You must prove yourself to Tarhansar by helping his followers.
Find Tarhansar the Deep One (Caverns of the Deep One at 1087, -798, -557 •)
You say, 'Hail, Tarhansar the Deep One'
Tarhansar the Deep One slowly looks at you, his eyes piercing your essence. 'You. Are. <Player Name>?
You say, 'I am Deep One.'
Tarhansar the Deep One says, 'I. Have. Heard. Of. You. We. Have. Need. Of. Your. Talents.'
You say, 'I am honored Deep One, but who is this 'we'.'
Tarhansar the Deep One says, 'Darkness. Comes. <Player Name>. Like. A. Plague. Consuming. All.'
You say, 'I don't think I understand.'
Tarhansar the Deep One says, 'You. Will. I. Tire. Speak. To. My. Projection. It. Shall. Be. My. Youth. You. Shall. Be. My. Hand.'
Projection of the Deep
Find Projection of the Deep (Caverns of the Deep One at -1210, 20, 3 • Near Zone In)
You say, 'Hail, Projection of the Deep'
Projection of the Deep seems to glow for a moment. 'This is much better. I am Tarhansar, and it is my pleasure to speak with you <Player Name>.'
You say, 'But... you aren't the Deep One!'
Projection of the Deep says, 'I am the Ocean. I am the seas. I am a part of everything in this realm, and can speak through them when the need arises. I must conserve my strength, for the darkness ahead.'
You say, 'You mention this darkness again... and you said you had need of me...'
Projection of the Deep says, 'Indeed. <Player Name> I represent many things to many people. Many worship me hoping I will bring them safety or fortune. And these I help when I can. Others, like you, see me as a way to enhance the greater good. In these dark times, people like you helping my other worshipers, is the most important thing I can do.'
You say, 'Who needs help Deep One? I'll do what I can.'
Projection of the Deep says, 'Before I send you out and into danger, I wish for you to prove yourself. Those most devout to me, often leave offerings, jewelry blessed in my name. I wish for you to collect three such tokens, left by bodies of water for my servants to collect. A fishing village in the Western Badlands. A gnoll village in Lake Starfall. The cliffs of Erudin. Find the offerings, and bring them to me, and then the true tasks can begin.'
Gather and give Projection of the Deep:
- Lake Blessed Necklace
- River Blessed Necklace
- Bay Blessed Necklace
Projection of the Deep glows deeply for a moment. 'The prayers and hope of the people empower me.'
You gain 7500 experience!!
You say, 'Shall we speak of this coming darkness now?'
Projection of the Deep says, 'It is a subtle thing <Player Name>. I know not the nature of what I feel. But it is something you can feel in sea. See in the action of those who come near it. This darkness could consume my followers if given free reign. I ask now for you to become a defender.'
You say, 'A defender?'
Projection of the Deep says, 'It is my way. The defender. We shield those who can not defend themselves. We protect those in danger when they need it most. But you are free to do so by any means you see fit.'
You say, 'Very well, what is my task then?'
Projection of the Deep says, 'In the Sea of Swords, live Sarin and Marika Clearwater. They own an inn on an island, and give respite to weary travelers. They have prayed for relief, and I wish to grant them assistance. Find them, and assist in any way you can. This I command.'
Marika Clearwater
Find Marika Clearwater (Sea of Swords at -2200, 7700 • On the Island of Voices)
You say, 'Hail, Marika Clearwater'
Marika Clearwater says, 'Name's Marika, friend. My husband owns this little inn. Everyone's welcome to this holy place. Do you need a room for the night?'
You say, 'I come in the name of the Deep One. What troubles you enough to seek out Tarhansar's aid.'
Marika Clearwater says, 'Tarhansar has sent you to answer our prayers? Praise to the Deep One! We have a terrible situation that no one will handle. Please help us.'
You say, 'Tell me what plagues you.'
Marika Clearwater says, 'Pirates. They have always been a part of life on the high seas, and they would occasionally cause us trouble here, but it has gotten unbearable in the last few months. The Silvercrown do nothing to stop them, rather employing them to stop the Blackscale vessels instead. I fear for us and the others who depend on this island.'
