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The Bloodfire elders have been shamed, and you have reclaimed a degree of your honor in your quest to regain entry to Tarhyl's plane. Now, you must pick off Fendrik's remaining murderers one by one, beginning with a visit to Enthann's plane...
Note: DISCLAIMER: Any typos present in the following quest dialogs are taken directly from the game. Do not amend them here unless they have been amended in-game.
Battle in the Plane of Valor
Upon entering the Plane of Valor, the following zonewide emote triggers:
<Player Name> shouts, 'Korant! I've come to take your head! Show yourself, or die a coward!
Captain Korant Firemane shouts, 'You've come at last, just as Winterfang said. But I'm ready for you! All forces assemble and attack! Do not let them reach my wards!'
Three wisps named a fiery ward spawn to the north, south, and west of the first crossroads surrounding a giant statue. One by one, a number of platemail-clad enemies named a valorous soldier appear and begin patrolling the area.
Note: Nothing in this encounter results in any faction hits.
Note: The valorous soldiers will summon the player if they get below 98% health despite that they are only level 45-49. The player may wish to cancel any damage shield buffs prior to the encounter, as the constant summons can make navigating the area difficult.
Defeat any of the three fiery wards, fending off the valorous soldiers as necessary.
Captain Korant Firemane shouts, 'No! A ward has fallen! Defend the other two!'
Defeat a second fiery ward. The valorous soldiers begin to spawn faster.
Captain Korant Firemane shouts, 'No! Only one ward remains! Faster! Attack faster! For Enthann!'
Defeat the final fiery ward. The valorous soldiers begin to spawn even faster.
Captain Korant Firemane shouts, 'Ugh! Fine then! We shall fight one on one! You and I!'
Note: Despite the above dialog, the player's allies may join in the fight against the Captain.
Captain Korant Firemane spawns at the foot of the statue at the center of the crossroads. Engage him until his health reaches 0%.
Captain Korant Firemane falls down in a bloody heap, wounded, but alive.
Note: The Captain is purified automatically following this emote, presumably to prevent damage-over-time effects from killing him before the quest dialog is completed.
You say, 'Hail, Captain Korant Firemane'
Captain Korant Firemane moans in pain.
You say, 'You will tell me where Winterfang is. Do so and you can walk away. Don't and I will make you suffer for a very long time.'
Captain Korant Firemane says, 'I... I don't know.'
You say, 'Enjoy serving in Azzerach. The Djari have ways of making the lives of their slaves intolerable.'
Captain Korant Firemane says, 'I... I really don't know... but...'
You say, 'But?'
Captain Korant Firemane says, 'Breven... McDowel... '
You say, 'Who? He wasn't with you when you attacked me. What does he know?'
Captain Korant Firemane says, 'He... he reported to Winterfang directly. when we wanted... to contact Winterfang... we asked him... Halas... he lives in Halas.'
Note: At this point, the player receives two dialog options. It seems likely that the first yields an Evil alignment shift, while the latter yields a Chaotic shift, though this is technically (Unknown) for the time being.
Seal the Captain's Fate (Dialog Option 1)
You say, 'That is all I need to know. You've been quite useful Korant. But you attacked me, and for that, I could never have let you walk away.'
Seal the Captain's Fate (Dialog Option 2)
You say, '[Smile and finish Korant off.]
Captain Korant Firemane says, 'But... no!'
Attack Captain Korant Firemane, who will die in one hit.
Loot from Captian Korant Firemane's corpse:
The Informant in Halas
Locate Winterfang's primary informant, Breven McDowel (Halas at 350, -285 • Bar) .
You say, 'Hail, Breven McDowel'
Breven McDowel says, 'sighs. 'Times are tough.
You say, 'They are about to get tougher Breven. The late Captain Firemane said you have information I want.'
Breven McDowel says, 'Late Captain? Why would Graf send you!'
You say, 'Graf? No, Korant. Korant Firemane.'
Breven McDowel says, 'Korant isn't dead.'
You say, 'News is traveling slower these days then I'm used too...'
Breven McDowel says, 'Ya. It's like the man said. It's not the clothes that make the man. Its the tailor that makes the man.'
You say, 'Enough is enough! Tell me where Winterfang is or you are dead!'
Breven McDowel says, 'One thousand platinum.'
You say, 'Come again?'
Breven McDowel says, 'Give me a thousand platinum and I'll talk. Otherwise no deal.'
Note: The following dialog option appears only if/when the player has 1,000 platinum pieces in his or her inventory. Luckily, there is a bank in Halas.
