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Category:Dropped by A tentacle terror
From SoDWiki
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Item | Image | Slots | Classes | STR | STA | AGI | DEX | INT | WIS | CHA | HP | MANA | AC | DMG | AtkDly | Ratio | Range | Skill | SkillMod | Inst | InstMod | DMGMod | SvF | SvC | SvM | SvD | SvP | Focus | Effect | FT | Agg | Crit | DmgRed | Mind | Spell | Stun | WT | Size | Augslots |
Barbed Tentacle |
Black Blood |
Scrap of Writing |
Tentacle |
Pages in category "Dropped by A tentacle terror"
The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.