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package com.zak.sod.extractor;

* This class is simply a pure java switch/case version of the OpenSpell.xml file.
* For some the pure XML is more useful, but for my purposes I found this easier
* then writing up a parser. I got the XML file from the OpenSpell 1.1, written
* in Pascal, available at -
* I don't know if Windcatcher wrote it or not, but his name is on it, so gets the
* credit for it.
* The calls these classes from a static context. They are in a separate
* class for readability. You shouldn't need to edit the switch statements that much.
* There is some info on the table lookup thats specific to the SOD Wiki formatting.
* It has been labeled so you can edit it back.
*     The MIT License
*    Copyright (c) 2008 Zak-Corps.
*    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
*    of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
*    in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
*    to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
*    copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
*    furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
*    1) Credit given in derivative works
*    2) Notification prior to distribution of derivative works
*    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
*    all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
*    Now that the legal stuff is out of the way, enjoy.
*    @author Tyrsell
*    @author [email protected]
*    Based on the work by:
*    @author Windcatcher from EQEmulator Forums
*             ( )
*    @version 1.5 release 1/09/2008

public class Tables {
    static String getResistances(String resistToken){
        String resistType = "N/A";
        int decodedInteger = (Integer.decode( resistToken )).intValue();
        switch( decodedInteger ){
            case 1: resistType = "Magic"; break;
            case 2: resistType = "Fire"; break;
            case 3: resistType = "Ice"; break;
            case 4: resistType = "Poison"; break;
            case 5: resistType = "Disease"; break;
            default: resistType = "N/A"; break;
        return resistType;
     * getClass couldn't be generalized very well. You'll likely have to make
     * your own
     * @param    classToken - A string representation of all the classes and their
     *                         min level for this spell ex:
     *                         "255^1^9^9^255^255^255^255^255^255^255^255^255^255^255"
     *                         Would represent a spell clerics get at level 1, paladins
     *                         at level 9, rangers at level 9, and no one else can cast
     *                         at all.
    static String getClass(String classToken){
        String[] results = classToken.split("\\^");
        String classType = "";
        for( int i = 0; i < results.length; i++ ){
            int minLvl = (Integer.decode( results[i] )).intValue();
            switch( i ){
                case 0: if(minLvl < 255)
                        classType = classType + " [[Spells: Warrior#Level "+minLvl+"|WAR("+minLvl+")]] ";
                case 1: if(minLvl < 255)
                        classType = classType + " [[Spells: Cleric#Level "+minLvl+"|CLR("+minLvl+")]] ";
                case 2: if(minLvl < 255)
                        classType = classType + " [[Spells: Paladin#Level "+minLvl+"|PAL("+minLvl+")]] ";
                case 3:if(minLvl < 255)
                        classType = classType + " [[Spells: Ranger#Level "+minLvl+"|RNG("+minLvl+")]] ";
                case 4: if(minLvl < 255)
                        classType = classType + " [[Spells: Shadowknight#Level "+minLvl+"|SHD("+minLvl+")]] ";
                case 5: if(minLvl < 255)
                        classType = classType + " [[Spells: Druid#Level "+minLvl+"|DRU("+minLvl+")]] ";
                case 6: if(minLvl < 255)
                        classType = classType + " [[Spells: Monk#Level "+minLvl+"|MNK("+minLvl+")]] ";
                case 7: if(minLvl < 255)
                        classType = classType + " [[Spells: Bard#Level "+minLvl+"|BRD("+minLvl+")]] ";
                case 8: if(minLvl < 255)
                        classType = classType + " [[Spells: Rogue#Level "+minLvl+"|ROG("+minLvl+")]] ";
                case 9: if(minLvl < 255)
                        classType = classType + " [[Spells: Shaman#Level "+minLvl+"|SHM("+minLvl+")]] ";
                case 10:if(minLvl < 255)
                        classType = classType + " [[Spells: Necromancer#Level "+minLvl+"|NEC("+minLvl+")]] ";
