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A beneficial effect that increases the target's attack speed. Haste is of course the opposite of Slow, and does nothing for ones accuracy. There is no haste cap on SoD, but certain abilities do have a maximum haste that will affect them. For example the refresh timer on the Rogue ability Backstab caps at 100% haste, and can never be faster than 5 seconds (Backstab however has hidden benefits from haste effects).
The sources of haste include:
- Item Haste: As found on the items listed below
- Spell Haste: As found in spells like Swift like the Wind. Most Bard haste falls in this category.
- Illusion/Special Haste: Given via certain AA's, certain spells (Enchanter's Boon of the Vulfwere) and other things (Special item clickies) (See: Melee Haste v2 Effects)
- Song Haste: Some songs give regular spell haste (and do not stack with other types of spell haste), and some give song overhaste.The primary source of song overhaste are songs such as Relic: Fiery Warcry of Taryhl (See: Melee Haste v3 Effects)
- Stance Haste: the various stances available to melee classes often have a haste component.
Haste from these sources is additive. That is to find your total haste, just add the highest haste from each category together, and there you go. So a Ranger with Shoulderpads of Alacrity and full Quickness cast on him would have 52% haste.
Haste spells on the parser denote haste by assuming 100 is base line, and anything over that is hasted. Therefore a spell with effect Attack Speed: 160, is a 60% haste. Given that, the ranger in the above example would be attacking at 152% of his base attack speed. A weapon that strikes 20 times per minute would instead swing around 30 times per minute.
Haste By Class
Class | Level | Spell Name | Buff Type | Haste | Duration (Ticks) |
Enchanter, Shaman | 16, 29 | Quickness | Single Target | 20-30 | 300 ticks |
Enchanter, Shaman, Beastlord | 29, 44, 60 | Alacrity | Single Target | 40 | 240 ticks |
Enchanter, Shaman, Beastlord | 39, 56, 63 | Celerity | Single Target | 50 | 275 ticks |
Shaman | 60 | Ancient: Gift of Celerity | Group | 50 | 320 ticks |
Enchanter, Shaman | 49, 63 | Swift like the Wind | Single Target | 60 | 160 ticks |
Enchanter | 53 | Adrecia's Quickening | Single Target | 64 | 240 ticks |
Enchanter | 56 | Augment | Single Target | 45 | 1200 ticks |
Enchanter | 60 | Visions of Grandeur | Single Target | 75 | 420 ticks |
Enchanter | 64 | Empower | Single Target | 60 | 1800 ticks |
Enchanter | 65 | Glory of Enthann | Group | 77 | 600 ticks |
Buff Haste
Buff Overhaste
Buff Type | Haste | Duration (Ticks) | Buff Name |
Self | 10 | 20 | Strength of the Sun |
Group Song | 10 | 3 | Spell: Battlecry of the Tribes |
Group Song | 15 | 3 | Spell: Warsong of the Tribes |
Group Song | 20 | 3 | Spell: Warchant of the Tribes |
Group Song | 22 | 3 | Spell: Relic: Fiery Warcry of Tarhyl |
Single | 60 | 4 | Spell: Boon of the Vulfwere |
Class | Haste | Style Name |
ALL | 5 | Aggressive |
Beastlord | ??? | Flurry of Blows |
Bard | ??? | Focused Blade |
Warrior | ??? | Frenzied Attack |
Alternate Advancement
Haste Type | Haste | AA Name |
Necro Pet Style | +/- 5 | Minion Skills |
Warrior AE Haste | 5, 15, 25 | Warcry |
Beastlord Pet Over Haste | 25 | Spirit Steed |
Ranger Over Haste | 5, 10, 15 | Guardian of the Forest |
Item Haste
Spell: Haste
Item | Image | Worn Effect | Slots | Class | Source |
Boots of the Journey |
Amulet of Earth |
Bodyguard's Knuckles |
Belt of Atavism |
Black Headband of War |
Antique Plate Greaves |
Attuned Control Ring |
Blackstone Leggings |
Barak's Chromatic Headband |
Belt of Darting Blades |
Boots of Wonderous Motion |
Boots of the Deft |
Cane of Blinding Strikes |
Burglar's Hood |
Belt of the Black |
Quickstep Clogs |
Silkenmail Sleeves |
Battlepriest's Bulwark |
Boots of Martial Discipline |
Cloak of the Infernal |
Cloak of Pernicity |
Ciadrian Crystal |
Cloak of Blind Rage |
Cloak of Velocity |
Cloak of the Wind |
Broken Shackles of the Forgotten |
| ||
Cloak of Valor |
Cape of Tradition |
Cowl of Choleric Impulse |
Diadem of Tarhyl's Anointed |
Collar of the Faithful |
Acidic Chest Wraps |
Disciple's Chestwraps of Balance |
Bloody Cloak of the Offering |
Dauntless, Ruby of Enthann |
Chosen Sorcerer Bauble |
Emerald Scale Cloak |
Dragonskin Sash |
Cajaf, Choker of Recollection |
Choker of Rapidity |
Girdle of Lightning |
Golem Pacemaker |
Crystal-Shard Band |
Flowing Black Silk Cloak |
Fossilized Bone Fragment |
Gem of Chrono Shifting |
Idol of Melee |
Heartstone of the Caverns |
Hand's Hood |
Large Windswept Earstud |
Lightweight Scalemail Visor |
