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User:Rari/mystyles/Dalayan Classic

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/* To use the Dalayan Classic style, apply it to one of your user style pages. Some features may not be available on all skins */

/* Spell style */

.spellheader { background:#1f2430; border: solid 1px #AAA; text-align:center; color:#EAEAAE; }
.spell-list {text-align:left; color:#EAEAAE; border:solid 1px #111;}
.spell-list-single, .spell-list-undead, .spell-list-animal, .spell-list-elemental { background-color:#f8caca; }
.spell-list-pet { background-color:#f7e7e7; }
.spell-list-area-of-effect-rain { background-color:#f4e2bb; }
.spell-list-self { background-color:#ecefb6; }
.spell-list-targeted-ae { background-color:#d6efc2; }
.spell-list-point-blank-ae { background-color:#cae1f2; }
.spell-list-point-blank-ae-undead { background-color:#cae1f2; }
.spell-list-group { background-color:#e0c2ef; }
.spell-list-raid { background-color:#d1cbf2; }
.spell-list-unknown { background-color:#FFF; }

/* Spell effects styles */

.spell-spelltable { background:#000000; }
.spell-pcclass { background:#eeeeee;border:solid 1px #000; }
.spell-mana, .spell-cast, .spell-recharge, .spell-duration, .spell-reagents { background:#dbdbff;border:solid 1px #000; }
.spell-range, .spell-aerad, .spell-aedur, .spell-ttype, .spell-push { background:#ffffaa;border:solid 1px #000; }
.spell-skill, .spell-restype, .spell-resadj, .spell-restrict, .spell-ratio { background:#ffdbdb;border:solid 1px #000; }
.spell-beneficial { background:#afeeee;border:solid 1px #000; }
.spell-detrimental { background:#f08080;border:solid 1px #000; }
.spell-none { background:#eee;border:solid 1px #000; }
.spell-effects, .spell-notes, .spell-nextspell, .spell-spellline, .spell-prevspell { background:#fff;border:solid 1px #000; }
.spell-arrowcolor { color:#bbb; }
.spell-notspec { font-size:80%;margin-left:10px;margin-right:5px; }

/* Infobox style */

 .infobox {margin: 0 0 0.5em 1em; float:right; font-size:90%; text-align:left; color: #000; }
 .infobox-header {font-size:110%; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; }
/* Adept style */
  .adept-bg {background-color:#fff2f2;}
  .adept-highlight {background-color:#e66;}
  .adept-border {border:solid 1px #a33;}
  .adept-width {width: 40%;}
/* NPC style */
  .npc-bg {background-color:#f6e9fe;}
  .npc-highlight {background-color:#DAF;}
  .npc-border {border:solid 1px #80A;}
  .npc-width {width: 40%;}
/* Race style */
  .race-bg {background-color:#e4f0fe;}
  .race-highlight {background-color:#ABC;}
  .race-border {border:solid 1px #9dccd1;}
  .race-width {width: 40%;}
/* Class style */
  .class-bg {background-color:#FEF;}
  .class-highlight {background-color:#FCE;}
  .class-border {border:solid 1px #A08;}
  .class-width {width: 40%;}
/* Item style */
  .item-bg {background-color:#f8fef3;}
  .item-highlight {background-color:#CF9;}
  .item-border {border:solid 1px #5A0;}
  .item-width {width: 40%;}
/* Zone style */
 .zone-bg {background-color:#EEF;}
 .zone-highlight {background-color:#DDF;}
 .zone-border {border:solid 1px #77C;}
 .zone-deco {border-top:1px solid #77C;}
 .zone-width {width: 25em;}
/* Quest style */
 .quest-bg {background-color:#FFC;}
 .quest-highlight {background-color:#FF8;}
 .quest-border {border:solid 1px #EA3;}
 .quest-diagbox {width:50%; overflow:hidden; margin-left:20px; margin-right:10px; margin-bottom:20px; margin-top:20px; padding: 10px 15px 10px 15px;}
 .quest-diag1 {font-style:italic; font-weight:bold;}
 .quest-diag2 {font-style:italic;}
 .quest-diag3 {text-align:center;}
 .quest-diag {overflow:hidden; 10px 0px 10px 0px;}
 .quest-width {width: 40%;}
 .quest-bg2 {background-color:#f2e0e0;}
 .quest-bg3 {background-color:#cedff2;}
 .quest-bg4 {background-color:#cef2df;}
 .quest-deco {border-top:1px solid #EA3;}

