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Note: This is one version of the dream. Class archetype plays a roll in the items received and the dialog given.
Find The Guide (The Dream • Beginning of the Dream.) .
You say, 'Hail, The Guide'
The Guide tells you, 'Dreamer! You who have been called! You who wander
You say, 'How will you guide me?'
The Guide tells you, 'By giving you guidance to understand this world, make your first choices and gain your first experiences. This may just be a dream, but the things you will learn and gain here are all very real.'
You were healed for 100 damage.
Note: The Guide buffs you with a very powerful buff to assure smooth progression through the tutorial.
The Guide tells you, 'I gift you the power of dreams to speed your way. Now, dreamer, you must continue past me into the winding passageways of your mind. Seek out in turn The Challenge, The Sorcerer and The Choice. Each has a trial for you pass. Once you have passed all three trials, continue until the very end of the dream and find The First. From there you will be prepared for the waking world.'
You gain 100 experience!!
NOTE: You gain EXPERIENCE for completing quests and making certain choices, as well as for defeating enemies. Experience is used to
increase your character level.
The Challenge
Find The Challenge (The Dream •) .
You say, 'Hail, The Challenge'
The Challenge tells you, 'Dreamer! Stand and be challenged! Are you prepared to fight, dreamer?'
You say, 'Wait! I don't know how!'
The Challenge tells you, 'Simply attack me with your fists, Dreamer. In your mind they will suffice.'
(NOTE: Use AUTOATTACK <default: Q key> to fight The Challenge once he attacks you. You can also use special class attacks, such as Kick, to do additional damage.)
The Challenge tells you, 'To the death then, Dreamer! If you lose, speak to The Guide again. If you win, you have passed my trial.'
Kill The Challenge.
The Challenge tells you, 'You have defeated me, Dreamer. You have passed my trial. Continue through your dream.'
(NOTE: You gain EXPERIENCE for killing enemies in battle. This experience is used to increase the level of your character.)
The Sorcerer
Find The Sorcerer (unknown zone • unknown loc) .
You say, 'Hail, The Sorcerer'
The Sorcerer tells you, 'Dreamer! You will get nowhere with brute force against me. Only through the use of magic can you pass my trial.'
The Sorcerer tells you, 'Take this scroll. Use its magic on me, and you will have passed my trial.'
(NOTE: To use the scroll, open your spell book <default: type /book> and drag and drop the scroll to an available slot. Let it finish scribing, then drag the newly scribed spell to a free slot on your MEMORIZED SPELLS. From there, click the spell while The Sorcerer is targeted to cast it.)
You receive Spell: Sorcerer's Defeat from The Sorcerer.
The Sorcerer tells you, 'Well done, Dreamer. You have passed my trial. Continue through your dream.'
You gain 150 experience!!
The Choice
Find The Choice (unknown zone • unknown loc) .
You say, 'Hail, The Choice'
The Choice tells you, 'Dreamer! To pass my trial, all you have to do is make a choice.'
You say, 'What kind of choice?'
The Choice tells you, 'Take this, Dreamer. It is a gift, a gift which you must give to one of the three you see before you. Listen to them all, hear their stories, and choose one of them to give the gift to.'
Find The Victim (unknown zone • unknown loc) .
You say, 'Hail, The Victim'
The Victim tells you, 'Dreamer! I beg of you! The gift that you hold was mine and taken from me by The Thug. Without it, I will starve, and so will my family! Have mercy, Dreamer. Give me the gift. Show me that you are a good person that cares about the people of Dalaya. Please.'
(NOTE: The Victim will not give you any experience for giving her the gift, but your alignment will shift towards GOOD. You must speak to The Victim, The Thug and The Merchant all before you can make your choice. To make your choice, speak to whichever one you choose once more after listening to all three stories.)
Find The Merchant (unknown zone • unknown loc) .
You say, 'Hail, The Merchant'
The Merchant tells you, 'Dreamer! That is my gift you hold in your hands. I took it as payment for the money that The Victim owes me. Give me it back, and I will make it worth your time. I have knowledge, tricks and experiences I could share with you. It is the right choice to make, Dreamer.'
(NOTE: The Merchant offers you a mediocre amount of experience, and your alignment will not shift as a result of giving him the gift. You must speak to The Victim, The Thug and The Merchant all before you can make your choice. To make your choice, speak to whichever one you choose once more after listening to all three stories.)
Find The Thug (unknown zone • unknown loc) .
You say, 'Hail, The Thug'
The Thug tells you, 'Dreamer! That gift you hold could be valuable for both you and me. I took it from The Victim to pay a debt to The Merchant, but I've realized that it was a foolish thing to do. The Victim may be a poor woman, but she has a house, family, other belongings. She desperately needs the gift, and I could use it to force her to give me whatever is hers that I want. If you give me the gift, Dreamer, I will match whatever offer The Merchant has given you, and show you a few tricks of my own as well. It would be profitable for both of us, Dreamer. What do you say?'
(NOTE: The Thug offers you the most amount of experience, but your alignment will shift towards EVIL if you give him the gift. You must speak to The Victim, The Thug and The Merchant all before you can make your choice. To make your choice, speak to whichever one you choose once more after listening to all three stories.)
