Find Private Peters Greaven (City of Mercy at -1600, -650, -70 • Guards the prison area) .
You say, 'Hail, Private Peters Greaven'
Private Peters Greaven looks very pale, and angry... 'You... what do you want.'
- [D1]
You say, 'I need Grants things, do you have them?'
Private Peters Greaven glares at you. 'No.'
- [D2]
You say, 'Are you ok Peters? You don't look so good.'
Private Peters Greaven says, 'Don't call me Peters! It's Private Greaven to you! You always disrespect me. Think I am a joke. Just like he said. He is right.'
You say, 'Peters, what are you talking about?'
Private Peters Greaven says, 'Dammit what did I tell you! Just because you are a Lieutenant doesn't make you better than me! I should be a Lieutenant. I did more work than you. Am more loyal. But no I have to watch prisoners and clean up their shit when they are dead, while you get to go out there and act the hero. I'm ten times the hero you are! Ten times the hero!'
You say, 'Private! Calm down. I need Grants things.'
Private Peters Greaven glares at you. 'No.'
You say, 'Private, I am ordering you to give me Grants things.'
Private Peters Greaven glares at you. 'No.'
Private Peters Greaven looks at you, an odd look about him. 'I like your Lieutenants insignia.'
You say, 'What does that-'
Note: Private Peters Greaven isn't a very difficult fight and should be able to solo without much effort. He is kitable.
Kill Private Peters Greaven.
Private Peters Greaven writhes and moans. He suddenly screams and...
a hostile shadow moans and grasps for the heart!
Kill A hostile shadow.
[You have been flagged for the next section!]
Your journal has been updated. [Penance]
Journal Text: What the hell! I've got to tell somebody! What is going on!
Find Captain Aiden (City of Mercy at -1600, -650, -70 • Roams near prison area (south middle)) .
You say, 'Hail, Captain Aiden'
Captain Aiden says, 'Don't hail me <Player Name>. I know what happened. I know the whole truth. You murdered my Private.'
You say, 'Dammit no! That's not how it happened at all! Something was wrong with-'
Captain Aiden says, 'I've had it with you, and your excuses. But due to your Trial of Purity, I can't have you arrested by any normal, non-time consuming means. So you leave me with no choice. I challenge you to a duel. You cannot back out of this. Don't even try. Meet me at midnight on the island of the Taldorians, the beach of the Sundered Mountains. Justice will finally be served.'
Your journal has been updated. [Penance]
Journal Text: This situation is out of control! I now have to meet Aiden on the beaches of Sundered Mountains!? And he wants to kill me there? And everyone seems ok with this?
Note: A Pale Captain Aiden is a yellow con. Recommend a strong duo or a group to help. a hostile shadow will spawn throughout the fight.
Find A Pale Captain Aiden (Sundered Mountains at -4000, -1200 • West of the docks on the beach) .
A chill crawls up your spine, and whispers of evil can be heard around you...
Kill A Pale Captain Aiden.
[You have been flagged for the next section!]
Your journal has been updated. [Penance]
Journal Text: I just wanted to get those infernal thieves tools back! Now I have to go report that Captain Aiden was a monster, and that whatever got Peters isn't isolated. This is a bit much. Is it at all related to Kiera? In any case I should return to City of Mercy and let people know whats going on.
Find Duke Thanes the Righteous (City of Mercy at -1711, 185, -68 •) .
You say, 'Hail, Duke Thanes the Righteous'
Duke Thanes the Righteous says, 'I have had little need to communicate with you <Player Name>, and I have little desire too. However my Captains death must be accounted for. Now is your only chance to explain to me what happened.'
You say, '[Explain the whole story, from the beginning to now.]'
Duke Thanes the Righteous nods as you finish. 'Well this is enlightening. Shadows... My gut tells me Marlow or one of her nightmares are involved... I should have expected that. This brings me towards two statements you would probably like to hear.'
You say, 'Let me have it.'
Duke Thanes the Righteous says, 'Firstly, you acted appropriately given the situation. Your life was in jeopardy against a clearly evil and corrupted menace, and you dealt with it efficiently. For that you shall be applauded.'
You say, 'But?'
Duke Thanes the Righteous says, 'But you had issues with a superior officer and failed too report it properly. Sergeant Major Greavens was a surprise attack, but if you suspected a plot, you should have located us about Aiden. As such you will have to be punished.'
You say, 'Wait since when has he been a Sergeant Major.'
Duke Thanes the Righteous says, 'You'll find the quickest method of advancement tends to be the most terminal as well.'
You say, 'Punished? For self defense?'
Duke Thanes the Righteous says, 'Correct. A lesson needs to be taught to those below you, that no one is above the law. I shall keep your penance simple however. You will travel to Newport and seek a cobbler, Halas and seek a cook, or Underhill and seek a church supplier. Find two tasks, total, of the three and complete them. Return to me when you have done so..'
Your journal has been updated. [Penance]
Journal Text: That could have gone a lot worse. I need to do some token community service and that will satisfy Thanes. I need to speak with a cobbler in Newport, a cook in Halas, and a church supplier Underhill, and help at least two of them.
The Cobbler
Find Tim Cobbler (Northern Newport at -71, 19, 3 •) .
You say, 'Hail, Tim Cobbler'
Tim Cobbler says, 'Oh! A customer? Do you need shoes? Big discount if you buy a lot! Come on! Help a fella out!'
You say, 'I heard you have some tax problems.'
Tim Cobbler says, 'Yes... I do actually. Nothing I can't handle. Don't worry about it. So how about some shoes? Or a shoe shine perhaps?'
