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A Pendant Most Pure

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A Pendant Most Pure
Quest giver Healer Kathrinka
Previous quest

A Gift for the Gruploks

Starting Zone

The Murk

Other Zone(s)

City of Mercy

Suggested Level Range 65 plus
Faction Required The Gruplok
Quest items used

Shattered Gruplok Remains x10
Brilliantly Pure Stone
Corrupted Pendant
Flesh of an Abhorrent Beast
Blood of an Abhorrent Beast
Brain of an Abhorrent Beast
Putrid Elixir
Purified Elixir
Blemishless Fruit

Item Reward(s)

Pendant of a Gruplok Healer

Positive (+) Faction

The Gruplok

Experience Reward 33,000+

Find Healer Kathrinka (The Murk  at -1310, -1570, 73  • Gruplok City) .

You say, 'Hail, Healer Kathrinka'
Healer Kathrinka tells you, 'Hello...'
You say, 'Uh, hi. You're a healer, are you?'
Healer Kathrinka tells you, 'Yes, I am. There is little use for my meager skills here, however... You're the one who gave Grupruk the remains of a lingering Gruplok, aren't you?'
You say, 'Indeed I am.'
Healer Kathrinka tells you, 'I see... It must be quite an interesting life you lead, needing only to raise a weapon and kill all your problems away. Quite enviable, I suppose. Simply keeping this rain water purified seems to take too much energy from me nowadays... Ah, but thank you for putting those fallen Gruploks to rest. It is far beyond my power to purify them, but I still seem to be able to calm their fragmented remains. If you can put any more of them to rest, I would be glad to purify their remains. You need only bring them to me...' Kathrinka suddenly winces sharply, and visibly begins gasping for breath. Before you can say anything, she straightens herself out again. 'If that is all, stranger... please, leave me.'

Give 10 Shattered Gruplok Remains to Healer Kathrinka, one at a time.

Healer Kathrinka tells you, 'Ah, more Gruploks put to rest... Thank you, stranger.'

Your faction standing with The Gruplok has gotten better!

You gain 2500 experience!!

Note: You gain experience and faction at each turn-in.

At 10th turn-in ...

Healer Kathrinka tells you, 'Still more twisted Gruplok remains... I'm not sure how many more of these I can purify with my abilities alone...'
You say, 'What do you mean?'
Healer Kathrinka tells you, 'Perhaps it is beyond your understanding, <Player Name>, but my purifying abilities are dependent on a source: my own inner purity, and the purity of the things, places, and people around me... But it has been generations since we Gruploks have had a temple, or even so much as a shrine. The people have no energy and little resources to build a new one, but more than that... their minds are too clouded. Their thoughts dwell on their fears and anxieties - an uncaring, apathetic darkness seems to cling around the whole city... They are not happy, and very few of them are pure enough. Even I have heard more than I can bare, and my abilities have been growing ever weaker... I need to use this purified water to complete even the simplest purifying rituals. But I suppose that is my burden to bear in this life...' Kathrinka looks up at you searchingly for a few moments. 'I'm.. sorry to have troubled you with my problems. It is not my desire to involve anyone in my woes.'
You say, 'Please - perhaps I can help?'
Kathrinka coughs a few times. 'Doubtful. Where could any purity be found in this accursed place? Even a sacred, purified object would quickly decay and lose its power here, without anyone looking over it. Finding a truly pure heart is out of the question... If you could find a pure object, perhaps you could help me, but I'm beginning to doubt such things exist in this world any more...

Gather and give Brilliantly Pure Stone to Healer Kathrinka.

Your faction standing with The Gruplok has gotten better!

You gain 8000 experience!!

