A nice Dalaya storyline quest.
Find Junior Lorekeeper Hartok (The Grand Library at -637, 457, 4 • Main lorekeeper area) .
You say, 'Hail, Junior Lorekeeper Hartok'
Junior Lorekeeper Hartok says, 'Well hello there, <Player Name>. Surprised to see one of my kind here?'
You say, 'Err...'
Junior Lorekeeper Hartok says, 'It's ok, most people don't think of Ogres as being the type to value knowledge. Jayla, however, shows no preference. If you have the desire to learn, then you have a place here.'
You say, 'What have you learned since you came here?'
Junior Lorekeeper Hartok says, 'Many things, <Player Name>. Unfortunately, you haven't yet proven yourself to know some of the secrets we have uncovered. Knowledge is precious, <Player Name>. It is not given out lightly. Perhaps if you were to learn some things on your own, it would help to prove yourself?'
You say, 'What sorts of things?'
Junior Lorekeeper Hartok says, 'Well, for starters - how much do you know about the mist that once surrounded Kelethin and still holds Nagthilian in its grip?'
You say, 'I know it kills you on sight, that's about it.'
Junior Lorekeeper Hartok says, 'Aren't you the least bit curious about why it no longer afflicts Kelethin? How could such a thing happen?'
You say, 'I don't know.'
Junior Lorekeeper Hartok says, 'And here you shall start your search for knowledge. Go to Athica and speak with Samantha. She will tell you what she knows. Maybe you will even learn something new. Show her this message, and anyone else you might need to speak with. It will prove you are working for the Lorekeepers.'
You receive Lorekeeper's Sigil from Junior Lorekeeper Hartok.
Samantha the Assistant
Give the Lorekeeper's Sigil to Samantha the Assistant (Athica at 4, -375, 3 •) .
Samantha the Assistant says, 'Oh, so you're from the Athenaeum? What can I help you with?'
You receive Lorekeeper's Sigil from Samantha the Assistant.
You say, 'Yes, I am. What can you tell me about The Mist?'
Samantha the Assistant says, 'Not a lot, unfortunately. It was an extremely powerful weapon employed by Baldakos, one of Kaezul's top Generals. It utterly destroyed Nagthilian and Kelethin. It was horrible.'
You say, 'That sounds awful.'
Samantha the Assistant says, 'It was. Many good people died during that time. We had no answer to it. Until recently, Kelethin was inaccessible, as the mist still lingered. However, Athica has cleared it and the woodelves have returned to their ancestral home.'
You say, 'Athica? Do you mean the city itself did it?'
Samantha the Assistant says, 'Not exactly. Not too many people know this, but Athica was named after a magical presence. This mostly unknown sentience was what cleared Kelethin of the deadly mist.'
You say, 'Whoa, I'm confused here. How did Athica clear the mist?'
Samantha the Assistant says, 'We're not exactly sure. All we know is that Athica was somehow able to relate to the Mist. Perhaps it has some sort of control over the mist. Either way, the mist is gone from Kelethin, though it still lingers around Nagthilian, my home.'
You say, 'Can't Athica be used to clear Nagthilian too?'
Samantha the Assistant says, 'It's not exactly something we can roll on over there and say 'ok go!' '
You say, 'Oh, I see. So was Athica here from the very beginning of the city?'
Samantha the Assistant says, 'Yes, it was. It never seemed to actively try to protect the city, though. Even when we were attacked by those frogloks.'
You say, 'Wait, what? Frogloks?'
Samantha the Assistant says, 'During the city's founding, it was raided by a group of frogloks. Or maybe they were Taldorians. We have no idea what they wanted or why they attacked.'
You say, 'Is there anyone I can talk to that might know more?'
Samantha the Assistant says, 'Well, the frogloks don't usually have pleasant conversations with outsiders. You could try the Taldorians. They might be able to shed some light on it for you. You may have to show your Sigil again.'
Give the Lorekeeper's Sigil to Theron Praknat (Sadri Malath at 474, 446 • Paladin Guild) .
Theron Praknat says, 'Ahh, a messanger from the Athenaeum. Welcome, welcome! What can I help you with?'
You receive Lorekeeper's Sigil from Theron Praknat.
You say, 'I'm trying to find out about an attack on the city of Athica.'
