Mandy Wandersong will ask you to find Kayira in the Sundered Mountains.
Find Mandy Wandersong (Southern Newport • Bard guild) .
You say, 'Hail, Mandy Wandersong'
Mandy Wandersong says, 'Travel to the Wolfslayer Settlement in the Sundered Mountains and find out what happened to Kayira, (your name). I'll be waiting for your report.'
Travel to the Sundered Mountains and speak with Clan Chief Svartbjorn (Sundered Mountains at 1395, -463 • Barbarian outpost, 2nd building on the right) .
You say, 'Hail, Clan Chief Svartbjorn'
Clan Chief Svartbjorn says, 'Hail, Half Elf! Welcome to the village of the Wolfslayer Clan. I am Svartbjorn, Chieftain. Come to drink? Feast? Or rest your legs between hunting? Perhaps you'd like to try your hand at a yeti hunt, eh?'
You say, 'I'm looking for a bard named Kayira.'
Clan Chief Svartbjorn says, 'Kayira? Aye, I remember her. Pleasant lass, fine to look at, not that my wife would ever let me do more than look. Ha! Sorry to say, I don't know where she is at the moment. She took off from the village rather suddenly, none even saw her leave. You could try asking Gunnar or Freya, she spent quite a bit in both their companies.'
Speak with Clansman Gunnar (Sundered Mountains at 1288, -338, 1026 •) .
You say, 'Hail, Clansman Gunnar'
Clansman Gunnar says, 'Hail, traveler. You are welcome in the territory of the Wolfslayer Clan, but cause no trouble.'
You say, 'I'm looking for a bard named Kayira.'
Clansman Gunnar says, 'Kayira? Oh, you mean the bard lass that was asking all those questions about the clan and the mountains and so on.'
You say, 'That's her.'
Clansman Gunnar says, 'She only spent a few days here at the settlement. I talked to her a little, told her a few stories, and then she just up and left one night. I don't know where she is now. Sorry.'
Speak with Freya the Blacksmith (Sundered Mountains at 1253, -373, 1026 • 2nd building on the left from the main gate of the Barbarian outpost) .
You say, 'Hail, Freya the Blacksmith'
Freya the Blacksmith says, 'Yah, yah, I'm a busy woman. Get on with your business.'
You say, 'I'm looking for a bard named Kayira.'
Freya the Blacksmith says, 'You a bard too, aye? Well... I don't know where your friend ran off to, but when you next see her, tell her that I don't quite appreciate her just leaving like that without even so much as a 'farewell'. Not that I wanted her around in the first place. Bloody chatterbox keeping a honest woman from working. Just you know, if she's gonna blabber my bloody ears off she can at least tell me when she's planning to stop, aye?'
You say, 'So she just left abruptly?'
Freya the Blacksmith says, 'There one evening, gone the next morning. Not a bloody clue why she'd decide to pack and leave in the middle of the night, but then you lot of bards don't make much sense just in general, now do you?'
You say, 'Do you know who saw her last?'
Freya the Blacksmith says, 'Aye, I suppose that would be Gunnar. He's one of the clan warriors, just like the rest of the useless men around here. She spent most evenings listening to him talk about the village and the mountains by the story tree. Not that Gunnar is the greatest story teller, but he certainly was eager to when she offered to pay him for it.'
You say, 'The story tree?'
Freya the Blacksmith says, 'Oh. It's an old tree behind the village, outside the walls. The children often go there to tell stories and watch the view. You can see all the way to the mainland on a clear day.'
Speak with Clansman Gunnar again.
You say, 'Hail, Clansman Gunnar'
Clansman Gunnar says, 'Hail, traveler. You are welcome in the territory of the Wolfslayer Clan, but cause no trouble.'
You say, 'I've been told you spent a lot of time with Kayira outside the village.'
Clansman Gunnar says, 'Who told you that? Well, yeah. Maybe we did. So what? She wanted stories, I liked telling her them. That's it, not that it's any of your business. Now I think you should leave.'
Go to the tree behind the village that the blacksmith told you about, you will find a bloodstained journal there. Take it back to Clansman Gunnar and confront him. He will confess to the murder, and four choices will be given to you.
Note: Your choice here will effect your alignment.
- Take all the money - Alignment shift towards Neutral Evil
- Split the money - Alignment shift towards Chaotic Evil
- Kill him - Alignment shift towards Chaotic Good
- Turn him into the Clan Chief Svartbjorn - 25,000 experience points, Alignment shift towards Lawful
If you chose to speak with the Clan Chief Svartbjorn:
Clan Chief Svartbjorn says, 'Oh... oh this is terrible. That one of my people... my clan... I never liked Gunnar, but I didn't think the lad would be capable of such a thing. Guards! Seize Clansman Gunnar! I want to remove the bastard's head from his body myself!
You refused Gunnar's offer and turned him in to the Clan Chief. The Clan Chief has ordered Gunnar to be seized and executed. You should return to Newport and tell Mandy the bad news.
Return to Mandy Wandersong
Mandy Wandersong pales, 'I... I knew the Sundered Mountains was a dangerous place, but I didn't think... Kayira could always take care of herself.... oh. That's just awful, poor, poor Kayira... what a meaningless death. You... you did what I asked you to do. Here, take this enchanted sash. It's an old keepsake of mine. It was a gift from... from Kayira. I'd like to give it to you, since you at least found out what happened to her. I think it will give her family some Small measure of peace.'
See also