You say, 'I guess I have no choice. -Pay the 1000 platinum-'
You lose
Breven McDowel says, 'Excellent! Just what the doc ordered.'
You say, 'Where is Winterfang.'
Breven McDowel sigh. 'I don't know. Please don't hit me!'
You say, 'Give me one good reason why not.'
Breven McDowel says, 'It's really your own fault. He's known you were aiming for him since you dispatched Monohar. He's hidden himself away in Shojars inner sanctum until this blows over. Likely nothing can bring him out.'
You say, 'Nothing? Doubtful, Everyone has a weakness. Perhaps if the rest of his companions were removed...'
Breven McDowel says, 'Honestly I don't know how close he was to the others, but... hey you want revenge on them anyway right? I can help you there! Come on what do you say!'
You say, 'For now you live. What do you know.'
Breven McDowel says, 'Depends, who do you want to know about first?'
Note: At this point, the player is given two subquests, which may be completed in any order.
The Dark Elven Enchantress
You say, 'Among those who attacked me was a female Dark Elf. Who is she?'
Breven McDowel says, 'A Sera. Truthly I have my hunches it isn't REALLY a she. You never can tell with enchanters after all. Regardless we were sharing a meal here, when she mentions she's going off into hiding... I was curious and asked where, ya know just in case. She wouldn't say directly where, but has mentioned in the past always wanting to study the enchanting magics found in Sirens Grotto. Here's the thing though. Sera is a really powerful enchanter. You could walk right past her, and you'd never know. You're gonna have to kill a lot of things in there before you find her, and it'll might bepost-humorously.'
Complete the subquest Hidon.
The Depraved Necromancer
You say, 'An iksar necromancer was clearly one of those who attacked me. Where can she be found?'
Breven McDowel says, 'Ya thats Fiele. She scared me a lot. She's a lunatic, obsessed with gathering power for some unseen Master. She's really interested in the undead... and last I heard she was traveling up the deserts of Tarhyl. If you can find a ton of undead in that area, you'll find her. Sorry I can't be more specific.'
Complete the subquest The Cost of Depravity.
Return to the Tower
Now that you have secured Head of the Spear and Ornaments of the Spear and have defeated the fiends Breven McDowel has guided you to, you must return to the Tower of Tarhyl to take back your place under Tarhyl's dominion.
Approach A burning spirit (Tower of Tarhyl at 200, 235, -540 • Zone Entry) .
You say, 'Hail, a burning spirit'
Amusment burns into your mind, 'You have been banished. Leave here at once, or face destruction. Mortals tend to stay dead.'
You say, 'Let me through!.'
The spirit pauses a moment, 'Very well then... you are permitted entrance. You are very lucky Mortal. Very lucky...'
Seek out High Warden Ansaag (Tower of Tarhyl • Lobby) .
Note: If the raid boss has recently been defeated, a quest version with an asterisk (*) in his name will stand in his place so that this quest may be continued at any time. Also Note, the normal version has a bug where it will not despawn. The *version has no such issue.
Note: The following conversation entails a number of dialog paths. Only one such path is shown below; potential alignment shifts and/or dialog may vary.
You say, 'Hail, High Warden Ansaag'
High Warden Ansaag says, '<Player Name>! You dare show your face in the Tower of the Flame Lord again? This time I shall burn your very soul.'
You say, 'I have had it! I have killed all those who dared insult my prowess, but Winterfang, yet you continue to hound me!'
High Warden Ansaag says, 'You are a worm who ran from our enemies and lost a sacred artifact! Nothing you do will ever make up for that. Mortals have but one chance to prove themselves, and yours is spent!'
You say, 'You underestimate me, and for the last time! I'll kill you right here, right now, and find someone else who shall take me to Tarhyl!'
High Warden Ansaag says, 'Never mortal. You are not worthy of seeing Tarhyl. You are not worthy of walking these halls. You are not worthy of speaking to me at all.'
You say, 'That is it! You have underestimated me for the last time Ansaag. Prepare to die.'
High Warden Ansaag says, 'Very well then. But not here, these are sacred halls. Speak with Ghanherizoc, me and mine will kill you in his pit.'
High Warden Ansaag disappears instantly.
Return downstairs and speak with Archfiend Ghanherizoc (Tower of Tarhyl • Lobby) .
Note: As with High Warden Ansaag, an asterisk (*) version of this mob will be available if the "real" version of Archfiend Ghanerizoc has recently been killed.
