Kill Orc in Everchill Caverns to save the lost crew of Silver Crown hirelings.
Find Corporal Mangus (Everfrost at 1186, -999, -61 • Silver Crown camp, north ravine that connects Halas to the open area of the zone to the East.) .
You say, 'Hail, Corporal Mangus'
Corporal Mangus says, 'Bah, leave me be to my sorrow, Halfling. I be nothing but a sad excuse of a Corporal.'
You say, 'What's the matter?'
Mangus looks down and away from eye contact. 'I've dishonored the Silver Crown. I'm a disgrace to my name, to Kaladim, to Underhill, the world.'
You say, 'Wow, slow down and explain yourself.'
Mangus whimpers. 'I- We... were tasked with collecting supplies in the Everchill Caverns to the east of here. We knew of the orcs taking shelter there, but...' Magnus begins shaking as if he's seen a ghost.
You say, 'We? Do you mean there are others that might be in the caves still?'
Corporal Mangus says, 'Aye, friend. I was their leader. They were all new hirelings, too. They all looked up to me, a dwarf! I just managed to escape from those monsters. I'm not sure about the rest. They could very well be in there, still.'
You say, 'I think it's best that we go back in there. I'll bring my own crew along to help.'
Corporal Mangus says, 'Please, fer the love of the Divine Light, be VERY careful in there. I was overzealous to bring a crew of hirelings in there, don't make the same mistake I did. If you can find any proof of the others inside, please come back and inform me.'
Your journal has been updated. [Silver Crown - Icing the Everchill Orcs]
Journal Text: I met a very stressed Dwarf by the name of Mangus. He tried to bring a group of hirelings into the Everchill Caverns for a supply run, but ran into a terrible fate. I've offered my assistance to find the missing recruits, or what's left of them.
Kill Orc in Everchill Caverns.
You will receive the following messages as you progress in kills:
You are in the right area, keep looking for clues!
The grunt of orcs begin to echo around you. Keep going!
You can hear screaming from within the great caverns, the hirelings are here somewhere!
You believe you are getting closer to your goal...
Note: After around ~77 kills a Silver Crown Hireling will spawn.
You say, 'Hail, a Silver Crown Hireling'
a Silver Crown Hireling says, 'Oh, thank goodness, a strong adventurer. I thought I was a goner!'
You say, 'The way is clear, time to get back home, soldier.'
a Silver Crown Hireling says, 'No need to tell me twice, I'm outta here! Thanks for your help, I can get myself out from here.'
Your journal has been updated. [Silver Crown - Icing the Everchill Orcs]
Journal Text: I was able to find one of the hirelings! Time to head back and report to Mangus
Return to Corporal Mangus (Everfrost at 1186, -999, -61 • Silver Crown camp, north ravine that connects Halas to the open area of the zone to the East.) .
You say, 'Hail, Corporal Mangus'
Corporal Mangus says, 'You... found him! You found Sammy! I just sent him back to Halas.'
You gained faction experience!
You say, 'Mangus, if we were able to find one, I'm sure the rest of your crew is in there somewhere! I'm going back in to find them.'
Corporal Mangus says, 'Yer absolutely right, friend. I believe in you! Bring them back safely and I'll escort them back home!'
Your journal has been updated. [Silver Crown - Icing the Everchill Orcs]
Journal Text: Mangus is in a much more cheerful mood. Rightfully so! Time to go back into Everchill Caverns and find the rest of his crew.
Return to killing Orc in Everchill Caverns.
Note: You can save up to five (5) additional Silver Crown Hirelings. These remaining Hirelings will be easier to "find" than the first.
You will receive the following message as you progress in kills:
You are in the right area, keep looking!
Note: After around ~21 kills a Silver Crown Hireling will spawn.
You say, 'Hail, a Silver Crown Hireling'
a Silver Crown Hireling says, 'Oh, thank goodness, a strong adventurer. I thought I was a goner!'
You say, 'The way is clear, time to get back home, soldier.'
a Silver Crown Hireling says, 'No need to tell me twice, I'm outta here! Thanks for your help, I can get myself out from here.'
Note: You do *NOT* have to return to Corporal Mangus until you have saved all of the hirelings. Simply continue killing orc.
After the 6th and final rescue:
You found all the hirelings! Time to report back to Corporal Mangus.
Your journal has been updated. [Silver Crown - Icing the Everchill Orcs]
Journal Text: I found all the hirelings from Mangus' crew! Time to head back and check on Mangus himself.
Return to Corporal Mangus (Everfrost at 1186, -999, -61 • Silver Crown camp, north ravine that connects Halas to the open area of the zone to the East.) .
You say, 'Hail, Corporal Mangus'
Corporal Mangus says, 'Friend! I can't believe it! They're all back! I thought I lost those hirelings for forever.'
You say, 'Think nothing of it, Mangus. I think you deserve a drink and a good night's rest!'
You hear chattering outside of the igloo. 'Mangus! Come back to Halas with us! We wanna celebrate you and your bravery for rescuing us!'
You say, 'Sounds like the hirelings think you deserve a drink, too! Go on, Mangus, you earned it. They really do look up to you.'
Corporal Mangus says, 'Thank you. I'll never forget this, <Player Name>.'
You gained faction experience!
You have completed a quest. [Silver Crown - Icing the Everchill Orcs]
Journal Text: Corporal Mangus has his hirelings back, his pride, and his senses back. I did a great deed today!