Kathrinka takes the stone in her hands with a bewildered, uncomprehending look on her face. 'I... could feel something, something very powerful and perplexing enter the city. Its presence seemed.. pure, somehow. I could hardly understand it - but now I understand even less. How did you..? Where..?' Kathrinka looks at you searchingly for a moment before resting her crinkled brow. You think you detect the beginnings of a smile on her face, just barely. 'I suppose it isn't important. This.. this gift, this blessing - I don't know what to say. This stone is saturated with purified energies. Drawing from its power, my tasks should be much easier on me. I could never have hoped for something like this, <Player Name>... Thank you.
You say, 'Well, it wasn't doing me any good. I thought you might be able to do something with it.'
Healer Kathrinka tells you, 'Indeed. I should have no troubles purifying the remains of the twisted Gruploks, should you bring any more to me. Perhaps I could do even more, now...'
You say, 'More? What do you mean?'
Healer Kathrinka tells you, 'It has been many years since I considered such things... But, perhaps now, with this stone - and your help, <Player Name> - I can finally bring some purity back to this land...'
You say, 'How do you intend to do that?'
Healer Kathrinka tells you, 'This stone... its purity and power is great, but it is too raw, too general, too - unfocused. During my training, I remember my mentor- the previous Healer for our city - showing me a pendant he carried. It was a moonstone, mounted in a fixture of gold, and brimming with pure energies. He told me that all of the Gruplok Healers of old carried such objects: the stone was a source of power, but the fixture is what truly made its powers useful. The fixture was imbued with powerful enchantments, the arts of which have been lost... These enchantments allowed the purity of the stone to be harnessed and channeled through the user's will - it is what allowed the healers to perform incredible healing ceremonies, shield our town from pestilence and disease, and protect our hunters from vile beasts in the wilds. It is what allowed them to do all the things that I have never been able to do...'
You say, 'Go on.'
Healer Kathrinka tells you, 'If I am to truly make use of your gift, I will need such a fixture. As I said, the proper arts of enchanting that they required have been lost. However, there is hope, of a kind... Not long before my training was to be completed, my mentor was taken by the Kaezulians for questioning, never to return... He never got the chance to pass his pendant on to me. I am certain he would not have let it fall into the wrong hands - it is only an object, after all, and a powerful object of good can be changed into a powerful object of evil far too easily... I have little doubt that my mentor is now among the twisted Gruploks whose remains you have brought to me. If you find him, please put him to rest, and bring me his pendant.'

Gather and give Corrupted Pendant to Healer Kathrinka.

Your faction standing with The Gruplok has gotten better!

You gain 5000 experience!!

Healer Kathrinka tells you, 'Ah, this is indeed my mentor's pendant, but... Its purity is gone. It has been corrupted... did the Kaezulians get ahold of it after all? But if they did this, why wouldn't they keep it? Perhaps my mentor simply became too twisted, and his torment and his hatred overpowered the purity of the stone... We can replace the corrupt stone with the stone you game me, but even the fixture has absorbed too much corruption - we cannot use it, not as it is. I do not believe i can purify it, not with the unfocused stone alone. This is most unfortunate...'
You say, ' Isn't there something we can do? Another fixture we can find?'
Healer Kathrinka tells you, 'If this fixture has become so corrupted in only a handful of years, there is little hope of finding an older one which his less corrupt. Perhaps... Allow me to think for a moment.' Kathrinka stares at the reflective surface of her purified water while she collects her thoughts. Soon, she speaks, her breath creating tiny ripples in the pool. 'Perhaps there is someone who could help us purify *this* fixture. Please go and find Gruklikh the Apothecary, and tell him everything i have told you. He is very wise - he may know something i do not, some way to focus my purification abilities enough to quell this corrpution.'

Find Gruklikh the Apothecary (The Murk  at -720, -1970, 27  • Gruplok City) .

You say, '-Tell him about Kathrinka's problem.-'
Gruklikh listens to your story from beginning to end without a word, and remains silent for a few minutes afterword. Finally, he speaks. 'There is a way to focus Kathrinka's purifying skills enough to cleanse the pendant, and then some, young master. But first I must give you a little known lesson of our history. Many generations ago, flowers bloomed in this land... The Gruploks were masterful garderers then, and they cultivated the most beautiful of these flowers. In the wilds, these flowers were barren, but the Gruploks discovered that, properly cared for, they could produce a sort of fruit - and this fruit, they also discovered, was blessed. Simply eatting them could cure slight maladies, and they could be used to make a very potent salve. The flowers in the wilds had the potential to spawn such fruits, but without the proper care, the fruits would never ripen, and before they ripened, they had none of their wonderful powers. I have an ancient text which describes a ceremony using this fruit to purify the victim of an otherworldly plague - I'm certain such a fruit could be used to magnify Kathrinka's powers sufficiently without much trouble. But there is one problem...'
You say, 'And what is that?'
Gruklikh the Apothecary tells you, 'These flowers have become extinct - the cultivated ones, in any case. And the ones in the wilds have become twisted, and scarce... They are what we now call the Murk flowers. They are very poisonous. Normally they only grow in the dankest of places, and not to any size which could hope to bear their fruit. There is hope, however. I hear there is at least one Murk flower, near the center of the swamp, which is very, very old, and has grown to an enormous size. It is doubtlessly large enough to carry its ancient, unripe fruit within its body. Of course, this flower is doubtlessly as twisted as all the beasts in the wilds. It is not likely that mere 'proper care' will make it bare its fruit for us. But I believe I know of another way.'
You say, 'Another way?'
Gruklikh the Apothecary tells you, 'Indeed, young master. It is true what Kathrinka told you - that a passive object brimming with goodness can easily be corrupted and used equally powerfully for evil. But the opposite is also true. There is an elixir I know of, one which can easily rot a patch of earth in seconds, one which is pulsive with negative energies. If we were to make it, and have Kathrinka purify it, I be pure enough, and powerful enough, to ripen the fruit in the ancient Murk flower. It is not a simple elixir to make, mind you - the components may be from common beasts, but they must be absolutely pristine. To make it, I will need you to fetch me the most putrid flesh, blood, and brains you can find from the souless beasts that roam this land. You needn't go far in looking for them, I should think. Bring them to me when you have found them all, young master, and I will do my part. Kathrinka needn't lose the hope of being a great Healer for our people, leastwise not while I'm still alive. Haha!'

