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Culling the Bats bounty quest
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(Redirected from Fruit Bat Wings bounty quest)
Jump to navigationJump to searchGuard Naldina and Guard Amelle is in Greater Faydark, next to the southeast lift of Kelethin. They ask for your help in reducing the number of the fruit bats in the area. Bring two of their wings to prove you have done so.
The maximum number of turn-ins for this bounty quest is 10.
Fruit Bat Wings bounty quest | ||
Quest giver | Guard Naldina | |
Starting Zone | ||
Suggested Level Range | 1 - 5 | |
Quest items used | ||
Currency Reward | Varies from 1 ![]() ![]() | |
Positive (+) Faction | ||
Experience Reward | 500 |
Find Guard Naldina (Greater Faydark at 40, -154 • Southest lift of Kelethin) .
You say, 'Hail, Guard Naldina'
Guard Naldina says, 'Welcome to Athica, traveler! This is the home of the Bearers of Truth, though I am a simple hired guard myself. Would you perhaps be interested in doing some work for the city?
You say, 'What work?'
Guard Naldina says, 'This has been a bewildered region for a long time, and reclaiming it requires constant care. At the moment, we need assistance with reducing the number of fruit bats, fighting off the Frilakh, and dealing with the spider threat.'
You say, 'I will reduce the number of bats.'
Guard Naldina says, 'Very well. The fruit bats are fairly harmles creatures, but they've been growing greatly in numbers as of late, and may well threaten the balance of life by eating up all the food for the other creatures around here. Cull their numbers and bring me their wings, two at a time.'
Give two Fruit Bat Wing to Guard Naldina .
Ah, well done. Here is some compensation for your troubles, on behalf of Kelethin.
Your faction standing with Kelethin Protectors has gotten better!
Your faction standing with Residents of Kelethin has gotten better!
You gain 500 experience!!
You receive (Varies from 1 to ?
) pieces from Guard Naldina.