Theron Praknat says, 'Oh, and what brings you here with a question like that? Athica is a long way from here.'
You say, 'Someone told me that frogloks were the ones who attacked.'
Theron Praknat says, 'I hope you're not insinuating that we were the ones who did this.'
You say, 'If not you, then who?'
Theron Praknat says, 'Well, the frogloks of Mielech seem an unlikely option. There is a very brief mention of a split among the Taldorians before the Fall, but we assumed they died out. I'm sorry I don't know more.'
You say, 'Do you know who might?'
Theron Praknat says, 'Well, you could check with the Lorekeepers in the Athenaeum or maybe the Seekers in Erimal.'
Seekers in Erimal
Find High Seeker Gavin (Valley of Erimal at 1234, 686, -34 • Main palace - first floor) .
You say, 'Hail, High Seeker Gavin'
High Seeker Gavin says, 'Hello there, <Player Name>. What can I help you with?'
You say, 'I'm trying to find some information on a froglok attack on Athica during its founding.'
High Seeker Gavin says, 'And what makes you think I could be of assistance?'
You say, 'The Taldorian historian told me about a possible splintering of their race before the Fall of Malath's domain and sent me to you to find out more.'
High Seeker Gavin says, 'Yes, such a splintering is possible. Perhaps Krigok would know more.'
You say, 'Who is Krigok and why would he know?'
High Seeker Gavin says, 'One of my Seekers. And he would know because he is of that race.'
Find Krigok Prappit (Valley of Erimal at 484, 227, 43 • Tower overlooking the chasm) .
Note: After this dialog you will be KOS to Krigok Prappit when you hail him, so make sure you no longer need him for the Main Quest BEFORE you do this portion of this quest.
You say, 'Hail, Krigok Prappit'
Krigok Prappit says, 'Hmm... please, leave me to my studies. I do not wish to speak with you.'
Krigok Prappit says, 'What do you want, <Player Race>?'
You say, 'I was told you might know something about a possible splintering of the Taldorian race.'
Krigok Prappit eyes narrow. 'Oh, and why would you think that?'
You say, 'High Seeker Gavin sent me to talk to you.'
Krigok Prappit says, 'I have nothing to tell you. Be gone.'
You say, 'You mean that as a Taldorian and a lorekeeper you know nothing about this?'
Krigok Prappit bares his teeth. 'I am neither of those, <Player Name>. Perhaps it would be best if you were to leave now.
You say, 'So if you're not a Taldorian, what are you?'
Krigok Prappit says, 'The Mavassi have no need to answer to anyone!'
You say, 'The Mavassi?'
Krigok Prappit says, 'I've had enough of your endless questions, <Player Name>! Leave now!'
Returning to Hartok
Return to Junior Lorekeeper Hartok (The Grand Library at -637, 457, 4 • Main lorekeeper area) .
You say, 'Hail, Junior Lorekeeper Hartok'
Junior Lorekeeper Hartok says, 'Did you learn anything from your time with Samantha?'
You say, 'Oh yes.'
Junior Lorekeeper Hartok says, 'Well, care to elaborate?'
You say, 'Learning about Athica and the mist was just the beginning of what I found.'
Junior Lorekeeper Hartok says, 'Oh really? Do tell.'
You say, 'Athica was attacked early on by frogloks.'
Junior Lorekeeper Hartok says, 'Yes, this is something we know already. Was there anything more?'
You say, 'I managed to track down one of these frogloks in Erimal.'
Junior Lorekeeper Hartok says, 'Erimal? So you were among the Seekers? They follow a bastardization of Jayla's principles.'
You say, 'How do you mean?'
Junior Lorekeeper Hartok says, 'Well, Jayla preaches complete neutrality. The Seekers, however, make use of the knowledge they find, and as such, ruin the sanctity of being a lorekeeper. Once you begin using knowledge for gain, you lose the ability to be impartial, and thus your work is tainted by your perspective. Who are we to decide what is right or wrong, or how to act? We merely record.'
You say, 'I think I understand. As for the Froglok, he refered to himself as a 'Mavassi.' Does that mean anything to you?'
Junior Lorekeeper Hartok says, 'Mavassi? Now that is something I have not heard. I wonder what this sect of Frogloks would be doing assisting the Seekers. I will pass this information along, <Player Name>. Very nice job.
You gain 2500 experience!!