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Healing Increment
From SoDWiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchHealing Increment boosts your healing powers by 3% per rank.
Related items
Healing Increment I
Item | Image | Focus Effect | Slots | Class | Source |
Cinch of Woven Hair |
Unicorn Horn |
Softly Glowing Rerebraces |
Crown of the Hill |
Dawn Blessed Idol |
Small Symbol of Faith |
| ||
Shroud of the Priest |
Shaman Symbol of Healing |
Zark's Crusher |
Kingchitin Shield |
Blessed Wooden Band |
Holy Symbol of Malath |
Kelethin Protector's Coat |
Ensouled Spear |
Junky Gorilla Doll |
| ||
Cracked Turtle Shell |
| ||
Shawl of Soothing |
Bracer of Horns |
Healing Increment II
Item | Image | Focus Effect | Slots | Class | Source |
Alchemist's Research Book |
Amulet of Blessings |
Living Poultice |
Cloak of Remidial Energy |
| ||
Coat of Animism |
Collar of the Faithful |
Crest of the Deceiver |
Crook of the Harvest |
Guidance of Althuna |
Insulated Mittens |
Religious Othmir Symbol |
Shroud of the Deep Priest |
Shroud of the Cult Priest |
Spiritist's Athame |
Heavy Spiritwalker Mallet |
Perfected Gladewood Amulet |
Glade Keeper's Tunic |
Spiritwalker Mallet |
Sadri Guardian Breastplate |
Arctic Rod |
Regurgitated Blade |
Band of Spiritual Rejuvenation |
Cloak of Remedial Energy |
Healing Increment III
Item | Image | Focus Effect | Slots | Class | Source |
Alchemist's Research Compendium |
Bone Girdle of the Frost Clan |
Coronet of the Goblin Queen |
Cloak of Divine Phantasms |
Greenmoss Woven Bracer |
Earstud of Collaboration |
Gleaming Shield |
Halo of the High Priestess |
Sash of Ethereal Energy |
Redmaw Hide Hood |
Preserved Froglok Tabard |
Imperturbable Cap |
Tainted Fang |
Circlet of the Fallen King |
Totem of Empathy |
Blessing of the Deep
Item | Image | Focus Effect | Slots | Class | Source |
Shimmer Beneath the Waves |
| ||
Insignia of Newport/Priest |
Healing Increment IV
Item | Image | Focus Effect | Slots | Class | Source |
Barbute of Purity |
Annals of Grace |
Boots of Midwinter |
Bracelet of Pulchritude |
Chestwraps of the Preserved Oracle |
Book of the Healing Flame |
Crystalized Pantaloons |
Greenwoven Shield |
Jar of Preservation |
Lecimka's Tiara of the Lost |
Metallic Hand of Prayer |
Ocy's Endless Tankard |
Murky Loincloth |
Sacrileged Armplates of Battle |
Tidefang's Gift |
Stud of Reparation |
| ||
Turtle Shell Shield |
Scavenger's Gloves |
Preserved Bark Chestguard |
Frostscale Boots |
Blessed Armor of Epuration |
Gloves of Bloodied Mercy |
Silverleaf |
Vambraces of the Heights |
Crystal-studded Cloak |
Field Medicine Belt |
Circle of Spores |
Pristine Gladewood Amulet |
Rujik Armbands |
Tornado Greataxe |
Color Shifting Cloak |
Delusionary Shawl |
Boots of Midwinter/Faction Bound |
Orb of Dark Therapy |
Rejuvenating Hide |
Healing Increment V
Item | Image | Focus Effect | Slots | Class | Source |
Bejewelled Totem |
Cape of Warding Faith |
Crecial's Effigy |
Despondant Treesoul |
Exuberent Bracer of Life |
Irathi Elders Hoop |
Holy Relic of Shojar |
Sabatons of the Dead |
Orb of Transmutive Life |
Soggy Fur Drape |
Staff of Direction |
Slippers of the Four |
Well-Worn Ivory Beads |
Vambraces of Convalescence |
