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Proc is shorthand for procedure. It has become a synonym for combat effect because MUD designers would often implement such a feature by attaching a procedure to some action taken in game (like swinging a weapon). The attached procedure is the code that causes the effect to take place.
A Proc is an effect that an item does automatically when certain conditions are met. This differs from a Worn Effect in not always being active and an Item Effect which requires input from you. The frequency that your item Procs can never be changed by anything you do. Each item has a set percentage for how often it will go off.
What slot an item is in determines the condition for the Proc to activate. They are as follows:
- Chest - When you get hit with normal melee damage. Currently also works for AoEs.
- Feet - When you kick. All of the Monk kicks do apply.
- Hands - When you are attacking with your bare hands or use Dragon Punch.
- Wrist - When ever you cast a spell of the same spell type. (Beneficial spells proc Beneficial effects, etc)
- Primary - When you attack with your main hand.
- Secondary - When you attack with your secondary weapon or when you use the skill Slam. For shields it happens when you Bash.
- Ammo - When you attack with your primary or secondary weapon. (excludes arrows and throwing weapons)
- Shoulder - When you use the Slam ability (not Bash.)
Bows and other range weapons function like Primary. Spells that create a Proc effect also only activate when attacking from Primary, Secondary, or Range.
NPCs may also proc an effect when attacking or triggered (in the case of traps.)