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Fallen Friends

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You will need to find and kill Giik and loot both of their items before starting this quest. Stalker Gelizal wants you to retrieve the remains of his fellow hunters.

Fallen Friends
Quest giver Stalker Gelizal
Starting Zone

The Remnants of Old Ikild

Ending Zone The Remnants of Old Ikild
Suggested Level Range 65 plus
Faction Required The Gruplok
Quest items used

Blood-stained Note
Gruplok Bones/Giik
Gruplok Bones/Gilli
Gruplok Bones/Ghatar
A Gruplok Skull

Item Reward(s)

Gelizal's Engraved Band

Positive (+) Faction

The Gruplok

Alignment shifts toward  (Good) (Evil)
Experience Reward 475,000
Related overview


Find and kill Giik, and gather Blood-stained Note and their Gruplok Bones

Find Stalker Gelizal (The Remnants of Old Ikild  at 2340, 4630, -340  • Gruplok outpost) .

You say, 'Hail, Stalker Gelizal'
Stalker Gelizal ignores you, seemingly preoccupied with something else.

Give Stalker Gelizal:

  • Blood-stained Note

You gain 50,000 experience!!

Stalker Gelizal Takes the note and begins to read it.

Your faction standing with The Gruplok has gotten better!

Stalker Gelizal says, 'These walking corpses are familiar... they are the members of my original hunting party. There is something strange about this place. Something that denies peace to the dead.'
Stalker Gelizal pauses for a brief moment in thought.
Stalker Gelizal says, 'I have need of your help, if you are willing come speak with me.'
You say, 'Hail, Stalker Gelizal'
Stalker Gelizal tells you, 'Five of us that traveled out to this land originally, to explore what was beyond the Murk. We set up camp east of here in a small gully that lies against the mountains. We were inexperienced, foolish and also ignorant of what we were surrounded by. I was the only one left alive to realize what fools we were.'
You say, 'What happened?
Stalker Gelizal tells you, 'I was to head back to the Murk alone to give a report of a safe and peaceful land. Or so we thought. I headed to the cave passage that leads back to the Murk, and I was beset by a creature that I had never seen before. I know now that it was one of the brood of the creature we call Talin. I was able to make it into the water and outswim the monster, but when I returned to our camp I found that my companions had not been so lucky. The camp was torn to pieces, I never found the bodies.'
You say, 'It appears all four died.'
Stalker Gelizal tells you, 'They must have been dragged off by the same creatures I encountered. I waited long to return to the Murk, searching for their remains, but I never found them. This note confirms my suspicions, but you have yet to hear the worst. My compatriots' souls are unsettled. I ask you on their behalf, to help me in putting them to rest.'

Alignment choices

[D1] - No shift
You say, 'What would you have me do?'
Stalker Gelizal tells you, 'I would like you to locate their remains, and collect them for proper burial. They are likely somewhere near the ruins, Talin's children frequent the area. I believe that just doing that would be enough to stop whatever haunts them. I cannot leave my watch here at the camp to aid you in your search, and truth be told I have no desire to see what Talin's brood left of my friends. You may be able to pick up a trail at our abandoned camp to the East, and follow it to their final resting place.'
[D2] - Evil shift
You say, 'Your friends are meaningless to me. But a reward is not.'
Stalker Gelizal tells you, 'I would like you to locate their remains, and collect them for proper burial. They are likely somewhere near the ruins, Talin's children frequent the area. I believe that just doing that would be enough to stop whatever haunts them. I cannot leave my watch here at the camp to aid you in your search, and truth be told I have no desire to see what Talin's brood left of my friends. You may be able to pick up a trail at our abandoned camp to the East, and follow it to their final resting place.'
Stalker Gelizal tells you, 'You can make demands after you help me. IF you succeed. To put my friends to rest I need to give their remains a proper gruplok ceremony. To do that, I need whatever remains you can collect. I would aid in your search, but I must remain here to guard the camp. If you begin at our abandoned camp to the East, you may be able to pick up the trail.'
[D3] - Good shift
You say, 'I will help your friends find peace in death.'

Your journal has been updated. [Fallen Friends]

Journal Text: Gelizal has asked for my assistance in returning the remains of his four deceased companions. He suggested looking at their abandoned camp to the East.

Giik's remains

Give Stalker Gelizal:

  • Gruplok Bones - from Giik
Stalker Gelizal tells you, 'The remains of Giik...'

You gain 75,000 experience!!

Your faction standing with The Gruplok has gotten better!

Gilli and Ghatar's remains

Find An abandoned box (The Remnants of Old Ikild  at 3500, -580, -346  •) .

Upon approach:

Something appears to be sifting through the abandoned camp nearby.

Gilli (The Remnants of Old Ikild  at 3480, -570, -349  • At abandoned boxes) and Ghatar (The Remnants of Old Ikild  at 3480, -550, -350  • At abandoned boxes) will spawn nearby. Kill them and loot there Gruplok Bones.

Note: A ground spawn will also spawn at this point behind the boxes A Gruplok Footbone that will start the Shattered and Broken quest. You should pick that up at this point.

Return to Stalker Gelizal (The Remnants of Old Ikild  at 2340, 4630, -340  • Gruplok outpost) .

Give Stalker Gelizal:

  • Gruplok Bones - from Gilli
Stalker Gelizal tells you, 'The remains of Gilli...'

You gain 75,000 experience!!

Your faction standing with The Gruplok has gotten better!

Give Stalker Gelizal:

  • Gruplok Bones - from Ghatar
Stalker Gelizal tells you, 'The remains of Ghatar...'

You gain 75,000 experience!!

Your faction standing with The Gruplok has gotten better!

Giyer's remains

Final Step

Return to Stalker Gelizal (The Remnants of Old Ikild  at 2340, 4630, -340  • Gruplok outpost) .

You say, 'Hail, Stalker Gelizal'
Stalker Gelizal tells you, 'The great raptor Talin. The way he goes in for every kill is unique, and devastating. He throws back his head and springs forward, the impact of his bulk throwing them to the ground and shattering their legs, setting him up for a single decapitating bite. It is cruel, but a tactic I have seen it employ many times with great success. I am sure Talin is where you will find Giyer's head... Talin is not to be trifled with <Player Name>, you will need all the help you can muster.'

Your journal has been updated. [Fallen Friends]

Journal Text: I am to retrieve Giyers head from the lead predator of the Remnants, Talin. I will need to bring as much help as I can.

Gather and give Stalker Gelizal:

  • A Gruplok Skull
Stalker Gelizal tells you, 'It has been a long time since we have seen anyone from lands outside the Murk, let alone outside Ikisith! I took time to trust you. But I see my trust in you was well-placed, and you have aided me in laying my companions to rest. The Gruplok and I thank you, and I offer this token of appreciation for your efforts.'

You receive Gelizal's Engraved Band.

You gain 200,000 experience!!

Your faction standing with The Gruplok has gotten better!