Whirlwind (Item)/1HS |
Guard of Corruption/DRU |
Winged Cloak of the Soothing Night |
Pendant of Soothing Hymns |
Bracelet of Healing Springs |
Shroud of Shame |
Bracelet of the Curate |
Dragonforged Sledge |
Garland of the Good |
Effigy of Gradalsh |
Guise of Righteous Pity |
Focus of Battle Prayers |
Beautifully Fungus-etched Robe |
Razorleif |
Raiment of the Phoenix |
Multi-layered Leaf Shield |
Staff of Allegorical Auguries |
Sanctuary |
The Forest's Beacon |
Bejewelled Totem/Faction Bound |
Shadowy Crystalline Orb |
Burning Crystal |
Muddy Runeblade |
Orb of Regenerative Command |
Enduring Barbute |
Tranquil Skullcap |
Holy Relic of Shojar/Faction Bound |
Maladive Coif |
Lacerhide |
Saintly Dragonhorn Idol/Faction Bound |
Saintly Dragonhorn Idol |
Inscription of Lesser Healing |
Healing Increment VI
Item | Image | Focus Effect | Slots | Class | Source |
Bazanth, Face of the Leering God |
Athuai's Bedizened Crown |
Bulwark of Malice |
Immaculate Crystalline Orb |
Logistics Support Rig |
Otherworldly Emerald Diadem |
Sentinel's Gavel |
Scepter of the Arch Sultan |
Spear of the Tainted |
Ten Thousand Year Journal |
Flame Runed Pauldrons |
Guard of Corruption/CLR |
Armlets of Transmigration |
Medic's Satchel of Apt Remedies |
Valorium Crafted Ward/Priest |
Hakim's Promise |
Pious Crown |
Mantle of Earthen Warmth |
Metatarsal Humerus Guards |
Sensitive Antennae |
Dragonclaw Hammer |
Inscription of Healing |
Healing Increment VII
Item | Image | Focus Effect | Slots | Class | Source |
Ancient Bloodstained Finery |
Cherish, Gauntlets of Mending |
Bracer of Forgotten Battles |
Charged Puresteel Band |
Exquisite Crystalline Orb |
Gloves of Care |
Jhylith, Droplet of the First Rains |
Jhaldjarimar |
Ys-Vaine, Pauldrons of the Held |
Whirlwind (Item)/2HS |
Cerberaen Ringmail |
Chaotic Elemental Shroud |
Vivalis, Aura of Palliation |
Arc of the Eclipsing Void |
Abyssal Armwraps |
Collar of Mystic Zeal |
Perseverance |
Band of Soothing Whispers |
Grasping Branchands |
| ||
Terror |
Polished Granite Slab |
Carved Quartz Mask |
Yclistinite Gavel |
Leaves of Modesty |
Healing Increment VIII
Item | Image | Focus Effect | Slots | Class | Source |
Spire of Sympathy |
Spear of the Szithri |
Flowing Blood-Metal Barbute |
Grace of Sympathy |
Plume of Rebirth |
Armlets of Genesis |
Monstrous Wing |
Rampant Vine Kilt |
Rest to the Cacophony |
Bracer of Tarnished Brass |
Breastplate of Flowing Life |
Minotaur's Hammer |
Armorer's Breastplate |
Akrakt's Tenderizer |
Elael-blessed Breastplate |
Frost-gilded Stockings |
Razadian Healing
Item | Image | Focus Effect | Slots | Class | Source |
Razadian Inscription of Healing |
Healing Increment IX
Item | Image | Focus Effect | Slots | Class | Source |
Thazeran's Wristguard of Strife |
Binding of the Earthbrothers |
Wisps of Recollection |
Benediction of Zeshan |
Lux Diem |
Benediction of Zeshan II |
Soothing Shawl |
Boots of Gross Incandescence |
Core of Ygg`sar |
Sanguine Stalk |
Blessing of the Razad
Item | Image | Focus Effect | Slots | Class | Source |
Cloak of Rajzaa II |
Cloak of Rajzaa |
Healing Increment X
Item | Image | Focus Effect | Slots | Class | Source |
Os, The Bulwark/Shield |
| ||
Os, The Bulwark/Sword |