Privates Insignia
Find Judge Rouf Stoutmane (City of Mercy at -863, -75, 56 • Northeast Bar) .
You say, 'Hail, Judge Rouf Stoutmane
Judge Rouf Stoutmane says, 'Hail to you as well <player's race>.
Judge Rouf Stoutmane says, '<Player Name> is it? Well I'll be... didn't think it'd be this easy.'
You say, 'Sorry come again?'
Rouf's companion Friet speaks up. 'This is it? The bet is as good as won!'
You say, 'Did I miss something?
Judge Rouf Stoutmane says, 'Heh, maybe a bit. See me and Friet were just talkin about what exactly a Judges real job is.'
You say, 'Oh? What does this have to do with me?
Judge Rouf Stoutmane says, 'A bit of nothing, and a bit of everything I suppose... tell me <Player Name>... I know I haven't seen ya before, but you seem like a devout follower of Althuna... can you tell me exactly what you think a Judge does?
You say, 'To be honest, I'm not really sure at all.
Judge Rouf Stoutmane says, 'Interesting... <Player Name>, I'm gonna make yer life really difficult, because I personally believe my job is to change things fer the better. I don't know if thats really how I should do things, but thats how I feel. I'm gonna put in a recommendation for you to join the Rose Squadron. You'll need a second one but-'
You say, '*cough* Sorry, continue, didn't mean to interupt.
Judge Rouf Stoutmane says, 'Well interupt ya did. As I was saying, Eisa won't usually take on recruits as old as you, but if she gets a couple recommendations she has no choice. I want ya in thar for mah own reasons, but we'll need another. Hope ya don't mind runnin delivery boy a bit.'
You say, 'Not at all Honorable Judge.
Judge Rouf Stoutmane says, 'Excellent! I knew I saw ya right. Find High Priest Rodger, he is usually around the library in the Inner City, and bring him this letter. I am sure you won't dissapoint, <Player Name>, but be careful... they always start small...'
Friet Stonemind says, 'Please... how is this supposed to help anything? You're crazy, Rouf. <Player Name> isn't gonna be-
Judge Rouf Stoutmane says, 'Hush. Let em be.
You recieve High Priest's Letter from Judge Rouf Stoutmane.
Find and give High Priest's Letter to High Priest Rodger (City of Mercy at -2039, 848, 56 • Roams Inner City, Library (Passes by the doorway)) .
High Priest Rodger takes the letter from you, sees Rouf's seal on it and nods to himself. 'I see. I wonder what the old coot has planned. Ah well, we all dance for someone. <Player Name>, do me a favor, and find an old friend of mine, Eskos Naldeen. Say to him, EXACTLY as I say it 'We are still waiting for you'. Tell him that. I don't know where Eskos is these days, but I'd imagine he must have settled in some town by now.'
You gain 500 experience!!
Find Eskos Naldeen (Athica at 0, -220, 3 • Outside PAL guild) .
You say, 'We are still waiting for you.
Eskos Naldeen looks at you, but defeat is in his eyes. 'I... I just can't <Player Name>... tell him that. I won't be coming back. Not now or ever. Whatever Rodger wants done, he should find someone else... sorry to have wasted your time.
Return to High Priest Rodger.
You say, 'Hail, High Priest Rodger.'
High Priest Rodger sighs. 'I can tell by the look in your eyes that you have failed... its ok I wasn't reallly expecting anything more. I suppose if the best man for the job isn't availible, you make do, wouldn't you agree <Player Name>?
You say, 'What job? Care to clue me in?'
High Priest Rodger looks at you. 'Well... I suppose I'll trust the dwarf... who knows, maybe you'll surprise me. Ok here are a few coins like I promised. I've decided to give you my recommendation for the Rose Squadron. Go talk to Eisa, she's at one of the barracks. She'll be expecting you, but that will likely only make things harder for you. Go there and don't dissappoint. We'll see how much the dwarf really knows...'
Find Eisa of the Rose (City of Mercy at -1529, -1379, 57 • Patrols South East, near the barracks) .
