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Glade Keeper's Armor - Part VI
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Glade Keeper's Armor - Part VI | ||
Quest giver | Apprentice Bethany | |
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Find Apprentice Bethany (Surefall Glade at -300, -245, 3 • Exiting the druid spell vendor building, she is straight ahead.) .
You say, 'Hail, Apprentice Bethany'
Apprentice Bethany smiles, 'welcome back <Player Name>. I've heard about you delivering the stew to the scouts. You have proven that you could handle a harder task.'
You say, 'What needs to be done?'
Apprentice Bethany says, 'A few weeks ago we sent one of our other scouts on a mission to retrieve some Kobold Furs. Our tailors use those to make armor linings and we were running out.'
You say, 'What happened?'
Apprentice Bethany says, 'We haven't heard anything and fear the worst. Would you please go check it out?'
You say, 'Where do I go?'
Apprentice Bethany says, 'To the home of the Kobolds, The Warrens.'
You say, 'I will go.'
Apprentice Bethany says, 'Great <Player Name>. I look forward to your report.'
Locate an imprisoned druid (Warrens at -282, 944, -108 • Southwest corner of zone) .
You say, 'Hail, an imprisoned druid'
an imprisoned druid says, 'Hello, who are you?'
You say, 'I am <Player Name>, Bethany sent me from the Glade to find you.'
an imprisoned druid says, 'I was beginning to wonder if they had missed me yet. Let's go!'
Escort an imprisoned druid and protect him against harmful attacks.
an imprisoned druid says, 'We made it! Rest up a bit and talk to me when you're ready.'
Complete escort.
an imprisoned druid says, 'Thank you for getting me out of there. I will let Bethany know how much help you were to me.'
Return to Apprentice Bethany.
Apprentice Bethany says, 'Thank you so much <Player Name>, our scout returned from The Warrens and told us about how you helped get him out of there after being captured.
You say, 'I'm proud to serve The Glade'.
Apprentice Bethany nods and smiles at <Player Name>, 'Perhaps you are ready for the final task...'