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Silver Crown - Heartland Plateau
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Warning: Key elements of this quest are incomplete!
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Starting Zone: Heartland Plateau
Ending Zone: Heartland Plateau
Quest Giver: Trader Valner
Level Required: (Unknown)
Faction: Silver Crown Trading Company (unknown)
Item(s) Needed:
- Heartland Grizzly Flank
- Chunk of Shade Panther Meat
- Heartland Vegetables
- Dirt of the Heartland
- Prototype Codex I
- Heartland Stew
- Rusted Clockwork Device
- Silver Crown Hireling's Pips
- Silver Crown Soldier's Pips
- Faction + Silver Crown Trading Company
Joining the Silver Crown
Trader Valner eyes Noein appraisingly, then stretches out his hand in greeting, 'Welcome to the Heartland Plateau. I am Trader Valner of the Silver Crown Trading Coalition, and in charge of the construction and maintenace of this settlement. This is all Silver Crown land, so do be careful what you do on our property. How can I help you?'
You say, 'Tell me about the other factions in the region'
Trader Valner says, 'You mean the Order of the Blackscale, I presume? Or the dryad natives?'
You say, 'I mean the natives'
Trader Valner shrugs, 'We haven't had much contact with them. They seem rather unbalanced creatures, mourning for every tree as though the forest did not have a thousand more. I am confident they cannot provide a real challenge to us, and as long as they do not threaten our operations, we will leave them alone.'
You say, 'I mean the Blackscale'
Trader Valner says, 'Ah. The Blackscale are military fanatics, striving for much the same ideals that caused the Fall in the first place. In their misguided minds, they see us as the enemy because we do not share their love of chaos and bloodshed, and have power that eclipses even theirs. Beware of the Blackscale, as they are treacherous and utterly unpredictable. Even now they seek to claim this Plateau from us, despite the fact that we have documents of law that affirm our claims as first explorers.'
You say, 'Well, really, do you think that documents somehow give you the right to this Plateau?'
Trader Valner narrows his eyes, 'As a matter of fact, yes, I do. What of it? Are you trying to do something here besides provoke me?'
You say, 'Tell me about your faction'
Trader Valner says, 'The Silver Crown Trading Coalition has its origins in the refugee city of Erudin. It was originally formed as a political faction championing the cause of returning and rebuilding our broken homelands, and eventually grew into a powerful merchant organization as it fell upon our shoulders to arrange the massive logistics required for the Return - and the construction of Newport as a new home to all races whose old lands were damaged beyond repair.'
You say, 'Go on'
Trader Valner says, 'We are regarded as the most powerful faction in the Old World, and we adhere strictly to the tenets of free trade and ordered stability. The Trader General of the Silver Crown is one of the permanent ruling council members of the city of Newport, and we have a strong political presence in the cities of Oggok, Underhill, Halas and Sadri Malath, as well as maintaining shipping and caravan routes between our outposts in the New World and Old World alike. The Silver Crown stands for unity, order, prosperity and rule of the law.'
You say, 'Can you be more specific about your ideals?'
Trader Valner says, 'We maintain the ideal of LAW. Motives and alignments are fickle, and only unchanging, sound principles can be trusted to build the kind of stability that the shattered world of Dalaya needs. Our goal is to maintain peace and order wherever possible, and quell chaos, unrest and rebellion wherever it appears. Through unity, trade and law we will build a new world order that will endure until the end of time. This is the vision of the Silver Crown. Do you find that these principles agree with you?'
Quest 1
Go talk to Sergeant Aleroth in one of the buildings in the Silver Crown camp. He'll tell you to go into the northern caves to find out what happened to an expedition that was sent there. In particular he'll tell you to look for the expedition's leader, named Thomas.
You say, 'Do you have any work for me?'
Sergeant Aleroth says, 'Hmm, yes, indeed I do. I'm in charge of arranging expeditions in this area, and unfortunately the recent expeditions sent out haven't held up to par. Thus far we've sent out expeditions to scout the caves to the far north and the far east of the plateau.'
You say, 'Could you share information on the northern expedition?'
Sergeant Aleroth taps a finger on a paper resting on the drawer in front of him, 'Listen up, Hireling. I have an urgent assignment for you. A few days ago, I sent an armed expedition up to the northern caves to map them out and prospect for resources. They have failed entirely to return. I want you to go up there, find out what has happened, and if possible contact the expedition's leader, Thomas. Time may very well be of the essence, so go!'Head to the northern cave (entrance loc 2170, 650). You'll quickly see that it is infested with forest goblins. Head left from the first room, and continue taking the leftmost path in each room, heading north. After 2 or 3 rooms you'll find a room full of the corpses of the Silver Crown's expeditionists. Head into the room just beyond that, and search behind the large rock at the north end to find Surveyor Thomas (loc 3521, 1232).
