredibly safe and easy quest to do. All items are [LORE] and [NO DROP], so each set much be collected separately. Be careful when looting the south-east spawn of Scitterous Mechanopendages not to click on the throne which serves as a port-in to Plane of Entropy.
Gather and give Gimble Highsprocket:
- Axelized Rotational Matrix
- Scitterous Mechanopendages
- Node of Chemicular Vigor
- Wiggly, Orbinous Puppetosphere
Gimble Highsprocket says, 'Oh, thank you! Thank you thank you thankyouthankyou!' He holds the parts lovingly. 'Yes, pretties, you're with daddy now. There's no need to fret.' He looks back to you. 'I still need more parts, if you've got the time.'
You gain faction experience!!
Your journal has been updated. [Bits and Pieces]
Journal Text: I retrieved some of the parts from the Western Plaguelands, but Gimble still needs more.
On the 2nd turn in:
Gimble Highsprocket says, 'Oh, thank you! Thank you thank you thankyouthankyou!' He holds the parts lovingly. 'Yes, pretties, you're with daddy now. There's no need to fret.' He looks back to you. 'I still need more parts, if you've got the time.'
You gain faction experience!!
On the 3rd turn in:
Note: Once the journal entry for A Bug on the Wall becomes active, it is best to avoid asking Gimble Highsprocket about his robot since it will start the escort event.
Note: He will give the same dialog on the 4th set of turn ins without the journal updates.
Gimble Highsprocket says, 'Oh, thank you! Thank you thank you thankyouthankyou!' He holds the parts lovingly. 'Yes, pretties, you're with daddy now. There's no need to fret.' He looks back to you. 'I have enough parts, now, but I can always use more spares!'
You gain faction experience!!
Your journal has been updated. [Bits and Pieces]
Journal Text: I retrieved some of the parts from the Western Plaguelands. Gimble has enough now, but could use a few spare parts.
Your journal has been updated. [A Bug on the Wall]
On turning in the 5th and final set:
Gimble Highsprocket says, 'Oh, thank you! Thank you thank you thankyouthankyou!' He holds the parts lovingly. 'Yes, pretties, you're with daddy now. There's no need to fret.' He looks back to you. 'You've recovered the entire shipment and done the Council a great service. Thank you.'
You gain faction experience!!
You have completed a quest. [Bits and Pieces]
Journal Text: I recovered the entire shipment of parts.