Gather and give Gruklikh the Apothecary:

  • Flesh of an Abhorrent Beast
  • Blood of an Abhorrent Beast
  • Brain of an Abhorrent Beast
Gruklikh takes the flesh, blood, and brain from your hands, examining them for a moment in his. 'Hmm. Yes, yes, I think these will do quite nicely, young master. Give me a little time to prepare the elixir.' You watch for nearly an hour as Gruklikh prepares the ingredients, his rheumy eyes flitting back and forth between his mortal bowl and the pages of a dusty book. Eventually, he turns and hands you a bottle. 'I spoke with Kathrinka while you were out collecting these, young master, and told her the plan. Purifying this elixir should be a simple trick for her. Just be sure not to drop it, young master - it is still quite potent.'

You receive Putrid Elixir from Gruklikh the Apothecary.

Return to Healer Kathrinka and give her the Putrid Elixir.

Healer Kathrinka tells you, 'Ah, it is good to see you again, <Player Name>. So this is the elixir Gruklikh was speaking of, hmm? It will only take me a moment - we needn't even use all of it.' Kathrinka produces a smaller bottle, pours some of the elixir into it, then adds a droplet of her purified water and begins to chant softly. Little seems to happen, but in a few moments Kathrinka hands you the small bottle. The liquid inside is much lighter than the elixir Gruklikh gave you - almost florescent. Kathrinka speaks, 'This should do, I hope... Pour this onto the ancient Murk flower out in the swamp. The flowers are know to be quite deadly, and this one is likely quite twisted.. Gruklikh says that the elixir may take several minutes to ripen the flower's fruit and remove the poisons flowing through it and the flower's body. If you should need another dose of the elixir, come speak with me. And <Player Name>... Be careful.

You receive Purified Elixir from Healer Kathrinka.

Note: You want a group for this part.

Go to A slumbering murk flower (The Murk  at 550, -210  •) and give it the 'Purified Elixir.

This will cause the slumbering murk flower to awaken and attack you. It will periodically spawn An envenomed droplet which appear to be small water elementals. You cannot harm the flower by conventional means; Every time one of the droplets is taken down, the flower will take damage. Have someone tank the flower while the rest of the group takes down the droplets.

Loot the Blemishless Fruit from the Slumbering Murk Flower. Return to Healer Kathrinka and hand it to her.

Healer Kathrinka tells you, 'This is the fruit? Gruklikh was right.. it is *very* pure. I am surprised, considering its source... Ah, in any case, thank you, <Player Name>. Gruklikh has already told me what I must do with this. If you'll excuse me.' Kathrinka turns and places the stone, her mentor's pendant, and the fruit into a pool of purified water. After a brief chant, the water begins to radiate with white light. You don't much understand the rest of the ceremony, but soon it is over, and Kathrinka reaches into the water before turning back to you. 'The pendant has been purified, and the enchantments restored... The stone in my mentor's pendant has been restored as well, although I will not need it with the stone you have given me. Here, <Player Name>, I'd like you to have my mentor's pendant. I'll only need a small part of it chain to be made into a fixture for my stone - it is no sense wasting the powers of my mentor's pendant. Even if it is not useful to you, it should provide you with some protection, at least in this place... Thank you, <Player Name>, for all your help.

Your faction standing with The Gruplok has gotten better!

You gain 25000 experience!!

You receive Pendant of a Gruplok Healer from Healer Kathrinka.