You say, 'Hail, Eisa of the Rose'
Eisa of the Rose says, 'You are it? You have got to be kidding me... the rest of the crew will wreck you! What are Rouf and Rodger thinking... they get more daft every day. Seriously if I had you in my squad our reputation would begin an endless spiral towards-'
You say, 'Excuse me ma'am, but I would appreciate it if you would give me a chance.'
Eisa of the Rose laughs. 'You wouldn't last a minute with my newest recruit.'
You say, 'I'll take that challenge.'
Eisa of the Rose says, 'Privae Reeve, front and center! You got a challenger! Talk to him when you're ready.'
You say, 'Hail, Private Reeve.'
Private Reeve says, 'Ha! I'll make short work of you. I'm one of Captain Aiden and Duke Thanes hand selected candidates .'
You say, 'Who and who?'
Private Reeve gasps in amazement. 'Duke Thanes... the head crusader of Althuna. Her greatest champion. The Righteous One. Slayer of the Decadent. Defender of the law. And his favored Captain, Aiden. What kind of recruit are you!'
You say, 'Out of the loop clearly... are you ready to fight?'
Note: When she spawns a test npc make sure to remove damage shields/ pets/ and do not auto attack. Also make sure that you also turn your back to him if you have riposte. Just stand there for 60 seconds.
Eisa of the Rose shouts, 'Enough! The fight is over! You lose Reeve. And we will have a talk about your behavior...'
You say, 'Hail, Eisa of the Rose.'
Eisa of the Rose says, 'Well done <Player Name>. Even with the Private acting in an unhonorable way, you still came out ahead. I approve of you a bit more now. We do have another problem though.'
You say, 'Anything involving me?'
Eisa of the Rose says, 'All about you in fact. Look at that gear you are wearing! Ridiculous. If you want to be a member of the Rose Squadron, you better dress like a member of the Rose Squadron. Go find Smith Mithrilhart and ask him for a Rose Squadron package. I'll send out Reeve to let him know you're coming.'
Find Smith Mithrilhart (City of Mercy at 100, -950 • Inside the top "merchant shop," on the outside circle, northmost building set.) .
You say, Hail, Smith Mithrilhart.'
Smith Mithrilhart says, 'Hmph. You are Eisa's new recruit? Whatever.'
You say, 'I was told you had gear for me.'
Smith Mithrilhart says, 'Ya... well maybe I don't.'
You say, 'Ya... well do you?'
Smith Mithilhart says, 'No.
You say, 'Care to elaborate? Maybe I can help.'
Smith Mithrilhart says, 'Fine. Well we usually get our deliveries from the Silvercrown outta the Oggok mines. Been some trouble there lately, and prices are up alot, but thats not really the issue. The shipment left Oggok, and was going toward Freeport, but the merchants never arrived.
You say, 'Thats terrible! Did they find out what happened to him.'
Smith Mithrilhart says, 'No, no they didn't. And now I have no supplies. It was really lose lose.'
Find Merchant's Corpse (Southern Waste of Tarhyl at 478, 555 • North of the Dawn Tribe orc camp) . Hail it and kill a brazen bandit that spawn
Loot and give Mercy Runed Chest to Smith Mithrilhart.
Smith Mithrilhart says, 'Well I'll be... you're more resourceful than you look! Well here then, as it turns out I do have some armor left over. Its all yours, free of charge.'
You receive Rose Squadron Uniform from Smith Mithrilhart.
Return to Eisa of the Rose.
You say, 'Hail, Eisa of the Rose.'
Eisa of the Rose says, 'I heard what you did in the desert <Player Name>, thats really impressive. I mean it. Most people would have come back to me for orders, and many would punish you for going out on your own, but I like that in a recruit. Too many people these days are complacent... apathetic really. They won't act until they have no choice, and its far too late by then'
You say, 'Thank you Ma'am'
Eisa of the Rose says, 'Yes, well you've certainly passed my first two tests, even if I didn't really give them to you, both mercy and bravery. Your next lesson will be survival. You up for this?
