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Jump to navigationJump to search- Blessed Initiate Shield [NO DROP] [LORE ITEM] Slot: Secondary Class: CLR Race: ALL
- Bracelet of Miracles [NO DROP] [LORE ITEM] Slot: Wrist Class: ALL Race: ALL Effect: Circle of Light (Combat)
- Bag of Junk Class: ALL Race: ALL
- Bloodstorm Battle Dagger [BIND ON EQUIP] [LORE ITEM] Slot: Primary Secondary Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG NEC WIZ MAG ENC BST Race: ALL Effect: Strike of Venom (Combat) Skill Mod: Backstab +4
- Band of Shadar Logoth [BIND ON EQUIP] [LORE ITEM] Slot: Fingers Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST Race: ALL Effect: Haste 26% (Worn)
- Baby Renderfish Class: ALL Race: ALL
- Bat Skin Cap [NO DROP] [LORE ITEM] Slot: Head Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC Race: ALL
- Bajah's Hood [NO DROP] [LORE ITEM] Slot: Head Class: RNG MNK ROG BST Race: ALL
- Badland Catfish Class: ALL Race: ALL, Used in Brewing
- Bag of Stolen Money Class: ALL Race: ALL, Used in Stolen Money Quest
- Book: Beginning Alchemy
- Baby Swordfish Class: ALL Race: ALL
- Bronze Horn [BIND ON EQUIP] [LORE ITEM] Slot: Range Primary Secondary Class: BRD ROG Race: ALL
- Bracelet of Hateful Bones [BIND ON EQUIP] [LORE ITEM] Slot: Wrist Class: CLR DRU SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC Race: ALL Effect: Bane Enhancement V Shock of Poison (Combat)
- Bewitched Looking Glass [NO DROP] [LORE ITEM] Slot: Primary Class: ALL Race: ALL
- Blessed Wooden Band [BIND ON EQUIP] Slot: Wrist Class: RNG DRU Race: ALL
- Boots of the Invader [NO DROP] [LORE ITEM] Slot: Feet Class: PAL RNG MNK BRD ROG BST Race: ALL
- Bracelet of Destructive Breath [NO DROP] [LORE ITEM] Slot: Wrist Class: ALL Race: ALL Effect: Damage Increment V Flame Arc (Combat)
- Blue Leather Gloves [NO DROP] [LORE ITEM] Slot: Hands Class: ALL Race: ALL
- Bauble of Blood [BIND ON EQUIP] [LORE ITEM] Slot: Ear Class: CLR DRU SHM NEC WIZ MAG ENC Race: ALL
- Briar Wood Pipe Slot: Secondary Class: ALL Race: ALL Effect: Poor Quality Tobacco (Clicky)
- Brownie Prince's Hauberk [NO DROP] [LORE ITEM] Slot: Wrist Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD BRD ROG SHM Race: ALL Effect: Valiance I (Worn)
- Bag of Tricks [NO DROP] [LORE ITEM]