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Shroud of the Initiate Quest
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Jump to navigationJump to searchDeepmaster Talain assigns you the task of collecting temple dues from the citizens of Newport.
Shroud of the Initiate Quest | ||
Quest giver | Deepmaster Talain | |
Next quest | ||
Previous quest | ||
Starting Zone | ||
Class Required | ||
Suggested Level Range | 1 - 5 | |
Item Reward(s) | ||
Currency Reward | -5 ![]() ![]() | |
Positive (+) Faction | ||
Experience Reward | 1,000 | |
Related overview |
Find Deepmaster Talain (Southern Newport at -156, -518 •) .
You say, 'Hail, Deepmaster Talain'
Deepmaster Talain says, 'Welcome back, young cleric. Are you ready to continue your journey in service to the Gods?'
You say, 'What is next?'
Deepmaster Talain says, 'Your next task is to perform the duties of an initiate priest. The Temple relies on temple dues from the various merchants and citizens of Newport, and initiates handle the collection of these dues. I want you to go to Voleen the Baker, Tella the Innkeeper, Fhara the Tanner and Garble the Bag-Maker. You will find them all in their shops here in the southern part of town during the day. Each owes us five gold coins for temple usage and blessings.'
Voleen the Baker
Find Voleen (Southern Newport at -159, -268, 4 • Voleen's Bakery) .
You say, 'Hail, Voleen'
Voleen says, 'Yes? What is it?'
You say, 'I am here to collect the temple dues.'
Voleen says, 'The temple dues...? Oh, oh right... I... I'm sorry, but I really can't afford to pay them right now. Business has been awful, and I'm down to my last few coins... I need that money to keep my shop open. Please give my sincerest apologies to the Deepmaster.'
[D1] Help Voleen
You say, 'Don't worry about it. I will fill in for your donation from my own money.'
Voleen says, 'Really? You will?! Well... I didn't ask for this, but I'm not going to say no... you're a very nice person, you know.'
[D2] Don't Get Involved
You say, 'I will pass on the message.'
Voleen says, 'Thank you... I will try to pay as soon as business is better.'
[D3] Threaten Voleen
You say, 'Do you really think that angering the Gods and the Temple is a wise choice right now? Give me the donation.'
Voleen says, 'I-I'm sorry... I just... I really can't afford... I'm sorry, here you are... it's my last money...'
Tella the Innkeeper
Find Keeper Tella (Southern Newport at 254, -72, 7 • Lion's Mane Inn) or Keeper Dedrik (Southern Newport at 254, -72, 7 • Lion's Mane Inn) .
You say, 'Hail, Keeper Tella'
Keeper Tella says, 'Welcome to the Lion's Mane Inn and Bar. If you're looking for something to drink, I'm afraid that our bar is only open at nights. We do, however, provide clean rooms at a reasonable rate, and basic supplies. All at your leisure.'
You say, 'I am here to collect the temple dues.'
Keeper Tella says, 'You're from the temple? Well... alright. Here.'
Fhara the Tanner
Find Fhara (Southern Newport at 407, -83, 3 •) .
You say, 'Hail, Fhara'
Fhara says, 'Oh, hi. I'm Fhara, proprietor of Fhara's Leather and Thread, and certainly the most skilled tanner in town. Mm... but I'm sure you can decide that for yourself, viewing my wares.'
You say, 'I am here to collect the temple dues.'
Fhara says, 'Certainly, initiate. Five gold coins, was it? Here you are.'
Garble the Bag-Maker
Find Garble (Southern Newport at 486, -293 •) .
You say, 'Hail, Garble'
Garble says, 'Hi there. I'm Garble, ex-fighter and now the proprietor of Bag and Barrel, a profession I must say suits me better. But enough about me. Have a look at my wares!'
You say, 'I am here to collect the temple dues.'
Garble says, 'Oh, uh, right. The temple dues. One gold coin, wasn't it?'
[D1] Undercharge the Halfling
You say, 'Yeah, one gold coin sounds right.'
Garble says, 'MISSING TEXT'
[D2] Insist on the Proper Amount
You say, 'Five gold coins, actually...'
Garble says, 'FIVE gold coins? Robbery! Pure highway robbery! Ahh well... I suppose I don't want to anger the Gods and all... sigh.'
[D3] Exploit the Halfling
You say, 'It's fifteen gold coins.'
Garble says, 'FIFTEEN GOLD COINS!? You can't be serious. I... I suppose I can pay that, but... the Gods better pay me back with some divine favors!'
Disbursal of Dues
Return to Deepmaster Talain.
You say, 'I have the dues.'
Deepmaster Talain says, 'Ah, very good. Did you get the entire due from Fhara?'
[D1] Fhara No
You say, 'No, I don't have it.'
[D2] Fhara Yes
You say, 'Yes, I have it here.'
Deepmaster Talain says, 'Very good, initiate. Did you get the entire due from Tella?'
[D1] Tella No
You say, 'No, I don't have it.'
[D2] Tella Yes
You say, 'Yes, I have it here.'
Deepmaster Talain says, 'Very good, initiate. Did you get the entire due from Garble?'
[D1] Garble No
You say, 'No, I don't have it.'
[D2] Garble Yes
You say, 'Yes, I have it here.'
Deepmaster Talain says, 'Very good, initiate. Did you get the entire due from Voleen?'
[D1] Voleen No
You say, 'No, I don't have it.'
You say, 'No, she couldn't pay...'
Deepmaster Talain says, 'I see. I knew that Voleen had fallen on hard times, but I did not think it was quite that bad. We shall hold off her dues until she has sorted her troubles out, one way or another.'
[D2] Voleen Yes
You say, 'Yes, I have it here.'
You say, 'Is that all, then?'
Deepmaster Talain says, 'Yes, initiate. You have proven that you are able to carry out the tasks of an initiate, and I award you with this, the shroud of the Temple. Congratulations.'
You receive Shroud of the Initiate from Deepmaster Talain.
Your faction standing with Church of the Deep One has gotten better!
You gain 1,000 experience!!
- Cleric quests
- Quests suggested for Clerics levels 1 - 5
- Deepmaster Talain's quests
- Church of the Deep One faction better quests
- Southern Newport quests
- Quests which Deepmaster Talain is involved in
- Quests which Voleen is involved in
- Quests which Keeper Tella is involved in
- Quests which Keeper Dedrik is involved in
- Quests which Fhara is involved in
- Quests which Garble is involved in