You say, 'Yes I am Ma'am'
Eisa of the Rose says, 'I like the attitude at least. I am going to be sending you and a few other recruits to meet with the ranger, Vicks Sureshot. He'll take you on a simple overnight in the Sea of Swords. He should be stationed near the silvercrown, but far enough away from them, that they shouldn't interfere with the lessons. Go meet him out there, and do as he says. Survival is one of the more important lessons you can learn'
Three Tasks for the Tracker
Find Tracker Vicks Sureshot (Sea of Swords at 562, -9856 • Silver Crown island) .
You say, 'Hail, Tracker Vicks Sureshot.'
Follow Tracker Vicks Sureshot, kill an ambush, of (Unknown).
You say, 'Hail, an eager rose recruit.'
You say, 'Hail, Tracker Vicks Sureshot.'
Kill 20 lizards, then return to Tracker Vicks Sureshot.
Note: You have to get the killshot yourself.
You say, 'Hail, Tracker Vicks Sureshot.'
Kill 20 pirates, then return to Tracker Vicks Sureshot.
Note: You have to get the killshot yourself.
You say, 'Hail, Tracker Vicks Sureshot.'
Return to Eisa of the Rose.
You say, 'Hail, Eisa of the Rose.'
Gather and give Lover's Letter to Eisa of the Rose.
You receive Privates Insignia from Eisa of the Rose.
Sgt. Major's Insignia
Find Captain Aiden (City of Mercy at -1600, -650, -70 • Roams near prison area (south middle)) .
You say, 'Hail, Captain Aiden'
Captain Aiden says, 'Ghugran? Oh yes... my new subordinate... oh... this is not good. Thanes will lose respect for my unit if someone like you is seen in it... what to do..'
You say, 'Say what? I have already proven an effective-'
Captain Aiden shouts, 'DO NOT TALK BACK TO A SUPERIOR OFFICER! Do you understand me Ghugran. Never, ever, ever even consider thinking about talking back to me if you haven't been asked your opinions, and be assured your opinion is not important to me at all!'
You say, 'I am not someone to be trifled with Captain, I'll report this to-'
Captain Aiden says, 'You? Report me? To anyone? Please! My only superior is Duke Thanes the Righteous, and who will he side with? A little dirt like yourself, known for head strong foolishness, running off into the desert or island hopping, without any order too? Or myself, his right hand man for 15 years. Besides I have done nothing but put you in your place, something he would have done with his sword if you had dared speak at him. Oh, or do you mean to the Judge or Lady Rose. I don't answer to them. I only answer to Thanes.'
You say, 'What about Althuna?'
Captain Aiden says, 'I... yes of course. The Lady Althuna as well. Her most just and wise Lady always holds a special place in my heart. And her chosen, her strongest, is Duke Thanes, which you would do well to remember. On an unrelated note I think I figured out what to do with you.'
You say, 'Oh? Do share.'
Captain Aiden says, 'Yes, Private Peters could use a relief man. He's guarding a dangerous criminal we caught out near King's Pass a couple weeks ago. He was tried, judged, and found guilty with no remorse. He awaits execution at the moment.'
You say, 'So you want me to go and guard a prisoner?'
Captain Aiden says, 'Correct. Find Private Peters and tell him he is allowed a break while you watch the prisoner. This is a simple task, so do it perfectly. Do not under any circumstances speak with the prisoner or otherwise interact with him. You will be disciplined if you do.'
Find Private Peters Greaven (City of Mercy at -1600, -650, -70 • Guards the prison area) .
You say, 'Hail, Private Peters Greaven'
Private Peters Greaven says, 'Ah you must be Captain Aidens new page! Glad to meet you. I am Private Peters.'
You say, 'Page...?'
Private Peters Greaven says, 'No need to be shy. I'm ready to be relieved. I'll be back in about ten minutes I think. You just stand here, and don't let anyone in. Its very important work for a Page, so don't mess up. Dangerous criminals are in there, we don't want anyone talking to them.'
You say, 'Ya... you do that.'
Private Peters Greaven says, 'Off to the bar! Wonder if Sasha is serving today!'
Find a regretful rogue (City of Mercy • In a cell, behind Private Peters Greaven) .
You say, 'Hail, a regretful rogue'
a regretful rogue says, 'Uh... why... why are you... you're not Peters...'
