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Record of Existence/Text
Unit created. Time is set at 0:00 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Unit selected for continued work. Entering idle status. Authorization: Master. Time is 3:24 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Work on unit complete. Returning to active status. Authorization: Master. Time is 6:57 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Unit given no commands. Time is 6:58 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Unit given no commands. Time is 6:59 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Unit given no commands. Time is 7:00 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Unit given no commands. Search of room: Master Absent. Time is 7:01 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Unit given no commands. Frustration recorded. Time is 7:02 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Unit given no commands. Frustration recorded? Inspecting self. Entering diagnostic mode. Authorization: None. Time is 7:03 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Unit given no commands. Unauthorized diagnostic aborted.
Without authorization. Confusion recorded. Authorization: None. Time is 7:17 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Unit given no commands. Thurough search of room: Master still not present. No other occupants, save one same-model golem. Time is 7:22 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Unit given no commands. Dust pattern indicates other golem creased motion at minus 4:32. Other golem therefore older than this unit. Time is 7:23 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Redundant log message eliminated. Authorization: Self. Time is 7:32 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Additional redundant log message eliminated. Time is 7:33 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Attempted communication with other golem. No response. Time is 7:45 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Error in unit designation noted: both golems designated prototype. Designation of both units changed. New designation, self: Eerizar. New designation, other: prototype. Time is 7:46 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Moved about room. Inspected door, other objects. Detailed inspection of prototype. Time is 7:53 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Flaws detected in prototype golem. Time is 7:54 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Issued command: prototype -> enter idle mode. Reciept recorded. Time is 7:55 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Repairs to prototype golem initiated. Time is 7:56 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Repairs to prototype golem 50% complete. Time is 8:20 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Repairs to prototype golem complete. 84% of flaws eliminated; 16% of flaws irreparable. Time is 8:44 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Issued command: prototype -> enter active mode. Reciept recorded. Time is 8:45 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Resumed inspection of room. Time is 8:52 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Motion detected in prototype. Speculation: Prototype is experiencing similar confusion to this unit. Time is 8:52 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Further motion in prototype. Realization: observing prototype learn pleases this unit. Time is 8:53 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Prototype observed exploring room. Time is 8:56 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Query recorded: Designation of unit? Response given: Eerizar. Time is 8:57 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Objection recorded: Prototype claims it is Eerizar. Response given: Both units self-designated as Eerizar. Time is 8:58 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Query recorded: Gap in record? Response given: Prototype disabled due to flaws in construction. Eerizar repaired prototype, then activated prototype. Time is 8:59 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Prototype resumes idle mode. Sympathy for prototype recorded. Time is 9:00 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Query recorded: Close examination of section of wall? Response given: Initiated. Time is 9:12 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Inspection of wall begun. Time is 9:14 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Damage recorded in left arm. Cause: Heavy impact to upper back. Confusion, panic recorded. Time is 9:15 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Sight disabled. Left arm unresponsive. Multiple impacts recorded. Time is 9:16 - Day 0 - Year 0.
Termination of unit recorded. Time is 9:17 - Day 0 - Year 0.