Choosing The Victim (Good)
The Victim tells you, 'Dreamer, have you made your choice? Will you help me get my gift back, Dreamer?'
You say, 'I will give the gift to you.'
The Victim tells you, 'Thank you, Dreamer! Thank you so much! I cannot reward you, but you have a kind heart and I hope that nothing but good comes to you in the waking world.'
(NOTE: Now you must initiate a TRADE with the NPC you've chosen. To do this, open your inventory window <default keybinding is 'I'>, select the item you wish to trade with the NPC by left-clicking on it, and hover your cursor over the NPC. Now left-click on the NPC and it will open the trade window. Ensure all items you wish to be traded to the NPC are in the window, and click on the 'Give' button. Fear not, items not wanted by the NPC will be returned to you.)
Give The Gift to The Victim.
(NOTE: Your alignment has shifted towards GOOD. If you continue to do selfless and heroic deeds, your base alignment <seen with #stats> will be changed.)
(NOTE: You should speak to The Choice to complete this trial.)
Choosing The Merchant (Neutral)
Give The Gift to The Merchant.
(NOTE: You should speak to The Choice to complete this trial.)
Choosing The Thug (Evil)
Give The Gift to The Thug.
(NOTE: Your alignment has shifted towards EVIL. If you continue to do selfless and heroic deeds, your base alignment <seen with #stats> will be changed.)
(NOTE: You should speak to The Choice to complete this trial.)
Choice made
You say, 'Hail, The Choice'
The Choice tells you, 'You made your choice, and it is yours alone. You have passed my trial and perhaps come to know something of yourself. Continue to the end of the dream, Dreamer. You must speak to The First,
The Second, The Third and The Last. They will give you what you need to wake.'
You gain 200 experience!!
The First, Second, Thid and Last
Find The First (The Dream •) .
You say, 'Hail, The First'
The First tells you, 'I am your rage, Dreamer. I am your fury, your hatred, your martial pride. For now, I will gift to you the tools with which you may begin the path that which you have chosen for yourself, but in truth it is I who will give you every weapon you use, and the skill with which you use it. I will bring you victory over your enemies.'
You receive Crude Sword from The First.
You receive Crude Dirk from The First.
You receive Aged Buckler from The First.
Find The Second (The Dream •) .
You say, 'Hail, The Second'
The Second tells you, 'I am your body, your muscles, your brain. I am your constitution, your speed, your thoughts. I am that which makes you you. My gifts to you are sustenance, guidance, protection, and storage. Far more important than the sharpest blade, they will keep you alive always, alive to fulfill your calling.'
You receive Old Leather Bag from The Second.
You receive Worn Tunic from The Second.
You receive Travel Ration from The Second.
You receive Travel Flask from The Second.
You receive Torch from The Second.
You receive Bandages from The Second.
Find The Third (The Dream •) .
You say, 'Hail, The Third'
The Third tells you, 'I am your mind. I am the magic that flows in your veins, the soul that breathes life into your material flesh. I am your greatest tool, your best friend and most valuable ally. Not now, but in time, I will give you the first part you will learn and wield. Use it well. Use it to shape your determined way!'
Find The Last (The Dream •) .
You say, 'Hail, The Last'
The Last tells you, 'By now you wonder where you are, and the purpose of this. I know you do. Introductions will have to wait, but suffice to say that you have been chosen. This night marks the end of your old life, and the beginning of a new. You have chosen a way to walk, a profession to learn, a set of tools and skills to wield. Tomorrow, you will become a Shadowknight. So does it fit that tomorrow you will live your life with a new purpose.'
You say, 'What is this new purpose?'
The Last tells you, 'You are one of many. One of many that has been called to the dream. You have a destiny, a destiny given to you long before your birth. A destiny that will help change the very face of Dalaya. But now, you are ignorant. Unknowing. I wish to illuminate you. Illuminate you to the greater struggle, and your place in it. But this is not the place. Not the place. Before you can come to understand your role, you must first understand your world. Take these. They will teach you some. And this. Read it. It is the first step down a long, winding path. You may be lost along the way, but the goal is worth the sacrifice. Trust me. After all, am I not simply a figment of your own mind? A dream? Trust me. You have no other choice.'
Lawful Option
You say, 'I understand.
The Last smiles. Your surroundings begin to fade away.
(NOTE: You are now on your own in the world of Dalaya. A good idea is to begin with talking to your guildmaster, killing some critters to raise your level, or perhaps even seeking out the person in your mysterious summons. Good luck!)
Your experience debt has been cleared. Any corpses you have left behind are no longer rezzable.)
You receive The Earliest Creation from The Last.
You receive The Gods of Dalaya from The Last.
You receive Mysterious Summons from The Last.
Chaotic Option
You say, 'My choice is my own.
The Last smiles. Your surroundings begin to fade away.
(NOTE: You are now on your own in the world of Dalaya. A good idea is to begin with talking to your guildmaster, killing some critters to raise your level, or perhaps even seeking out the person in your mysterious summons. Good luck!)
Your experience debt has been cleared. Any corpses you have left behind are no longer rezzable.)
You receive The Earliest Creation from The Last.
You receive The Gods of Dalaya from The Last.
You receive Mysterious Summons from The Last.