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Valley of Erimal/Lore
Valley of Erimal
The Valley of Erimal is a green valley south of the Mistwoods. The most notable features of it are a seemingly bottomless pit, and some ghost-infested ruins. Kobolds roam the valley, scouts of the clan inhabiting the Warrens. Other things to mention are a camp of refugees from the war, and the City of Erimal, headquarters of the Seekers. Only those trusted by The Seekers are allowed within the city.
City of Erimal
Founded by refugees from the events that ultimately led to the Fall. Erimal is the latest city on the Erudin Isles.
Soon after its founding, an organization called The Seekers seized control of Erimal and made it their base. Anyone they do not trust is denied entrance.
Having split off from the Lorekeepers in the Grand Library, one of the key resources of the Seekers is ancient knowledge in all of its forms, which enables them to translate many ancient and otherwise incomprehensible documents. In contrast to the Lorekeepers, who merely collect lore, the Seekers believe that knowledge should be used for the betterment of Dalaya. Thus, any individual fighting against Kaezul can find powerful allies here.
The Seekers are devoted to the fight against Kaezul and his minions, as well as the restoration of the Old World. The seek to cleanse the corruption which plagues the Badlands, lift the Mist that haunts the city of Nagthilian, and more.