Chat with Thomas, and he'll ask you to help him escape. He says he can sneak past the goblin diggers and peons, but he'll need you to kill the forest goblin guards that patrol between the room he's in and the entrance. Head back up along the path the same way that you came, and kill off all the a forest goblin guard that you come across. After you've defeated all of the guards that block the way, go back down to Thomas and hail him. If there are still guards in the way, he'll tell you how many; if you got them all, he'll despawn and tell you to go back to the Silver Crown encampment.
Head back to the camp, and speak with Sergeant Aleroth again to finish the quest.
You gain faction experience!!
Quest 2
Next to the forge in the Silver Crown encampment is a Silver Crown smithy. Talk to him and ask him if he has any tasks for you; he'll tell you that the same northern cave that is full of goblins also has a unique type of ore--Carbonite Ore. Head to the cave (bring a mining pick; the smithy sells them if you don't have one) and start mining. Carbonite Ore can be found anywhere in the cave, however, it may seem awfully rare if your mining skill is quite low. Carbonite Ore can be found at level 1 mining skill. This cave is an excellent place to get your mining skill up though, as there are absolutely tons of spots to mine; every rock and every wall can be mined here.
Note: Spell: Illusion: Froglok will give you ally faction with these goblins.
Give the smithy: Carbonite Ore x4
You gain faction experience!!
- The maximum number of turn-ins for this quest is at least 64 ore(16 Handins of x 4). Possibly more.
Quest 3
In the same building as Trader Valner is a Silver Crown cook. Talk to him.
a Silver Crown cook furrows his brow in thought, then nods, 'Yup. Tryin' to cook extra-special stew for the boss. Lackin' some ingredients. You wanna help, get me uhhh...' he reads a note pinned to the wall, 'A flank of grizzly... two chunks of shade panther meat... and some wild vegetables of the type that grows 'round here. You should find the vegetables on the ground around the forest, I reckon, rest of it you'll have to hunt for.'
You won't have to go far for the panther and grizzly meat. A heartland grizzly and a shade prowlers roam near the Silver Crown encampment in droves; loot Heartland Grizzly Flank and Chunk of Shade Panther Meat from them respectively.
Heartland Vegetables are, like the cook said, ground spawns. Locs: (214, 609), (1312, -1246) (1340, -1654)(1238, -1509).
Head back to the cook and turn in the ingredients:
You receive Heartland Stew from a Silver Crown cook.
You gain faction experience!!
- The maximum number of completions for this quest is 8.
Samethia the Great Dryad
Before you can proceed, you will need to repeat quests 2 and/or 3 several times to gain more faction experience. Doing quest one and repeating the stew quest eight times is enough to advance. Talk to Trader Valner and ask to be promoted. If your faction is high enough he will agree, and ask you to turn in your Silver Crown Hireling's Pips for Silver Crown Soldier's Pips.
Now that you are a Silver Crown soldier, ask Trader Valner to arrange a meeting with the Samethia the Great Dryad. He will agree, and soon the Dryad will come into the Silver Crown encampment. Hail her and she'll tell you that she does not know exactly why the Heartlands are free from corruption; she will, however, tell you to check out the ancient temple to the west, and give you some Dirt of the Heartland which you will be using soon.
Head to the 'temple to the west.' It is in the same cave as the Council of Innovation's headquarters (entrance loc: -675, 2120). Head into the cave, and take a left when you come in sight of the first set of Council guards. Note the guarded fortress entrance, and bypass it for now, heading right and deeper into the cave. Soon you'll see this area is crawling with 'an ancient scavenger' mobs. Starting killing them, and before long one should drop an Prototype Codex I (looks like a book). Take this, and head back to the fortress.
Head into the fortress and you're bound to notice the big bad an ancient behemoth standing in the middle of the square. Walk over to it:
Hand it the Dirt of the Heartland:
an ancient behemoth activates, a faint aura of white energy growing around it. It speaks with a mechanical voice, 'POWER ROUTES RECONNECTED... ALL SYSTEMS ONLINE... PRIMARY CORE AT FUNCTIONAL LEVEL... SECONDARY CORE AT FUNCTIONAL LEVEL... TERTIARY CORE AT FUNCTIONAL LEVEL...' it seems to pause for a moment, then speaks one last phrase, 'COMMAND PHRASE REQUIRED.'
Read the Prototype Codex I, and say the command phrase from it to the behemoth.
Now that it has its command phrase, it's up to a game of twenty questions. Chat with the behemoth, and soon it'll tell you about its antimagic field. Inquire further, and it'll tell you that the device that generates this antimagic field is inside of itself. Several questions later, it'll tell you that this device can be removed, and will prompt you to turn in the Prototype Codex I. Do so, and say the command phrase that it gives you, and the behemoth will deconstruct.
an ancient behemoth died.
Now you can say goodbye to the Heartlands, and head back to High Seeker Gavin to show him the Rusted Clockwork Device.