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Halas Starting Guide
First off, from all of the staff here at Shards of Dalaya, we would like to welcome you to our game! We have provided this newbie guide for Halas as part of our official starting area guides series to help new players acclimate themselves to Shards of Dalaya, and to find things to do in their starting areas. This guide will cover Barbarian starting in the Everfrost regions. Always remember: these guides are just suggestions. Shards of Dalaya is designed to allow you to level up however you like, wherever you like.
Frozen home to the Northmen, Halas was built long ago. It was founded by migrants who refused to mesh into the lifestyle of the city-states. It was abandoned and sacked during the Fall along with most of the old world, and now it is rebuilt. The barbarians rejoice to be in their homelands again. The city remains isolated and remote by choice, not for lack of resources.
Barbarians are one of the Young Races, humans adapted for a life of war and battle. Despite their fierce nature, they are also fair and just, and will generally not wage battle on the weak. They live for challenges and self-improvement, and fall naturally towards the more spiritual side of magic. Their warlike nature imparts an natural critical hit bonus. Barbarians have a Thick Skull that enables them to shrug off the worst of stunning and fearing effects. Due to a harsh environment, they have increased resistance to cold and magic spells. They are capable of bashing foes with a body slam instead of using a shield. Like humans, they have limited vision and increased experience gains.

- Q1 : Level 5 and up. All Classes.
- Finna McThompson is by the docks, she is having trouble with a killer fish. Maybe you can help her out.
- Q1 : Level 11-20. All Classes.
- Trader Hagna is offering a bounty to anyone willing to recover supplies stolen from the Silver Crown by gnolls. (Daytime only)
- Q2 : Level 5 and up. All Classes.
- Docksman Ulfrig who runs the Bonny Mermaid by the docks has lost his favorite fishing pole. It might be a bit of a hike to retrieve it.
- Q3 : Level 5 and up. All Classes.
- Alchemist Kayla runs the alchemy shop, Yee Majik, will make you a mammoth skin alchemy bag or (pending) potions if you are just starting out.
- Q4 : Level 1-5. All Classes.
- Trader Parak needs some help running errands around town, and he has a brother living in Northern Newport who might need your help with a delivery.
- Q5 : Level 5 and up. All Classes.
- Ylva McDaniel has lost her necklace, maybe you can help her get it back. She works in the bar during the day, and goes home at night. The McDaniel clan occupies the largest house, south of Q13.
- Q6 : 20 and up. Rogues.
- Trap Master Nine Fingers will teach you the art of bolt traps once you are at least level 20.
- Q6 : All levels. Rogues.
- Lara McGandor suspects her husband of being up to no good. Help her find out what is going on.
- Q7 : Level 1 - 30. Rogues.
- Scar has a opportunity for an ambitious rogue. Once you have proved yourself he will initiate you into the guild as a full member.
- Q7 : Level 1 - 30. Rogues.
- Mourn is in charge of outfitting all new rogues for survival in the wilds. She has a whole quest line with a complete set of armor, two weapons, if you are brave enough to accept the survival training on the tundra.
- Q8 : Level 1 - 30. Beastlords.
- Primalist Vylva will teach young beastlords how to craft weapons and armor from the natural world around them. If you are interested in upholding balance, speak to her.
- Q9 : Level 1 - 30. Shaman.
- Mystic Karlin is in charge of protecting the spiritual integrity of the area. He will instruct young shaman in the crafting of a complete set of armor, and a weapon, if you are willing to prove yourself pure of spirit and strong of mind.
- Q10 : Level 5 - 15. Shaman.
- Greta McDerrick is concerned about Halas' hunting dogs, currently being cared for by her son, Jalos. After this task is completed she will be willing to initiate you into the shaman guild as a valued member.
- Q10 : Level 5 - 15. Beastlord.
- Jarlock McDerrick shares his wife's concerns about the hunting dogs of Halas, cared for by their son Jalos. After you solve that problem, he would be willing to initiate you into the beastlord guild fully.
- Q11 : Level 1 - 30. Warrior.
- Trainer Sharn is in charge of getting all young recruits trained and battle ready. She has a whole set of armor available if you are brave enough to combat the orcs of Everfrost to protect Halas.
- Q12 : Level 5 - 15. Warrior.
- Training Master Wargus wants someone to deal with the orc menace. After you solve that problem, he would be willing to initiate you into the warrior guild as a full member.
- Q13 : Level 10 - 20. All Classes.
- Jalos McDerrick is worried about his charges, the hunting dogs of Halas. He wants someone to go out and find the special diet they need.
Everfrost is the hunting area for new Barbarian characters. A maze of snow-covered mountains makes up the western half of the zone, while a frozen tundra fills the eastern area leading to Everchill Caverns. Wandering animals and orcs inhabit this frozen landscape. The closer to the caverns you are, the stronger the monsters get.
Everfrost is the frozen tundra that the Barbarians call home. There are many fierce beasts, including the wooly mammoth to be found here. Patrolling orcs wander the waste and infest it with encampments. The Barbarians remain constantly vigilant against their threats, with bounties and outposts to control them.