/* Raid Tier style */

.raidtier {border:1px solid #aaa;background-color:#f2f2ff;}
.raidtier-header {text-align:center; border:1px solid #aaa; background-color:#eee; }
.raidzone {text-decoration:none; color:black;}

/* Main Page style */

.MainPage-title1 {width: 100%; background: transparent;}
.MainPage-title2 {width: 75%; margin: auto; background: #fffae0; border: 1px solid #AAA;}
.MainPage-title3 {background: #fffae0; border: 1px solid #f49941; padding: 5px; margin: 3px; font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.2em; text-align:  center;}
.MainPage-bubble {width: 33%; background: #fffae0; border: 1px solid #AAA; vertical-align: top;}
.MainPage-bubbletitle {background: #ffdc88; border: 1px solid #f49941; padding: 5px; margin: 3px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-size: 120%;}
.MainPage-bubbleformat {padding-left: 1em; color: #000;}
.MainPage-mini {text-align: right; font-size: 0.9em; font-style: italic; margin: 0.3em 1em; color: #000;}

/* Misc styles */

.fullwidth {width:99%}
.userbubble { font-size:90%; background-color: #fffae0; padding: 0.5em 1em; border:solid 1px #f49941;}
.floatright {float: right;}
.unknown-bg {background-color:#666;}
.unknown-highlight {background-color:#777;}
.unknown-border {background-color:#eee;}
.contentbar {background-color:#eee; color: #000; text-align:center;font-size:95%; border:1px solid #aaa;}
.toolbar {border: 1px solid silver; width: 60%; min-width: 500px; padding: 5px; margin-left: 5%; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 90%; text-align: left; margin-top:1em;}

/* Table style */

table.wikitable, table.sortable { margin: 1em 1em 1em 0;  background: #f9f9f9;  border: 1px #aaaaaa solid; border-collapse: collapse;  }
table.wikitable td, table.sortable td { border: 1px #aaaaaa solid; padding: 0.2em;}
table.wikitable th, table.sortable th { border: 1px #aaaaaa solid; background: #E6E6FA; text-align: center; }
table.wikitable caption, table.sortable caption { margin-left: inherit;  margin-right: inherit; }
table.wikitable tr:not(:first-child) th, table.sortable tr:not(:first-child) th { border: 1px #aaa solid; background-color: #E6E6FA; color: #000; font-size: 90%; }
table.extrapadding td { padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px; } td { text-align: right;

/* self spacing, bold */

#p-personal { font-weight: bold; padding: 4px 0px 3px 0px; }

/* content spacing */

#column-content, #p-cactions { margin-top: 5px; }

/* removing a little wasted space */

#p-personal UL { padding-right: 1em; }

/* fixes spacing after using plainlinks class to remove arrow */

#bodyContent .plainlinks a { background: none !important; padding: 0 !important; }

/* remove table backgrounds */

table { background-color:inherit; }

/* making certain links black on monobook */

.speciallink { color:black; }

/* disambig, i-note design */

.greybar { color: #000; background-color: #DDD; border-top: 1px #606060 solid; border-bottom: 1px #606060 solid; }

/* suppress the person icon by your username */

li#pt-userpage { background: none }

/* Headers */

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 { font-family:"ClearType", Calibri, sans-serif; margin: 1; padding-top: .1em; padding-bottom: .1em; }

/* Tab template style */
 .tab { border-style: solid solid none; border-width: thin; border-color: #aaa; padding:0.25ex 1ex 0ex; font-size: 95%; color:#002BB8; background:#eee; font-weight: bold; }

/* Preview */

.body-bg { background: #FFF /*Used for preview*/
.body-body { background: #FFF; } /*Used for preview*/
.body-highlight { background: #EEE; } /*Used for preview*/
.body-highlight2 { background: #AAA; }