                case 11:if(minLvl < 255)
                        classType = classType + " [[Spells: Wizard#Level "+minLvl+"|WIZ("+minLvl+")]] ";
                case 12:if(minLvl < 255)
                        classType = classType + " [[Spells: Magician#Level "+minLvl+"|MAG("+minLvl+")]] ";
                case 13:if(minLvl < 255)
                        classType = classType + " [[Spells: Enchanter#Level "+minLvl+"|ENC("+minLvl+")]] ";
                case 14:if(minLvl < 255)
                        classType = classType + " [[Spells: Beastlord#Level "+minLvl+"|BST("+minLvl+")]] ";
                default: classType = "N/A"; break;
        return classType;
    static String getZoneType( String zoneToken ){
        String zoneType = "none";
        if( zoneToken.equals("0") ){
            //I don't think any indoor only spells exist
            zoneType = "Indoor";
        else if( zoneToken.equals("1") ){
            zoneType = "Outdoor";
        return zoneType;
    static String getSkill(String skillToken){
        String skillType = "N/A";
        int decodedInteger = (Integer.decode( skillToken )).intValue();
        switch( decodedInteger ){
          case 0: skillType = "1H Blunt"; break;
          case 1: skillType = "1H Slashing"; break;
          case 2: skillType = "2H Blunt"; break;
          case 3: skillType = "2H Slashing"; break;
          case 4: skillType = "Abjuration"; break;
          case 5: skillType = "Alteration"; break;
          case 6: skillType = "Apply Poison"; break;
          case 7: skillType = "Archery"; break;
          case 8: skillType = "Backstab"; break;
          case 9: skillType = "Bind Wound"; break;
          case 10: skillType = "Bash"; break;
          case 11: skillType = "Block"; break;
          case 12: skillType = "Brass Instruments"; break;
          case 13: skillType = "Channeling"; break;
          case 14: skillType = "Conjuration"; break;
          case 15: skillType = "Defense"; break;
          case 16: skillType = "Disarm"; break;
          case 17: skillType = "Disarm Traps"; break;
          case 18: skillType = "Divination"; break;
          case 19: skillType = "Dodge"; break;
          case 20: skillType = "Double Attack"; break;
          case 21: skillType = "Dragon Punch"; break;
          case 22: skillType = "Dual Wield"; break;
          case 23: skillType = "Eagle Strike"; break;
          case 24: skillType = "Evocation"; break;
          case 25: skillType = "Feign Death"; break;
          case 26: skillType = "Flying Kick"; break;
          case 27: skillType = "Forage"; break;
          case 28: skillType = "Hand To Hand"; break;
          case 29: skillType = "Hide"; break;
          case 30: skillType = "Kick"; break;
          case 31: skillType = "Meditate"; break;
          case 32: skillType = "Mend"; break;
          case 33: skillType = "Offense"; break;
          case 34: skillType = "Parry"; break;
          case 35: skillType = "Pick Lock"; break;
          case 36: skillType = "Piercing"; break;
          case 37: skillType = "Riposte"; break;
          case 38: skillType = "Round Kick"; break;
          case 39: skillType = "Safe Fall"; break;
          case 40: skillType = "Sense Heading"; break;
          case 41: skillType = "Sing"; break;
          case 42: skillType = "Sneak"; break;
          case 43: skillType = "Specialize Abjure"; break;
          case 44: skillType = "Specialize Alteration"; break;
          case 45: skillType = "Specialize Conjuration"; break;
          case 46: skillType = "Specialize Divinatation"; break;
          case 47: skillType = "Specialize Evocation"; break;
          case 48: skillType = "Pick Pockets"; break;
          case 49: skillType = "Stringed Instruments"; break;
          case 50: skillType = "Swimming"; break;
          case 51: skillType = "Throwing"; break;
          case 52: skillType = "Tiger Claw/Instantaneous"; break;
          case 53: skillType = "Tracking"; break;
          case 54: skillType = "Wind Instruments"; break;
          case 55: skillType = "Fishing"; break;
          case 56: skillType = "Make Poison"; break;
          case 57: skillType = "Tinkering"; break;
          case 58: skillType = "Research"; break;
          case 59: skillType = "Alchemy"; break;
          case 60: skillType = "Baking"; break;
          case 61: skillType = "Tailoring"; break;
          case 62: skillType = "Sense Traps"; break;
          case 63: skillType = "Blacksmithing"; break;
          case 64: skillType = "Fletching"; break;
          case 65: skillType = "Brewing"; break;
