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Shards of Dalaya (SoD) ist ein emulierter Everquestserver, der sich bemüht, das klassische Everquest-feeling zu erhalten, aber gleichzeitig neue Erfahrungen und Abenteuer zu präsentieren. Wir haben die besten Aspekte von Everquest übernommen, und sie mit vollständig neuen Geschichet und Inhalten ergänzt - tausende neue Quests, Bücher, NSCs, Monster, Zonen. Shards of Dalaya ist 100% kostenlos und wird von einem Team hochmotivierter Freiwilliger betrieben.

Sollten noch irgendwelche unbeantwortete Fragen bleiben, so werden wir uns bemühen, sie in unserem offiziellen IRC-Channel  zu beantworten. Dazu kann selbstverständlich auch unsere IRC browser app  benutzt werden.

Als Wichtigstes sei gesagt, danke für das Ausprobieren unseres Spiels. Wir existieren inzwischen für über acht Jahre. Wir lieben was wir tun, und ohne die Unterstützung unserer Spieler wäre dies alles nicht möglich gewesen.

Installing Shards of Dalaya


Es gibt verschiedene Wege, den Everquest-Client zu erhalten. Steam bietet Everquest häufig zum kostenpflichtigen Download an, und auch Amazon ist eine gute Anlaufstelle. Die wahrscheinlich einfachste und kostengünstigste Lösung ist der kostenlose Download direkt von der Evweques Live Webseite. Für diese Variante ist es erforderlich, einen (kostenlosen) Sony Station Account zu erstellen, den Everquest Patcher herunterzuladen und in den grade erstellten Account einzuloggen, damit der Client vollständig heruntergeladen werden kann. Wichtig ist bei diesem Schritt noch, sich zu merken, wohin der Client installiert wurde, da im Folgenden noch Veränderungen am der grade erfolgten Basisinstalation vorgenommen werden müssen.

Für die direkte Instalation eignen sich die folgenden Versionen:

  • EverQuest: Titanium (MINIMUM)
  • EverQuest: Anniversary Edition
  • Everquest: Platinum Pack
  • Everquest: Secrets of Faydwer

Welcher Weg der Instalation auch immer gewählt wurde, es ist wichtig, zu wissen, wohin der Client installiert wurde, da im weiteren Verlauf der Instalation noch Veränderungen an der grade erfolgten Basisinstalation vorgenommen werden müssen. Im Folgenden werden wir den grade erstellten Ordner als Installationsverzeichnis bezeichnen.

Nach Erfolgreichem Abschluss des patchens zu Shards of Dalaya wird diese Installation nicht mehr mit anderen Everquestservern kompatibel sein - falls also noch andere Everquestserver benutzt werden ist jetzt der Zeitpunkt für eine Sicherungskopie der Basisinstalation gekommen!


Als nächstes muss der offizielle Shards of Dalaya Paatcher  heruntergeladen und ein Spiel- und Forumsaccount auf der offiziellen Website  registriert werden. Es können beliebig viele (kostenlose) Accounts registriert werden, und die meisten Spieler empfehlen eineg gespielten Charakter pro account.

Der SoD Patcher (oder zumindest eine Verknüpfung zu ihm) sollte an einem leicht auffindbarem Ort bgelegt werden - idealerweise wird das Spiel durch ihn gestarted. Die meisten Spieler deponieren ihn in ihrem Instaallationsverzeichnis und erstellen eine Verknüpfung, er kann jedoch von einem beliebigen Ort ausgeführt werden. Unter Windows Vista, Windows 7 und Windows 8 ist es unter Umständen nötig, den Patcher als Administrator auszuführen.

Im Patcher-Fenster muss nun das Installationsverzeichnis angegeben werden. Bei Mehrkernprozessoren sollte der Haken neben dem Eintrag "Bind Affinity to Processor" gesetzt werden. Für möglichst gute Performance sollte Prozessorkern 1 oder 2 benutzt werden.

Durch Drücken des Knopfes [Patch and Run] wird der Patchvorgang gestarted. Je nach Internerverbindung kann dieser Vorgang mehrere Minuten dauern. Als erstes wird Mumble (Kostenlose Voice-chat-software) heruntergeladen und installiert, danach wird EQW sowie die vorhandenen Dateien aktualisiert. Das Patcherfenster hat noch zahlreiche weitere Knöpfe und Checkboxen, aber diese sollten an dieser Stelle erst einmal ignoriert werden.