You say, 'This is correct.'
a regretful rogue says, 'You realize you are not supposed to talk to me right? You'll get in trouble.'
You say, 'I've been told as much.'
a regretful rogue says, 'Oh really? Brazen for an Althuna follower. Thought you were all just a bunch of sheep.'
You say, 'Thats not really a fair thing to say.'
a regretful rogue says, 'Maybe, but it is true. Only reason I'm in here is because of your no thinking follow orders mentality.'
You say, 'Why are you in here anyway?'
a regretful rogue says, 'Thievery, murder, running from the law, grand theft equine. The usual. Listen you don't seem all that bad for one of them... you should go back to guarding before whats his face returns. You shouldn't get into trouble over me.'
You say, 'For a convicted murder you seem fairly preoccupied with my well being.'
a regretful rogue says, 'I... there is no reason for anyone else to get hurt due to my actions.'
You say, 'Anyone else? What happened.'
a regretful rogue sighs. 'I... we were a pair. And we were going to hit the big on. The Newport Ironforge family... it was going to glorious. Enough to retire. Maybe get a little place in Kelethin... I don't know...
You say, 'We? Who was the other?'
a regretful rogue says, 'She... she was my everything. I'd give anything to know if she made it... I- dammit I hear Peters returning. Listen, I can die in peace if I know she made it. It's all in my journal, I lost it in the struggle on the canyon where they captured me. Near Kings Pass!'
Private Peters Greaven says, 'Hey! You aren't supposed to talk to the prisoners! What do you think you are doing!'
a regretful rogue shouts, 'Find her! Please! I beg you! She is my world!'
Private Peters Greaven shouts, 'What are you doing! No one gets in here to see the prisoner! No one!'
You say, 'Hail, Private Peters Greaven'
Private Peters Greaven says, 'I can't believe you disobeyed orders! Obeying the Captain is the most important thing you have to do. Get out of here! And rest assured the Captain will know everything!'
Gather Grant's Journal.
Find Kiera D'unteraux (unknown zone • unknown loc) .
You swear you hear a whisper up ahead.
You say, 'Hail, Kiera D'unteraux'
Cold... so cold...
Guide Kiera D'unteraux to the entrance to Halls of Mielech
A ghost! She's heading to The Halls of Mielech... I need to figure out whats happening...
Kiera D'unteraux moans and gestures towards the halls
Enter Halls of Mielech. She will spawn near the zone line again. Hail her and get emotes:
You say, 'Hail, Kiera D'unteraux'
Again you hear a whisper and chill in front of you. Kiera D'unteraux says, 'Knife hurt... trapped...
Kiera D'unteraux sinks into the ground... its going deeper, and deeper... perhaps as far as the Keep...
Enter Keep of Mielech through the most-south-eastern enterance and find Kiera D'unteraux.
You say, 'Hail, Kiera D'unteraux'
The apparition looks at you and wails softly... Kiera D'unteraux says, 'Corrupted... I ran... so cold.... so many elite... so many evokers...'
Kiera D'unteraux fades away, leaving you to wonder what her last message meant. Perhaps you should investigate here further...
Return to Private Peters Greaven and give him two Vodka Tonic.
Gather and give to a regretful rogue:
- Elegant Thieves Tools
- Grant's Journal
Find Burt Wellford (Southern Newport at 86, 72 • Boat docks, near a dinghy on the beach) .
You say, 'Hail, Burt Wellford'
Return to Keep of Mielch and kill a froglok elite and a froglok evoker until you get an emote.
A horrible chill flows from the Shadow Scarab cavern...
Note: The emote emote is easy to miss, and is usually gotten quickly.
Find Kiera D'unteraux in the small hall past the three a shadow scarab and she will attack you.
Kill Kiera D'unteraux!
Keira's form disipates, but the chill remains... she isn't gone yet.
Note: You recieve the message [You have been flagged for the next section!]
Return to Burt Wellford.
You say, 'Hail, Burt Wellford'
You say, 'Hail, Private Peters Greaven'
Return to Eisa of the Rose.