You say, 'How much do you owe?'
Tim Cobbler says, 'A little under 2000 gold coins. I... listen if you can please buy something I'd really appreciate it. It's quite a sum I have to deal with.'
You say, '-Give 200 platinum.-'
Tim Cobbler says, 'I... this... for me? I'll never be able to pay this back you know...'
You lose 200
You gain 30,000 experience!!
You say, 'Don't worry about it. Just be careful this month.'
Tim Cobbler says, 'You have no idea how much this means to me! Thank you <Player Name>! Bless your heart! The church of Althuna will know of your kindness!'
The Cook
Find Ylva McDaniel (Halas • Bar) .
Complete Ylva's Special Stew quest
You say, 'Hail, Ylva McDaniel'
Ylva McDaniel says, 'Ah, hello. Thank you again for finding my necklace. Now if only I could find someone to help with my new dilemma.'
You say, 'What seems to be the trouble'
Ylva McDaniel says, 'Well, I got this recipe from a traveling gnome a long time ago, and it was quite popular. I'd like to make the dish again, but I'm missing one of the key ingredients. It would surely be a big hit during the Festival of the Snow Wolf.'
You say, 'What ingredient is it?'
Ylva McDaniel says, 'A drakefish, <Player Name>. Have you ever heard of it? If you could bring me just one it would complete the recipe.'
Gather and give Ylva McDaniel:
Ylva McDaniel says, 'Amazing! My feast is saved. Someday I'll share this recipe with you <Player Name>, but for now take my gratitude.'
You gain 1,000 experience!!
The Church Supplier
Find Church Supplier Gini (Underhill at 1220, -540, -40 • Cleric guild) .
You say, 'Hail, Church Supplier Gini'
Church Supplier Gini says, 'Emergency! Emergency! I can't believe I did this!'
You say, 'Calm down partner, what do you need?'
Church Supplier Gini says, 'I put in an order for some extra supplies this month to the Sundered Mountains Barbarian outpost. They tend to have a lot of extra meat, and preserve it well you see. But the runner I sent with the money still hasn't returned! Oh I hope he's ok! He was supposed to meet with Vida the Cook...'
Find Vida the Cook (Sundered Mountains at 1390, -488, 1031 •) .
You say, 'Hail, Vida the Cook'
Vida the Cook says, 'Hail. Hungry? I've got some local meat you just might goes nicely with a tankard of Irys' mead.'
You say, 'I'm here to pick up a delivery for Underhill.'
Vida the Cook says, 'Oh? Yes the carrier is late this month. If you are here to get it, I'll need 150 platinum, it is a lot of food!'
You say, 'I have 150 right here. -Buy the food.-'
Vida the Cook says, 'Here you are! Take them to the gnomes in a hurry!'
You lose 150
You receive Emergency Underhill Supplies from Vida the Cook.
Return to Church Supplier Gini (Underhill at 1220, -540, -40 • Cleric guild) .
Give Church Supplier Gini:
- Emergency Underhill Supplies
Church Supplier Gini says, 'You... thank you! Many good gnomes will sleep on a full stomach tonight thanks to you!'
Return to Duke Thanes the Righteous (City of Mercy at -1711, 185, -68 •) .
You say, 'Hail, Duke Thanes the Righteous'
Duke Thanes the Righteous says, 'Excellent <Player Name>. I've been looking into Aiden and Peters. While I've found no evidence of them being in league with Marlow, I have found proof of some other Knights working for her secretly. I do not know how this happened... but I digress, they will be dealt with. I have but one more task for you to do.'
You say, 'Listen, when I finish this, can you assure me the return of Grants affects? That's all I wanted...'
Duke Thanes the Righteous says, 'Yes. Yes I can agree to that. You have proven your loyalty to Althuna through your actions, and your request is simple. As is mine for a Druid of your caliber. I will deal with Marlow. It is Gradalsh that needs a lesson in humility. The name is Mujush. He has been heard stalking the sewers of Newport. Those followers of Gradalsh we have interrogated claim he is a guardian of new worshippers of the god of entropy. Destroy him. It will send a clear message that we know where Gradalsh calls home.'
Your journal has been updated. [Penance]
Journal Text: This is a bit more like it. I am to hunt down Mujush the mummy in the sewers of newport, and kill him. Then I will return to Thanes.
Note: Killing Mujush the Mummy and the mobs around them will give negative faction to Cult of Entropy. Please keep that in mind for the people who will help you on this step. a plague-bearing horror however did not give a faction hit.
Note: a plague-bearing horror is a yellow con. Recommend a strong duo or a group to help.
Find and kill Mujush the Mummy (Newport Sewers at 440, -163, -38 •) .
Mujush the Mummy roars as he falls over... but something else rises in his place...
a plague-bearing horror roars in frenzied anticipation of its next victim.
Kill a plague-bearing horror.
Your journal has been updated. [Penance]
Journal Text: Mujush has been utterly defeated. I should return and speak with Thanes now.
Return to Duke Thanes the Righteous (City of Mercy at -1711, 185, -68 •) .
You say, 'Hail, Duke Thanes the Righteous'
Duke Thanes the Righteous says, 'Our scouts reported your success <Player Name>. Your reputation continues to grow. Grants journal was missing, and the only other thing he had on him were these. I hope they are what you need.'
You receive Kiera's Elegant Thieves Tools from Duke Thanes the Righteous.
You have completed a quest. [Penance]
Journal Text: I have completed my service successfully, and helped make Dalaya a better place. Rest in peace Peters and Aiden.