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Scorpikin Curse
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Scorpikin Curse | ||
Quest giver | Coordinator Njorl | |
Previous quest | ||
Starting Zone | ||
Ending Zone | Thurgadin | |
Other Zone(s) | ||
Suggested Level Range | 51 - 60 | |
Item Reward(s) | ||
Currency Reward | 5 - 10 ![]() | |
Experience Reward | 20000 | |
Related overview |
Find Coordinator Njorl (Thurgadin at -183.48, 525.44 • Western area of the city) .
You say, 'Hail, Coordinator Njorl'
Coordinator Njorl says, 'Hail, <Player Name>.'
You say, 'Uh... hi. Could you show me the, uh, First Rank bounties?'
Coordinator Njorl says, 'Which wanted poster would you like to see, Hunter <Player Name>?'
You say, 'Show me [Scorpikin Curse]'.
Coordinator Njorl tells you, 'The poster reads: "My family is cursed. Fate has been against us ever since my father stole something from the ruins of Nagthilian. I've seen everyone I can find who claims to know something about curses, but all I've been able to find out is that it wasn't a spirit of Nagthilian that cursed him and his line, but one of the vile scorpikin that lurk in the twisted Darkwoods. I don't know how they can tell, but at this point, I have no choice but to trust them. I don't have any other clues... maybe if you'll be willing to just go and kill scorpikin until you can't take it anymore, you'll get the one that did this to us? I know it's not much, but I beg you to try." This is a General bounty.'
You say, 'I will take this bounty.'
Coordinator Njorl says, 'Good luck, Hunter <Player Name>'
Find a scorpikin, a scorpikin savage, a scorpikin cloaker or a scorpikin nightclaw and kill them until a presence spawns.
You say, 'Hail, a presence.'
a presence shuffles.
You say, 'This better be the one, I'm sick of these scorpikins already!!'
a vehement scorpikin gives you the evil eye.
Kill an vehement scorpikin.
Return to Coordinator Njorl.
You say, 'Hail, Coordinator Njorl'
Coordinator Njorl says, 'Well done, Hunter <Player Name>. Here is your reward.'
You receive 1 First Rank Bounty Token.
You gain 20000' experience!!