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Talk:Pounder VIII and Pounder XI
Pounder VIII and Pounder XI are 2 adepts who cannot be split.
Battle information
Pounder VIII
- Max Hit
- Hit: 370
- Non-melee: 150
- Special abilities
Pounder XI
- Max Hit
- Hit: 334
- Special abilities
A walking bomb
- Max Hit
- Non-melee: 370
Strategy #1
Each adept does approximately the same damage as Traekoth, so two tanks are needed. Tanks must engage at the same time and immediately split them apart. 4 healers, 2 tanks, and the rest DPS work well. They are extremely magic resistant. After engage everyone assist the first tank until his target is dead, and then move on to the second. Should a wipe occur after one of the Pounders is dead, it will immediately respawn. Once both Pounders are dead their corpses will depop and a small low level pounder will spawn that has the loot on it.
There is AoE damage caused by little bombs that spawn and explode. Unknown if they can be mesmerized to avoid damage.
1-11-2009 - Killed easily with 2 groups, SK, War, 2 monks, 3 mages, 2 druids, shaman, cleric, enchanter.
Strategy #2
First 30 seconds are critical with strategy #1. When rushing each pounders has a tank, you will be summoned and be disoriented for 1 or 2 critical seconds. If one tank don't agroo adept before getting healed, healers will be first on aggro list and raid will wipe. But! If you have a uber tank like a max AA Shadow Knight (unbuffed:3700hp/1720ac/25dmg reduction), you can consider to have him tanking both pounders.
Here is the strat used:
- In safe room (first room): wait for everyone, you can even kill trash mobs while waiting because there are some players that don't have invisible spell/item.
- SK (main tank) must at least have memed following spells: DA and 2 terrors.
- Everyone get buffed, get fire resist and main tank can use AC/DS potions.
- Once everyone is ready for engage, move everyone behind center of 2nd room (center room) because fight will be in 3rd room (pounders room) and healer must be in range.
- Cleric will Hot main tank (SK), SK burn DA (invulnerability) and rush both pounders.
- On engage, SK will be summoned once and be disoriented for 1-2 sec.
- SK will move in position to be the only one facing both pounders.
- Nobody assist when SK will start bleeding,.... healers will have to keep SK alive though.
- On SK, you will have to aggro both ASAP (before getting a heal if possible)!
- Just before losing DA, you will have to follow these instructions within 1 second.
- Burn aggro stance! (\s 4)
- Use your Harm touch on first pounder.
- Use taunt on second pounder.
- Cast best terror on second pounder.
- Then cast terror one more time on both pounders then raid can assist. (note: just tell everyone to assist 45 sec after engage).
- SK should keep casting terror on both pounders for 1 more minute.
It is possible for a paladin to tank both Pounders at the same time. start with blinding light and you will be summoned to their room, then cast gleam of light followed by Taraztu's healing flames and Blessing of Althuna right after that SWITCH targets and cast blinding light on the other pounder so that the healers will not draw agro then switch back to the other pounder and continue using self heals and AoE flash of light and fight is over. Did this and worked except that I did not switched pounders so my cleric died but after that got the agro fine and 2 druids and a shammy plus self heals kept me over 50% all the time, once one Pounder was dead was over 90% all the time and neither pounders were slowed, maybe bards got the slow in...not sure about bard slow. Also make sure to stack up on DS since this teras them down. --The preceding unsigned comment was added by User:Laksha (talk).