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Newport, Newport Sewers and Surefall Starting Guide
From SoDWiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchFirst off, from all of the staff here at Shards of Dalaya, we would like to welcome you to our game! We have provided this newbie guide for South Newport and Surefall as part of our official starting area guides series to help new players acclimate themselves to Shards of Dalaya, and to find things to do in their starting areas. This guide will cover Humans, Halflings, Half Elves and evil Gnomes. Always remember: these guides are just suggestions. SoD is made to allow you to level up however you like, wherever you like.
The City of Newport
South Newport Quest Map

Southern Newport quest map
- Q1 Level 1 - 5. Bard.
- Mandy Wandersong is a bard wanting bards to do bard things!
- Q2 Level 1 - 5. Bard.
- Ilmer the Skald is a bard wanting bards to do bard things!
- Q3 Level 7 - 20. All Classes. At point 3 at night. At point 15 during day.
- Voleen. Head to Blackburrow or the Newport Sewers to find Voleen some fresh pirana for the wedding dish she's preparing.
- Q4 Level 20 - 30. All Classes.
- Glamrer needs some help with a shipment from Everfrost that is late to arrive.
- Q5
- Forthcoming
- Q6, Q7 and Q8 Level 1 - 30. Wiz, Ench, Mage.
- The Newport Cup is a competition held every year by the Arcane Caster Guilds. Things have always been a little... shady... though, when it comes to the competition itself.
- Q9 Level 1 - 30. All Classes.
- Specialist Galadian is an expert in tumors. If you happen to find a tumor in your travels, you should bring it to him.
- Q10 Level 1 - 30. Warrior.
- Veteran Sael is in charge of training new Warriors of Newport.
- Q11 Level 1 - 15. All Classes.
- Foreman Andrin has been waiting for a package to arrive from Erudin. Maybe you can help him figure out what the problem is?
- Q12 Level 1 - 65. All Classes.
- One-Eye Murt is poor and hungry. Can you spare some change?
- Q13 Level 1 - 35. Cleric.
- Deepmaster Talain has many tasks for new Clerics of the Deep.
- Q14 Level 1 - 25. Warrior, Cleric, Bard, Paladin, Shadowknight.
- Klyaa Feralli's family has met some hard times. She needs an adventurer to help find out where her brothers have gone.
- Q15 Level 1 - 25. Warrior, Cleric, Bard, Paladin, Shadowknight.
- Fish Ratendi is sick and tired of listening to Klyaa's whining about her family. Shut her up for him, and he will pay you for it.
North Newport Quest Map

Northern Newport quest map
- Q1 Level 1 - 5. All classes.
- Guardsman Burke is manning the gates of the city and needs help clearing out the vermin trying to sneak in.
- Q2 Level 30-50. All classes.
- Sergeant Halsey is the head of the entire Newport Guard, and is looking for new recruits to expand their reach beyond the city.
- Q3 Level 1 - 25. Monk.
- Verla Airdancer helps guide Monks down their long journey along the path.
- Q4 Level 1 - 10. All classes.
- Jagen is Newport's only tobacco merchant, depending on the Silver Crown for the goods he sells. However, his supplier, Trader Barak, has missed the last two deliveries.
- Q5 Level 1 - 5. All classes.
- Foridin is angry at his daughter for her "love" interest in a boy of a lesser race. He wants help getting rid of the rat, but maybe you should help bring them together instead?
- Q6 Level 1 - 5. All classes.
- Trial of Althuna. Kirlin is tasked with watching over the Trial of Althuna - a test that all new Clerics and Paladins of Althuna must go through before venturing out into the world.
The Cult of Entropy
Newport Sewers Quest Map

Newport Sewers quest map
- Q1 Level 1 - 10. All classes.
- Mujush the Mummy was reanimated to guard the Cult of Entropy's lair. Help him keep down the pest population.
- Q2 Level 1 - 20. All classes.
- Terror Lord Cadrak is in charge of training Shadowknights to protect the Cult and spread Gradalsh's corruption.
- Q3 Level 1 - 20. All classes.
- Decay Lord Grindrun is a master Necromancer of Gradalsh. Want to learn to reanimate a corpse? Sicken an entire city? Twist natural things to your will? He is your key to acceptance in the Cult.
- Q4 Level 1 - 20. All classes.
- Cult Priest Vanissa is a master of anti-clerical arts. If you are a plague priest, she is the one to teach you how to spread Gradalsh's entropy.
Surefall Quest Map

Surefall quest map
- Q1 Level 1 - 20. Ranger.
- Trainer Brandi trains new Rangers in the use of the bow and tracking. She is the one to talk to if you want to join the Glademasters.
- Q2 Level 1 - 20. Ranger.
- Ranger General Shedari is the leader of the Surefall Ranger's guild. She has many tasks for up and coming Rangers, and can reward you out of the guild's coffers for your help.
- Q3 Level 1 - 30. Druid.
- Apprentice Bethany is has been tasked with helping equip new Druids of the Glade. Speak to her if you are looking for some tasks.
- Q4 Level 1 - 20. Druid.
- Tzailav the Elder is the oldest of the Druidic Masters of the Glade. He believes that all druids should know their duties before they embark on the world, and is willing to teach new druids what those duties are.
- Q4 Level 1 - 5. All Classes.
- Boppitt Furk is hungry, and being the lazy Halfling that he is, he wants you to fetch some berries for him.
The Centaur Hills
Centaur Hills Quest Map

Centaur Hills quest map
- Q1 Level 8 - 20. All Classes.
- Warden Tarval guards the entrance to the Surefall Glade. He has tasks for aspiring adventurers, including trying to settle relations with the local Centaur Tribe.
- Q2 Level 5 - 15. All Classes.
- Holnyr seems to have lost something. Helping him may raise your good will with the local Centaur Clan.
- Q3 Level 15 - 25. All Classes.
- One-Wit Russel is not known for his sharp wit. His hat was stolen by the gnolls, and he is about to use his invisibility powers to retrieve it. Maybe you should lend him a hand?
- Q4 Level 15 - 25. All Classes.
- Marak McTerl moved his family to the hills in order to raise her in an environment away from the corruption of the city. Tragically, she was soon kidnapped and taken into the Gnoll burrow. He is too old to go to her rescue, and could use your help.
- Q5 Level 4 - 25. All Classes.
- Sergeant Eldrig mans the guard tower near the border of the Western Badlands. He is currently taking Gnoll Ears in exchange for Newport Bounty Tokens, which increase your standing with the city.
- Q6 Level 7 - 20. All Classes.
- Tracker Jess roams the Centaur Hills keeping an eye out for the corruption that has spread throughout the Badlands. She also has been keeping an eye on the Gnoll activity, and possibly could use the help of a second set of eyes.