You say, 'Hail, Eisa of the Rose'
Give Private's Insignia of Althuna to Eisa of the Rose.
You receive Sgt. Major's Insignia from Eisa of the Rose.
?? Insignia
Find Eisa of the Rose at the center of the zone.
Note: You will not want to do the Test of Purity solo. Have at least one other person with you. The people you have assist you can be KoS in the zone.
Complete the Test of Purity.
Note: The Test of Purity consists of going through a maze and killing unknown machines and then, once they are dead, you will be able to engage the Test of Purity at the end. You have 75 minutes to complete the test. The "trigger npc"? is on the second floor behind a fake wall. There is probably a quest item you need to give to Eisa of the Rose?
Return to Eisa of the Rose.
Find Althuna the Healing Hand (City of Mercy • Top of arena) .
Return to High Priest Rodger.
Find Deirdre Grey (Greater Faydark at -215, -268 • Kelethin) .
You receive (Unknown) Incense
Return to Keep of Mielch and kill the three a shadow scarabs in the area that you killed Kiera D'unteraux, and then the (Unknown) Ritualist that spawns.
Loot (Unknown) Kiera's remains.
Gather and give High Priest Rodger:
- Binding Orb of the Dead
- (Unknown) Incense
- (Unknown) Kiera's remains
- Beautiful Golden Brazier (can be purchased from a goblin merchant for 150
or get it as loot.
Kiera D'unteraux will spawn and you must kill her again.
Note: Uncertain what happens at this point. For the scavenger hunt, a group is suggested.
- I should start my search in Newport, at night go to South Newport and kill Kiera
- Short folks and green falls... go to Underhill and kill Kiera
- Sylvan woods and houses up above me... go to Greater Faydark and kill Kiera. She spawns an add here at 20 percent which is mean.
- Ogres and caverns... how absurdly vague... go to Oggok and kill Kiera
- Home... but I'm already in Oggok where else would a Dark elf... Oh shit! go to Ruins of Nagthilian and kill Kiera
Return to High Priest Rodger.
Give Sgt. Major's Insignia to High Priest Rodger.
You receive (Unknown) augment from High Priest Rodger.
Captain's Insigna of Althuna
Find Dawn Seer Tarnok (The Oasis at 555, 53, 6 • Dawn Tribe camp, north of the waters) .
Return to Private Peters Greaven.
Kill Private Peters Greaven.
Return to Captain Aiden.
Find and kill (Unknown) boss (Sundered Mountains).
Find Duke Thanes the Righteous (City of Mercy at -1711, 185, -68 •) .
Note: You must only complete two of these three taks for Duke Thanes the Righteous.
The Cobbler
Find (Unknown) Northern Newport Cobbler.
Give 200
to (Unknown) Northern Newport Cobbler.
The Cook
Find (Unknown) Underhill Cleric guild supplier.
Find Vida the Cook (Sundered Mountains at 1390, -488, 1031 •) .
Give 150
to Vida the Cook.
You receive (Unknown) supply chest from Vida the Cook.
Give (Unknown) supply chest to (Unknown) Underhill Cleric guild supplier.
The Fish
Find Ylva McDaniels (unknown zone • unknown loc) .
Give Drakefish to Ylva McDaniels.
Two tasks complete
Find and kill Mujush the Mummy (Newport Sewers at 440, -163, -38 •) .
Note: Quester must get kill shot.
(Unknown) spawns. Kill it.
Return to Duke Thanes the Righteous.
You receive Elegant Thieves Tools from Duke Thanes the Righteous.
Gather and give Dawn Seer Tarnok:
- Crystal Ball
- Crystalline Blood
- Elegant Thieves Tools
Gather and give Dawn Seer Tarnok:
- Kiera's Dagger of Fate
- Kiera's Parrying Dagger
Travel to the northern most point of the river in Sundered Mountains.
Find a dawn orc.
Kill the waves of undead, but do not kill Kiera D'unteraux.
Return to Althuna the Healing Hand.
Give (Unknown) Insignia to Althuna the Healing Hand.
You receive Captain's Insignia of Althuna from Althuna the Healing Hand.