          case 66: skillType = "Alcohol Tolerance"; break;
          case 67: skillType = "Begging"; break;
          case 68: skillType = "Jewelry Making"; break;
          case 69: skillType = "Pottery"; break;
          case 70: skillType = "Percussion Instruments"; break;
          case 71: skillType = "Intimidation"; break;
          case 72: skillType = "Berserking"; break;
          case 73: skillType = "Taunt"; break;
          default: skillType = "N/A"; break;
        return skillType;
    static String getTargets( String targetToken ){
        String targetType = "N/A";
        int decodedInteger = (Integer.decode( targetToken )).intValue();
            case 1: targetType = "Projectile Aim"; break;
            case 2: targetType = "AE PC v1"; break;
            case 3: targetType = "Self Based AoE"; break;
            case 4: targetType = "Point Blank AoE"; break;
            case 5: targetType = "All"; break;
            case 6: targetType = "Self"; break;
            case 8: targetType = "Target Based AoE"; break;
            case 9: targetType = "Animals"; break;
            case 10: targetType = "Undead"; break;
            case 11: targetType = "Summoned"; break;
            case 13: targetType = "Lifetap"; break;
            case 14: targetType = "Pet"; break;
            case 15: targetType = "Corpse"; break;
            case 16: targetType = "Plant"; break;
            case 17: targetType = "Giant"; break;
            case 18: targetType = "Dragon"; break;
            case 20: targetType = "Targeted AE (Tap)"; break;
            case 24: targetType = "AE Undead"; break;
            case 25: targetType = "AE Summoned"; break;
            case 33: targetType = "NPC Hatelist (!?)"; break;
            case 34: targetType = "Dungeon Object"; break;
            case 36: targetType = "Area - PC Only"; break;
            case 40: targetType = "AE PC v2"; break;
            case 41: targetType = "Group Buff"; break;
            default: targetType = "N/A"; break;
        return targetType;
     * Look up table associated with the formula used for spells whose effects
     * vary by level. Only really useful on low level spells. Original formulas
     * are found on the 'effect_formula' table of OpenSpell.xml
     * @param effectsToken
     * @param minLevel
     * @param maxLevel
     * @return
    static String getEffectsFormula( String formulaToken, String min, String max ){
    	int finalAnswer = 0;
    	String finalAnswerString = "";
        int forumlaType = (Integer.decode( formulaToken )).intValue();
        int minValue = (Integer.decode( min )).intValue();
        int maxValue = (Integer.decode( max )).intValue();
        switch( forumlaType ){
        	case 100: finalAnswer = minValue; break;
        	case 101: finalAnswer = minValue + (maxValue / 2); break;
        	case 103: finalAnswer = minValue + (maxValue * 2); break;
        	case 104: finalAnswer = minValue + (maxValue * 3); break;
        	case 109: finalAnswer = minValue + (maxValue / 4); break;
        	case 110: finalAnswer = minValue + (maxValue / 5); break;
        	case 119: finalAnswer = minValue + (maxValue / 8); break;
        	default: finalAnswer = -1;
        if( finalAnswer > 0 )
        	finalAnswerString = finalAnswer + "";
    	return finalAnswerString;
    static String getEffects( String effectsToken ){
        String effectsType = "N/A";
        int decodedInteger = (Integer.decode( effectsToken )).intValue();
        switch( decodedInteger ){
          case 0: effectsType = "HP (per Tick)"; break;
          case 1: effectsType = "Armor Class"; break;
          case 2: effectsType = "ATK"; break;
          case 3: effectsType = "Movement"; break;
          case 4: effectsType = "STR"; break;
          case 5: effectsType = "DEX"; break;
          case 6: effectsType = "AGI"; break;
          case 7: effectsType = "STA"; break;
          case 8: effectsType = "INT"; break;
          case 9: effectsType = "WIS"; break;
          case 10: effectsType = "CHA"; break;
          case 11: effectsType = "Attack Speed"; break;
          case 12: effectsType = "Invisibility"; break;
          case 13: effectsType = "See Invis"; break;
          case 14: effectsType = "Waterbreathing"; break;
          case 15: effectsType = "Current mana"; break;
          case 18: effectsType = "Lull"; break;
          case 19: effectsType = "Faction (Alliance)"; break;
          case 20: effectsType = "Blindness"; break;
          case 21: effectsType = "Stun"; break;
          case 22: effectsType = "Charm"; break;
