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Sithika of the Blades Hates Frogloks!
Sithika of the Blades Hates Frogloks!
Even if she never specifically says it outright his dialogue indicates not only
that he finds them filthy vermin, but she would very likely seen them wiped
out altogether; or at least the ones in Stinger's Bog.
This is a quest chain with -number- parts.
Sithika of the Blades (Grobb's Warrior Trainer) can be found in the first
main area of Grobb. She is standing in front of the elevated throne next to
the bridge that leads to Grobb's tavern.
This quest chain starts by Hailing Sithika and following the dialog choices.
(Basically asks if you are looking for work).
The first segment of this quest involved collecting 4 Froglok Skins. They can
be found on any Froglok in Stinger's Bog and also in the Halls of Mielech
(possibly on any Froglok in the world; short of PC Frogloks ;) ) Once collected
turn them into her and it will advance the quest.
TIP: Check the bag vendor right outside of Grobb as well as some of the
vendors just inside. They are common loot, and easily found in the vendors if
people are leveling in zone.
For the second part of the chain Sithika asks you to collect 4 Forglok Guard Tunics.
The guards near and inside the Halls of Mielech drop them. I believe the quest
dialogue may be wrong and state a Froglok Sentry or other assorted 'loks may, but I've
never seen it drop from anything but Guards.
TIP: You may want to avoid using the vendor trick on this one. Those tunics will
run you just over 2pp.