You say, 'Then I shall remind the pirates that they depend on Tarhansars grace more than most.'
Marika Clearwater says, 'Thank you! Return to quickly when you have finished with proof of the deed. A dagger and three earrings should be enough. We should be able to use these as proof that Tarhansar favors us, and keep them away from our home.'
Gather and give Marika Clearwater:
- Cutthroat's Knife
- Pirate Earring x3
Marika Clearwater says, 'Glory to the Deep One! And thank you <Player Name>. Here, it isn't much but it is a reward for you. This, however, belongs to Tarhansar now. Please take it as a sacrifice and symbol of our devotion to the Deep One.'
You gain 9000 experience!!
You receive Ocean Blessed Necklace from Marika Clearwater.
You receive 25
Give Ocean Blessed Necklace to Projection of the Deep
Projection of the Deep glows deeply for a moment. 'The prayers and hope of the people empower me. You have done well <Player Name>.'
You feel a Small surge of energy as someone else gates in nearby. Frankie Furfoot says, 'Hold on Projection! I've got one too!'
You gain 5000 experience!!
You say, 'Hail, Frankie Furfoot'
Frankie Furfoot says, 'Yo, what up?'
You say, 'Umm hi?'
Frankie Furfoot says, 'We already did that part. You aren't very smart are you?'
You say, 'Hey who do you think you are buddy!'
Frankie Furfoot says, 'Frankie Furfoot's the name. I take it you're a Tarhansar worshipper as well?'
You say, 'Indeed, I just completed my first mission for the Deep One.'
Frankie Furfoot nods. 'Ya, lots to do around here. Sometimes it seems only Tarhansar actually keeps an eye out for the little guy. I mean where's Althuna, am I right?'
You say, 'She has her reasons I'm sure.'
Frankie Furfoot says, 'Lemme tell you something. They ain't good ones. You don't let people die just cuz whats happening to them isn't against some arbitrary moral code.'
You say, 'I don't really care about her.'
Frankie Furfoot nods, 'Ya she ain't worth the time. Not when we got heads to bust in Tarhansars name!'
Projection of the Deep says, 'Enough Frankie. You have your orders investigate the Northern Wastes of Tarhyl. <Player Name>, speak with me, I have another task for you as well.'
Frankie Furfoot says, 'Ya, ya. Catch ya <Player Name>.'
You say, 'Hail, Projection of the Deep'
Projection of the Deep glows deeply for a moment. 'Frankie is a... character... do not worry yourself too much with him. He is loyal and comes through when he must. That is all I ask of any follower.'
You say, 'He seems ok to me.'
Projection of the Deep says, 'I don't ask that you like my servants, <Player Name>. Just that you work with them when the need arrises. Enough idle talk, on to your task.'
You say, 'What seems to be the problem?'
Projection of the Deep says, 'I would ask that you return to the isle of the Erudites. Erudin is known as a sanctuary of knowledge and freemen. My influence there is Small, despite the islands size, thus I treasure my few followers there.'
You say, 'Who needs my assistance in Erudin?
Projection of the Deep says, 'Her name is High Priestess Chaunella. And though she does not preach my word to her peers, she does much to keep the seas around Erudin safe. Whatever she needs, you are to accomplish. I expect no less from one with such inner strength.'
High Priestess Chaunella
Find High Priestess Chaunella (Erudin at -715, -85 • Temple of the Divine Light)
You say, 'I am here to assist you today Priestess.'
High Priestess Chaunella says, 'Praise to the Deep One. <Player Name>, I have a matter most grave that I can not attend to.'
You say, 'What is it, I can help.'
High Priestess Chaunella says, 'I hope you can. In the nearby Mist Woods, exists a manor quite dark, brimming with evil and forbidden magics. While the usual adventurer keeps the number of creatures there to a manageable level, a necromancer known as the Master Preserver is making things complicated.'
You say, 'Master Preserver? How so?'