          case 23: effectsType = "Fear"; break;
          case 24: effectsType = "Stamina Regen."; break;
          case 25: effectsType = "Bind Affinity"; break;
          case 26: effectsType = "Gate"; break;
          case 27: effectsType = "Cancel Magic"; break;
          case 28: effectsType = "Invis to Undead"; break;
          case 29: effectsType = "Invis to Animals"; break;
          case 30: effectsType = "Frenzy Range"; break;
          case 31: effectsType = "Mezmerise"; break;
          case 32: effectsType = "Summon Item"; break;
          case 33: effectsType = "Summon Pet"; break;
          case 34: effectsType = "Disease Counters"; break;
          case 35: effectsType = "Poison Counters"; break;
          case 36: effectsType = "Poison Counter"; break;
          case 37: effectsType = "Sense Magic"; break;
          case 40: effectsType = "Divine Aura"; break;
          case 41: effectsType = "Destroy Target"; break;
          case 42: effectsType = "Shadow Step"; break;
          case 44: effectsType = "Lycanthropy"; break;
          case 46: effectsType = "Resist Fire"; break;
          case 47: effectsType = "Resist Cold"; break;
          case 48: effectsType = "Resist Poison"; break;
          case 49: effectsType = "Resist Disease"; break;
          case 50: effectsType = "Resist Magic"; break;
          case 52: effectsType = "Sense Undead"; break;
          case 53: effectsType = "Sense Summoned"; break;
          case 54: effectsType = "Sense Animals"; break;
          case 55: effectsType = "Rune"; break;
          case 56: effectsType = "True North"; break;
          case 57: effectsType = "Levitate"; break;
          case 58: effectsType = "Illusion"; break;
          case 59: effectsType = "Damage Shield"; break;
          case 61: effectsType = "Identify"; break;
          case 63: effectsType = "Wipe Hatelist"; break;
          case 64: effectsType = "Spin Target"; break;
          case 65: effectsType = "Infravision"; break;
          case 66: effectsType = "Ultravision"; break;
          case 67: effectsType = "Eye of Zomm"; break;
          case 68: effectsType = "Reclaim Pet"; break;
          case 69: effectsType = "Total HP"; break;
          case 71: effectsType = "Create necro pet"; break;
          case 73: effectsType = "Bind Sight"; break;
          case 74: effectsType = "Feign Death"; break;
          case 75: effectsType = "Voice Graft"; break;
          case 76: effectsType = "Sentinel"; break;
          case 77: effectsType = "Locate Corpse"; break;
          case 78: effectsType = "Absorb Magic Attacks"; break;
          case 79: effectsType = "HP (Once)"; break;
          case 81: effectsType = "Revive"; break;
          case 82: effectsType = "Summon Player"; break;
          case 83: effectsType = "Teleport"; break;
          case 84: effectsType = "Throw Into Air"; break;
          case 85: effectsType = "Weapon Proc"; break;
          case 86: effectsType = "Harmony"; break;
          case 87: effectsType = "Magnification"; break;
          case 88: effectsType = "Evacuate"; break;
          case 89: effectsType = "Shrink/Growth"; break;
          case 90: effectsType = "Cloak"; break;
          case 91: effectsType = "Summon Corpse"; break;
          case 92: effectsType = "Modify Hate"; break;
          case 93: effectsType = "Stop Rain"; break;
          case 94: effectsType = "Fragile (Combat cancels this spell)"; break;
          case 95: effectsType = "Sacrifice"; break;
          case 96: effectsType = "Silence"; break;
          case 97: effectsType = "Mana Drain"; break;
          case 98: effectsType = "Haste (Above Cap)"; break;
          case 99: effectsType = "Root"; break;
          case 100: effectsType = "Heal Over Time"; break;
          case 101: effectsType = "Complete Heal"; break;
          case 102: effectsType = "Fearless"; break;
          case 103: effectsType = "Summon Companion"; break;
          case 104: effectsType = "Translocate"; break;
          case 105: effectsType = "Interrupt Gate"; break;
          case 106: effectsType = "Summon BST Pet"; break;
          case 107: effectsType = "Summon Companion (max. Level)"; break;
          case 108: effectsType = "Summon Familiar"; break;
          case 109: effectsType = "Summon Item Into Backpack"; break;
          case 110: effectsType = "Increase Archery"; break;
          case 111: effectsType = "All resists"; break;
          case 112: effectsType = "Modify Cast Skill"; break;
          case 113: effectsType = "Summon Horse"; break;
          case 114: effectsType = "Change Aggro"; break;