You say, 'Hail, *Archfiend Ghanherizoc'
Archfiend Ghanherizoc looks at you impassively.
You say, 'Ghanherizoc, stand down a moment, and bring my companions here safely.'
Archfiend Ghanherizoc nods, and with a gesture pulls your companions to him.
Note: Any party or raid members who are already in the zone are transported to your side. This dialog step is optional.
You say, 'Ansaag said to speak to you. I am here to duel.'
Note: This event involves a number of high-profile raid bosses from within the Tower of Tarhyl. However, the versions here are significantly weaker than when they are found in their native wings.
Ferdolen the Farhag Elder, Parildec the Farhag Elder, and Gondolas the Farhag Elder spawn to the side of the lava pit in order to oversee the showdown.
High Warden Ansaag also spawns nearby, approaches the lava pit, and attacks the player on sight. Kill him.
Note: Though the player must engage High Warden Ansaag in combat, no buffs, heals, or other beneficial effects may be cast by the player on his/her allies during this encounter. Any attempt to do so will yield red text indicating that no follower of Tarhyl may aid non-followers within this deity's home plane. However, the player may cast any such spells on himself, and heals, buffs, and so on from allies will still affect the follower of Tarhyl.
Upon victory, the following emote occurs:
High Warden Ansaag shouts, 'I... impossible...'
Archfiend Ghanherizoc, overcome with bloodlust after watching you fight Ansaag jumps into the pit and attacks!
Archfiend Ghanherizoc now engages in combat. Kill him.
Note: The same rules and restrictions outlined for the previous fight apply.
Upon victory, the following emote occurs:
Archfiend Ghanherizoc slumps over in disbelief...
Arghol Bloodpyre now appears and approaches the lava pit.
Arghol Bloodpyre shouts, 'Impressive! But you should never have insulted our Elders! On behalf of High Lord Scorith I shall end your pathetic crusade!'
Kill him. Upon victory, the following emote occurs:
Arghol Bloodpyre shouts, 'NO NO NO! THIS CAN NOT BE! NOOOOOO!'
Corefire appears abruptly within the lava pit with the following emote:
A crackling resounds through the lobby, as Core Fire emerges from the pit and attacks!
Engage him in combat. Rather than dying, he delivers the following emote and vanishes:
Corefire suddenly melts back into the lava...
Corefire shouts, 'Ferdolen the Farhag Elder shouts, 'Enough! This mortal has bested you all. By the command of the Farhag, this mortal shall not be touched by the likes of you again!
A divine hoard spawns within the lava pit. Vanquish it to collect one piece of low-tier loot.
Note: The player would be well-advised to drag this mob onto dry land, as looting its corpse within the lava pit may present difficulties.
Approach any of the three Farhag elders, all of whom deliver the same dialog:
Ferdolen the Farhag Elder says, 'Before we continue, know that you are under the Farhag banner now. Show us the Bloodfire Brand you possess, and know true power.'
Give to your Farhag elder of choice:
- Brand of the Bloodfire Elder
You receive Brand of the Farhag Elder from Ferdolen the Farhag Elder.
Ferdolen the Farhag Elder says, 'You are now considered part of the Farhag tribe. Tell us <Player Name>. Why are did you return. Why did you defeat the lesser tribes. What is it you desire from the Farhag?'
Note: The dialog now branches into several paths. Only one path is shown below; dialog and/or potential alignment shifts may vary.
You say, 'Winterfang's head.'
Ferdolen the Farhag Elder says, 'Quite an enemy you have chosen. Powerful, and wise. And impossible to find. But we the Farhag know his weakness.'
You say, 'Tell me! How can I draw him out? Killing his companions did nothing! He just hid further.'
Ferdolen the Farhag Elder says, 'Winterfang... has a family.'
You say, 'Where.'
Ferdolen the Farhag Elder says, 'Not so fast young one. Your answer to everything is quick death, but that will not help here. For this a trap must be laid.'
You say, 'I'm listening...'
Ferdolen the Farhag Elder says, 'Take this, it is a jar we fashioned to imprison and release the Djar once upon a time. Winterfang has a son, daughter, and wife. Hunters all of them, they were last seen tracking giant wasps in Shadowdale. Start your search there. This jar is only good once, and capture is imperative, so make sure they are all together, and sufficently weakend.'
You receive Jar of the Djari from Ferdolen the Farhag Elder.
You must now turn your attention to Winterfang's family in Shadowdale to finalize your revenge...