High Priestess Chaunella says, 'He... I know him <Player Name>. We were siblings a long time ago. We were poor then... a fishing family trying to get by. He lost his way. I've tried to protect him, keep him as safe as I can, in the deluded hope that maybe he would return, but he has gone too far. And I don't have the strength to stop him.'
You say, 'What is he planning?'
High Priestess Chaunella says, 'He's already moved. He is kidnapping citizens of Erudin, the young and the sick, and performing cruel experiments on them. <Player Name>, please. Kill my brother. No, kill this Master Preserver who inhabits my brothers body. My brother has a very distinct scar across his hands. Bring me back one as proof that you have done what must be done. If he will not show himself, try to lure him out by attacking other preservers.'
Gather and give Preserved Hand of the Preserver to High Priestess Chaunella.
High Priestess Chaunella sighs. 'Thank you <Player Name>... I... I need to take this in but...
You gain 10000 experience!!
You say, 'Hail, High Priestess Chaunella'
High Priestess Chaunella finds her resolve. 'I'll be fine. But we have another minor emergency that needs to be handled, and no one to do it. A Large bear, nick named Old Mist Paw has lived in the Mist Woods for years. He's always left us alone, but for reasons no one understands he has begun to attack travelers. It's hurting children <Player Name>. We can't have that. Please end the menace, and bring back his paw.'
Find and kill Old Mist Foot to loot An Old Bear Paw.
Give An Old Bear Paw to High Priestess Chaunella
High Priestess Chaunella sighs again. 'Thank you <Player Name>. Thanks for everything. I swear I'll repay you someday, but for now, take this offering to the Deep One. I shall remain ever vigilant to threats to his domain.'
You gain 10000 experience!!
You receive Tear Blessed Necklace from High Priestess Chaunella
You say, 'May the Deep One bless you priestess.'
High Priestess Chaunella says, 'And may he protect you <Player Name>.'
You say, 'May the Deep One bless you priestess.'
High Priestess Chaunella says, 'And may he protect you <Player Name>.'
Give the Tear Blessed Necklace to Projection of the Deep
Projection of the Deep glows deeply for a moment. ‘The prayers and hope of such a Priestess empower me. You have done well <Player Name>. But I fear that the Fur Footed one is in trouble.’
You gain 7500 experience!!
You say, ‘Frankie? I’m sure he’s fine.’
Projection of the Deep glowers a bit. ‘For his flaws, Frankie is reliable. And I worry for all my followers, even the capable.’
You say, ‘Do you want me to check on him?’
Projection of the Deep says, ‘Yes. I sent him to investigate some dark ruins in the Northern Desert of Tarhyl. They seem more active than usual as of late, and I thought that may have been related. He has not yet returned.’
Travel to the Northern Wastes of Tarhyl and find Frankie Furfoot at the dark ruins in the desert.
Frankie will be under attack by a Spectral Fury and four a tormented apparition.
Frankie Furfoot shouts, ‘Whoo whoo! Evil invulnerable spectre thing coming through! A little help here!’
Assist Frankie Furfoot in killing the Spectral Fury.
Note: Frankie Furfoot can be healed by players.
After the battle, speak with Frankie Furfoot.
You say, ‘Hail, Frankie Furfoot’
Frankie Furfoot says, ‘I’d never have figured that out on my own! You’re pretty smart <Player Name>!’
You say, ‘It could have tricked anyone.’
Frankie Furfoot says, ‘Ya but not you apparently… whatever. I have to report back to the Big Guy, I think this is definitely related to his visions.’
You gain 10000 experience!!
Return to Projection of the Deep.
You say, ‘Hail, Projection of the Deep’
Frankie Furfoot says, ‘Yo I’m here! All dried off now. I gotta get this amulet checked out, I swear it’s malfunctioning somehow.’
Projection of the Deep glowers a bit. ‘Enough Frankie, we will get to that soon enough. First, it is with great pleasure that I present to you a portion of my power. Powered by the belief and prayers of those you have helped, affix this pearl to your person, to show your devotion to me and my beliefs.’
You receive Blushing Pearl of Tarhansar from Projection of the Deep.
You gain 25000 experience!!