          case 115: effectsType = "Resplenish Hunger"; break;
          case 116: effectsType = "Add Curse Counter"; break;
          case 117: effectsType = "Make Weapon Magic"; break;
          case 118: effectsType = "Amplification"; break;
          case 119: effectsType = "Haste"; break;
          case 120: effectsType = "Reduce Healing"; break;
          case 121: effectsType = "Reverse Damage Shield"; break;
          case 123: effectsType = "Screech"; break;
          case 124: effectsType = "Increase Spell Damage"; break;
          case 125: effectsType = "Increase Spell Healing"; break;
          case 127: effectsType = "Increase Spell Haste"; break;
          case 128: effectsType = "Increase Spell Duration"; break;
          case 129: effectsType = "Increase Spell Range"; break;
          case 130: effectsType = "Furious Bash"; break;
          case 131: effectsType = "Conserve Spell Reagent"; break;
          case 132: effectsType = "Decrease Mana Cost"; break;
          case 134: effectsType = "Effect Max Level Limit"; break;
          case 135: effectsType = "Effect Resist Limit"; break;
          case 136: effectsType = "Exclude Target Type"; break;
          case 137: effectsType = "Exclude Spell Type"; break;
          case 138: effectsType = "Limit to Spell Type"; break;
          case 139: effectsType = "Exclude Spell"; break;
          case 140: effectsType = "Minimum Duration"; break;
          case 141: effectsType = "Instant Spells Only"; break;
          case 142: effectsType = "Effect Min Level Limit"; break;
          case 143: effectsType = "Minimum Casting Time"; break;
          case 145: effectsType = "Teleport V2"; break;
          case 147: effectsType = "Heal HP Percentage"; break;
          case 148: effectsType = "Stacking 1"; break;
          case 149: effectsType = "Stacking 2"; break;
          case 150: effectsType = "Death Save"; break;
          case 151: effectsType = "Suspend Minion"; break;
          case 152: effectsType = "Summon Pets"; break;
          case 153: effectsType = "Balance Party Health"; break;
          case 154: effectsType = "Remove Detrimental"; break;
          case 156: effectsType = "Illusion: Target"; break;
          case 157: effectsType = "Spell-Damage Shield"; break;
          case 158: effectsType = "Chance to Reflect Spell Percentage"; break;
          case 159: effectsType = "Increase/Decrease Stats"; break;
          case 161: effectsType = "Absorb spell damage"; break;
          case 162: effectsType = "Absorb melee damage"; break;
          case 167: effectsType = "Increase pet power"; break;
          case 168: effectsType = "Melee Mitigation"; break;
          case 169: effectsType = "Chance to Crit Percentage"; break;
          case 170: effectsType = "Chance to critical cast Percentage"; break;
          case 171: effectsType = "Chance to Crippling Blow"; break;
          case 172: effectsType = "Chance to Avoid Melee Percentage"; break;
          case 173: effectsType = "Chance to Riposte Percentage"; break;
          case 174: effectsType = "Chance to Dodge Percentage"; break;
          case 175: effectsType = "Chance to Parry Percentage"; break;
          case 176: effectsType = "Dual Wield Percentage"; break;
          case 177: effectsType = "Double Attack Percentage"; break;
          case 178: effectsType = "Lifetap from Weapon Damage"; break;
          case 179: effectsType = "Instrument Modifier"; break;
          case 180: effectsType = "Chance to Resist Spell"; break;
          case 181: effectsType = "Chance to Resist Fear Pecentage"; break;
          case 182: effectsType = "Hundred Hands Effect"; break;
          case 183: effectsType = "Melee Skill Check Percentage"; break;
          case 184: effectsType = "Chance to Hit Percentage"; break;
          case 185: effectsType = "Damage Modifier"; break;
          case 186: effectsType = "Minimum Damage Modifier"; break;
          case 188: effectsType = "Chance to Block Percentage"; break;
          case 189: effectsType = "Endurance Regen"; break;
          case 192: effectsType = "Modify Hate"; break;
          case 193: effectsType = "Skill Attack"; break;
          case 194: effectsType = "Fade???"; break;
          case 195: effectsType = "Stun Resist"; break;
          case 196: effectsType = "Strikethrough"; break;
          case 197: effectsType = "Skill Damage Taken???"; break;
          case 198: effectsType = "Endurance"; break;
          case 199: effectsType = "Redirect Hate"; break;
          default: effectsType = "N/A"; break;
        return effectsType;