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Enc / Wiz duoing

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For anyone out there who’s heard of duoing with Wiz / Enc, but can't quite get a grasp on how to make it happen, this guide is for you. The first thing you must understand is that this is a name sniping duo. If you're trying to do much else with it, you're going to run into some issues that should be apparent by the end of this guide. The bare minimum required for doing this is Relic: Eternal Rapture. That said, attempting this at tiers lower than around tier seven will fall somewhere between frustrating and impossible, but exploring what your characters are capable of is always encouraged.


  • This is an extremely powerful duo as far as raw dps in a duo is concerned.
  • You get to fully utilize Wizard dps in a duo, which is pretty rare aside from Bst/Wiz, but you'll be able to kill things Bst/Wiz would need to be much higher tier to do.


  • This is a how-to guide, not a where-to guide. Explore your characters, explore the game and you'll find things to farm. If nothing else, if you're a struggling Enchanter who has Wizard info from a guildie or friend, you've now got a duo capable of questing just about anything that any other duo can do, as long as its mezzable (And if things aren't mezzable but don't summon, you can root but be prepared for resists).
  • You're going to completely lack heals, while boxing two very squishy classes, and your success depends on timing. Be prepared for a rough learning curve because you're going to die a lot. Once you've surpassed it, it becomes a very handy duo.
  • You're going to go oom a lot.


The backbone of this duo is your ability to time a mez to land right after a nuke lands.

  • Bind alt tab to a button on your mouse.
  • Go play with green con mobs. Look at cast times to get a vague sense of when you need to start casting mez after nuke. Play with it via trial and error with mobs that won't kill you when you mess up until you get this down.
  • Don't be a perfectionist. If you try to mez exactly when the nuke lands, it’s guaranteed that you will mess up now and then and mez too early. Every time you do this, you're going to take a truck load of damage that, if it doesn't kill you, will increase your downtime considerably.


Mobs summon, so there’s no way to avoid taking damage, right? Wrong! When you nuke/mez the first time, you'll get summoned. After the first time your Wizard gets summoned, run him out of melee range from the mob, then mez/nuke again. On that nuke, the mob is going to run at you instead of summoning you. Mez/nuke it again and this time it will summon you. Take advantage of this at every opportunity. Keep in mind you're going to want to move far enough away that the mob won't reach you before your mez lands. What this means is that you will only take damage on every other round of mez/nuke (assuming the mob doesn't ae or anything fancy).


Your goal is to always have a rune up on both characters. Your end goal is to do this while using as little mana as possible.

Heres the most basic strategy to try while learning things:

  1. 1st mez/nuke lands (Wizard gets summoned and takes melee damage)
  2. Run Wizard away from the mob
  3. Rune the Wizard
  4. 2nd mez/nuke lands (mob runs at Wizard)
  5. Rune the Wizard
Repeat 1-5

This is going to accommodate mistakes with distancing and timing, giving you the best chance at getting off the ground with the duo at first.

So, once you learn how to distance yourself from the mob correctly to not take damage every other round, and almost never take more than a round when you do take damage, your strat is going to look something like this:

  1. 1st mez/nuke, (mob summons)
  2. Run Wiz away
  3. 2nd mez/nuke lands (mob runs at the Wizard)
  4. Rune the Wizard
Repeat 1-4

After you have the timing thing rock solid, learning when to cast rune is the real trick that you can continually get better at. When you find your mobs to farm, you're going to get a decent idea of how many rounds of damage they do before they eat through a rune.

Now lets say you've learned from trial and error that it takes just barely more than two rounds of melee damage before your mob eats through a rune. Your general plan of attack would look something like this:

  1. 1st mez/nuke, (mob summons)
  2. Run Wiz away
  3. 2nd mez/nuke lands (mob runs at the Wizard)
  4. 3rd mez/nuke lands (mob summons the Wizard)
  5. Run Wiz away
  6. 4th mez/nuke lands (mob runs at the Wizard)
  7. Rune the Wizard
Repeat 1-7

The lower your mana pool, the more significant getting better at this becomes, as spending less mana on runes is going to drastically cut down on your downtime. This is, after all, about farming plat. The more time you spend medding is the more time wasted that you could be sniping nameds. On the other hand, everyone makes mistakes even after getting really good at this, so if you're playing a character with the mana to spend, don't be stingy with the runes. Healing takes longer than medding to full does. Don't let yourself take damage.

General Farming Advice

  • Utilize invisibility as much as humanly possible. Mark down where named spawn in whatever zone you're attempting to farm. Don't be stubborn about farming every mob in one zone, or farming just one zone. You have a port bot in your duo, utilize this, and utilize bind/gate. Find names you want to kill that you can get to easily, kill them or their placeholder, then move on to the next one.
  • If you're killing anything that can hurt you, absolutely do not keep up your Wizard pet while you're killing it. It will cast, it will break mez, and it will make you want to bash your head into a wall. On the other hand, if you've taken damage and need to heal while you med, absolutely load it up for the 50 a tic heal.
  • Don't get overwhelmed by dying. You only learn from trial and error. Keep Exodus AA and Guick Gate handy.
  • Utilize Gravity Flux at any and every opportunity that is advantageous to do so. Can't levitate, but there’s a ledge you want to get up? Both characters can Gravity Flux themselves to jump up it. Creative play can prove beneficial here.
  • When you go to tash, slow, mana drain or whatever debuffs you're going to cast, you should wait until the Wizard lands a nuke or two first. If the Enchanter gets summoned you're going to get interrupted mid-cast while timing a mez with a mob beating on you.
  • You don't have to limit yourself to mobs that you can get directly to without killing anything. You have two options, and will end likely often end up utilizing both as you explore different camps. The obvious is to kill what is between you and the named you're after. The less obvious, but far more satisfying to pull off, is to cc everything you can between yourself and a safe spot to camp out, thus getting yourself closer to the mob while conserving as much mana as possible.
  • Avoid killing mobs that aren't placeholders or named. You are fully capable of mezzing mobs throughout a fight. When the mob your after is dead, invis/gate/move Wiz out of line of sight, then refresh the mez and do the same with the enc. If you've invised or moved out of line of sight, proceed to ’/sit’ and ’/camp’. When you come back, you just saved yourself a hell of a lot of mana, which is what this whole setup is all about: mana conservation.

Don't be disheartened if you're an Enchanter and can't get the hang of this. You do have other dup options available, like the very powerful Druid/Enchanter! Good luck and happy hunting!