Mantle of Swift Decisions |
Lioness-Fur Loincloth |
Manleather Handwraps |
Heavily Padded Shoes |
Oddment Strung Scarf |
Legwraps of Woven Quintessence |
Mossy Tunic |
Platinum Jacinth Earring |
Pneumatic Support Brace |
Ripped Black Cloak |
Platinum Jacinth Ring |
Sash of Twitching Flesh |
Sandals of Discord |
Nethunian Battle Beads |
Rage |
Ranger's Banded Tunic |
Scratches on the Wall |
Rezeawan Hide Leggings |
Rogue's Hood |
Robes of the Dark |
Seamless Cloak of Grace |
Raptor Claw Effigy |
Reznolaw Claw Necklace |
Knife's Hood |
Rotting Hide Cloak |
Shoulderpads of Alacrity |
Spear of Provocation |
Slime Covered Helmet |
Spore Covered Trinket |
Summoned: Ring of Velocity |
Summoned: Bauble of Battle |
Throes of the Immolated |
Vile, Boots of the First Flesh |
Twirling Sandals |
Totem of the Claw-Leader |
Witbound Necklace |
Vest of Intangible Speed |
Windblade |
Turtle Skin Sash |
Frilakh Scale Boots |
Carved Stick |
Vile Girdle of Fury |
Ugahn's Broken Earhoop |
Windwoven Armbands |
Juggernaught's Baton of Frenzy |
Ysthar Battle Finery |
Id, Barbed Choker of Pride |
Charred Bolster Belt |
Sash of the Disciple |
Shroud of Delusion |
Shamgar's Darkplate Visor |
Platinum Jacinth Necklace |
Whispers of Zealous Rapture |
Steamfont Iron Greaves |
Ring of Sealed Souls |
Funerary Shroud of the High Seas |
Sash of the Animation |
Wristband of the Old Empire |
Quickstream Bracers |
Aeron Mithril Mantle |
Swift Brood Claws |
Veil of Fevered Madness |
Gloves of Violent Paroxysms |
Impetuous Skullcap |
Fuzzy Fur Drape |
Scabbard of Vengeful Spirits |
Pickpocket's Hood |
Confine of the Rushing Stream |
Sight of Recklessness |
Mask of Persistent Strikes |
Dark Shield of the Entropic Recruit |
Staff of the Cult Priest |
Hellhound Flesh Robe |
Optimum Gear |
Choker of Viciousness |
Shroud of the Battlemaster |
Piercing of the False Avatar |
Girdle of Frenzied Spirits |
Strands of the Severed Fate |
Gauntlets of Altered Perception |
Shadow-stitched Tunic |
Prophetic Visions |
Shroud of Misery |
Pauldrons of Dragonkin/Faction Bound |
Vile Girdle of Fury/Faction Bound |
Shiny Orb of Radiating Ore |
Soulstone |
Quiver of Strategy |
Strands of Reanimation |
Faceplate of Alacrity |
Speckled Obsidian Compass |
Cloak of Velocity/Faction Bound |
Belahfri, Plates of Brutal Impact |
Black Sash of Swiftness |
Pauldrons of Dragonkin |
Adroit Coif |
Raging Wraps |
Prismatic Visage |
Pre Sentient Yclistinite Pick |
Visor of Elemental Abandon |
Imperceptible Bonds |
Streaming Fungus Strain Sash |
Turtle Skin Headband |
Flowing Black Silk Sleeves |
Enameled Berserker Chestplate |
Shiny Berserker Chestplate |
Frenzied Focus Bead |
Igneous Cummerbund |
Earring of the Sudden Tempest |
Runed Bolster Belt |
Runed Berserker Chestplate |
Halasian Berserker Belt |
Dragon Collar |
Flowing Wind Wisps |
Storm Tyrant's Crown |
Wind Phoenix Cape |
Froglok Skull Pauldrons |
Smear of Pink Tentacle Blood |
Bancak Mining Pick |
Cape of Rotting Flesh |
Golem Grip |
Quickstone Cloak |
Decadent Royal Greaves |
Flowing Silt Cap |
Fungus-Infested Brain Matter |
Harusk's Brutality |
Lakelord's Tiny Orbiter |
Impetus |
Expeditious Cape |
Sash of the Archmage |
Blackiron Shackles |
Shrunken Head on a String |
Elder's Habit |
Faemetal Legplates |
Shadowwalker |
Pupil's Habit |
Golem Lubricant |
Stewardship |
Cloak of the Wayward Dragon |
Snapper's Claw |
Digger's Shovel |
Vibrating Tunnel Gem |
Tadpole's Habit |
Burdensome Bonemask |
Bellator, Brute of the Razad |
Bellator, Brute of the Razad II |
Gift of the Fire Mephit |
Impetus, Treachery of the Razad |
Scimitar of Misbegotten Elements |
Speedy Servo |
Awendela's Prowess |
Clergyman's Silvered Cinch |
Impetus, Treachery of the Razad II |
Stewardship II |
Forced March |
Sash of Midnight |
Bead of the Chosen |
Impetus, Fury of the Razad II |
Impetus, Fury of the Razad |
Shadowwalker II |
Scornwood Drum |
Femme Fatale's Fragrance |
Ank'Ai, the Corporeal Curse |
Haze From the Unknown |
Shield of Ageomast |
Yclistinite Gavel |
Gloves of Reparation |
Irregular Earring |
Pretender's Longsword |
Harusk's Brutality II |
Twinkling Emerald Ring |
Band of Shadar Logoth |
Shroud of Spiritual Quickening |
Tunic of Flayed Flesh |
Cover of Darkness |
Scholar's Habit |
String of Severed Ears |
Terrorfang Necklace |
War-Painted Scout Mask |
Necklace of the Worshipper |
Pendant of Raging Blizzards |
Frantic Talon |
Batwing Beltbuckle |
Hurricane/Item |
Razadian Loincloth |
Black Steel Leggings |
Mantle of the Foreseen |
Brutal Torque of Molestation |
Finden's Vault Key |
Copper Node Ring |
Frostleaper's Headband |
Scythe of Torment |
Ornate Spear |
Pixie-Woven Hood |