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Helping Brisam
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Warning: Key elements of this quest are incomplete!
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Helping Brisam | ||
Quest giver | Brisam | |
Starting Zone |
Find Brisam (Red Sun Peaks at -400, 960, 6 • North of the Wizard Portal) .
You say, 'Hail, Brisam'
Brisam says, 'Greetings traveler, I cannot stand around and chat. Keeping this band fed and cared for requires most of my attention. If you have business with me, it would be better for you to get to the point quickly.'
You say, 'What gives with this camp? Living in mountains surrounded by lava seems an unlikely choice.'
Brisam says, 'Choice? Ah, wouldn't it be nice if everyone lived where they preferred, but when you are a refugee, you take what you can get.'
- Unknown alignment shift
You say, 'I apologize for my unthinking comment. Can I do something to help?
Brisam says, 'Most of the others who inhabit this camp have an area of expertise. I suggest you check around to see what tasks they need help with.'
Your journal has been updated.
- Chaotic shift
- You say, 'So melodramatic. You think you're the first to lose a home? I'd bring you some things to help, but only if there's something in it for me.'Brisam says, 'If my job here were not so important, I would tell you to go leap in the lava. Unfortunately I do not have the luxury of turning away anyone who can help. If you ask some of the others I'm certain there are things that they need, and that they can provide you with a reward for your assistance.
At this point you can speak to the other members of the camp and if your tradeskill levels are high enough you will receive dialogue. If not, they will not respond to you.
Fantali the Severe
You say, 'Hail, Fantali the Severe.'
Fantali the Severe says, 'Greetings adventurer, I see by your pack you are equipped to cook for yourself. Always a handy skill, cooking, but it's not easy feeding a whole camp, especially when some of the ingredients must be found elsewhere. I really need to stock up on Breaded Rat Filets. Do you think you could make four and bring them to me? They're made with rat meat, salt, and bread crumbs. It's fairly simple really, unless you live where there are no rats.'
Skarat Foulbreath
You say, 'Hail, Skarat Foulbreath.'
Skarat Foulbreath says, 'Good good, a fellow ale aficionado I see, though I hope you don't like it quite as much as I do. Would you like to help me with something? I am attempting to make Miner's Ink, which is easy enough in that you only have to brew together a short ale with a crumbling coal. But ale is so hard to come by in these mountains I might have drunk off a few before finishing the ink. Now I'm afraid I will be in a lot of trouble with Brisam if he finds out. If you could make four Miner's Ink and bring them straight to me, I would reward you for it.
Ristoz the Large
You say, 'Hail, Ristoz the Large'
Ristoz the Large looks down slightly at you. 'We've endured much aggravation through our journey. We'll not suffer more now that we've arrived.'
Lord Attequal
Lady Lyranela
You say, 'Hail Lady Lyranela.'
Lady Lyranela says, 'You must be the helper I requested. Good, I have quite a lot of gold plaques to make. I will add etched fancy-work to them you will make me four engraved Electrum Plaques. Simply combine an enchanted electrum bar with electrum plating solution. your skill should be sufficient for the task. I'd do it myself, but it is near impossible to keep up with demand if I have to make the item and then do the fancy work as well. I would deeply appreciate your assistance'
You say, 'Hail Lady Lyranela.'
Lady Lyranela says, 'I am pleased to make your acquaintance. I'm told that you are a highly skilled worker of jewels and metals. I've been tasked with making gifts that Brisam will be taking with him on a visit to several cities. He hopes to prove that we are not merely a band of ignorant vagabonds. If you would consent to crafting four Gold-Plated Flowers like the one I have here, they can be made by combining an enchanted gold bar with gold plating solution. I've heard good things about your work, and am eager to see what you produce. With the two of us at the job, we should fill the order quickly.'
Talan the Lame
You say, 'Hail Talan the Lame.'
Talan the Lame says, 'Forgive me if I don't stand to greet you. Truly Brisam found percisely the one I need. Your calluses bespeak long hours holding a smithy hammer, the mark of one who has mastered the trade. It would be quite helpful to the camp if you could make some deepmetal Mathoms. As I'm sure you have guessed, you only need combine a deepmetal ingot with a mathom mold. Four of these should do nicely. Hurry now, just because I am lame doesn't mean I have time to waste.'
You say, 'Hail Draeth.'
Draeth says, 'Your stained hands reveal your time spent with a pestle, alchemist. You shall be the one to bring me four measure of Distilled Ooze for my ghostly works. It is a more complex recipe, requiring Compound Acidic Solvent, Crushed Coal, and a Filtering Fungus. We await your results.'
Portas the Controller
You say, 'Hail, Portas the Controller'
Portas the Controller says, 'Oh! Finally. Brisam has seen fit to send someone to help me with this list of tailored supplies he's asked for. I suppose as nice as silk can be, we also need items that will help the fighters defend this area. There is a very simple scabbard that can be made by combining a scabbard pattern with a bear pelt. Four should be enough for now. Please make them and bring them to me so I can add them to the camp supplies.'
- update tried with 167 skill and got same dialog so the minimum might be lower
You say, 'Hail, Portas the Controller'
Portas the Controller says, 'Unless I am mistaken, and I assure you I rarely am, you are very skilled with needle and thread. As I have tried to explain to others, a bit of beauty is never a bad thing. So what if you can't use it to stab the enemy? A silk cravat dresses up any tunic nicely, and if it is cured it holds up quite well to daily wear. If you would combine a silk swatch and an ointment with a cravat pattern, you will see the results are astonishing. I think four would be enough of an example to prove my point.'