Sobald der Patchvorgang abgeschlossen ist wird das Patchfenster geschlossen und EQW wird sich öffnen. Nun muss durch drücken des [Browse] Knopfes das Installationsverzeichnis gefunden und dort die Datei eqgame.exe ausgewählt werden. Auch in diesem Fenster sollten die Checkboxen ignoriert wreden - nur "Fix eqclient.ini" sollte angehakt sein.

Drücken des Knopfes [Start EQ] sollte jetzt den Spielclient starten, und die EULA sollte erscheinen. Hurra, das Spiel läuft!


Starting Guide Character Creation.jpg

Dies ist die Charaktererschaffungsseite. Hier werden wichtige Attribute eines Charakters festgelegt.

  • Name: Shards of Dalaya hat gewisse Einschränkungen dahingehend, was als akzeptaabele Namen angesehen wird. Es sollte nach möglichkeit ein "richtiger" Name sein - 7331sp34k und ähnliches ist nicht erwünscht.
  • Geschlecht: Bestimme das Geschlecht des Charakters. Dies ist eine rein ästhetische Entscheidung.
  • Rasse: Es gibt fünfzehn verschiedene Rassen in Shards of Dalaya, jede davon mit ihren eigenen Stärken und Schwächen. Die Rasse eines Charakters hat ausserdem Einfluss darauf, wo in der Welt er startet. Detailliertere Informationen zu diesem Thema finden sich im Wikiartikel über Rassen .
  • Klasse: Es gibt fünfzehn Klassen in Shards of Dalaya, die sich grob in 5 Archetypen unterteilen lassen: Heiler (Cleric, Druid, Shaman), Arkane Zauberwirker (Wizard, Magician, Necromancer, Enchanter), Nahkampfklassen (Rogue, Monk), Hybriden - diese mischen Elemente Zauberwirkender Klassen und Nahkampfklassen (Ranger, Bard, Beastlord) sowie Tanks (Warrior, Paladin, Shadowknight). Shards of Dalaya ist in weiten Teilen ein ein kooperatives Teamspiel, und jeder Archetyp spielt in einer Gruppe eine Rolle, die andere Archetypen in unterschiedlicher Weise ergänzt. Jede Klasse hat ihre eigenen Stärken und Schwächen, und alle Klassen sind so gut wie möglich gegeneinander ausbalanciert, um möglichst viele effektive Klassenzusammensetllungen zu ermöglichen. Genauere Informationen finden sich im Wikiartikel über Klassen .

  • Abilities: There are seven different Statistical Abilities in Shards of Dalaya. They are Strength, Stamina, Agility, Dexterity, Wisdom, Intelligence and Charisma. Each Ability gives different bonuses to your character, and each class needs a different set of abilities. For a caster, it is generally recommended to put your starting points into Charisma or your casting ability (Wisdom for Priests, Intelligence for Casters). For Melees or Hybrids, the choice is less clear and you can decide more freely. You can find more detailed information on this subject in the wiki article about the statistics.

The Dream and Game Basics

Once you have created your character and entered the game, you will find yourself in The Dream. The Dream is half tutorial and half an introduction to the lore and main quest of the game. But before we go into how to go through The Dream, lets go over some game basics.

The User Interface

Starting Guide Dream 1.jpg

This is the default user interface for Shards of Dalaya.

  • Lag Meter: On the upper right is the Lag Meter. This bar will turn from green to yellow to red when your connection with Shards of Dalaya is interrupted while playing.
  • Songs and Spell Effects Windows: Whenever you have a magical Song or Spell causing some change to your character, it will show up in this box as an icon. Red icons mean you have detrimental spells on you, while blue indicate beneficial spells. You can manually take beneficial spells off of you by clicking on their icon.
  • Hot Buttons: This window allows you to place various custom abilities or macros in a convenient way. As you gain skills and abilities, this window will get much more use. You can find more detailed information on this subject in the wiki article about the hotkeys.
  • Chat Window: This is where you will interact with other players and characters in the game. The main chat 'channels' are Say ('/say *message*'), Shout ('/shout *message*'), Group ('/g *message*'), Guild ('/gu *message*') and Out of Character (/ooc *message*). Say sends a message out around your character, shout sends a message to the zone you are in, group sends a message to your group members, guild sends a message to your guild, and out of character sends a message to the entire game. All new players are started in a special guild where they can ask questions and meet friends - you can access this using "/gu *message*". Feel free to say hello! Click the bar at the bottom of the chat window to type into it (or press Enter). You can find more detailed information on this subject in the wiki article about the chat commands.
  • Compass: This shows the direction you are facing. The direction becomes much more accurate as you increase your characters Sense Heading skill.
  • Target Window: You target things in game by clicking on them. This window shows you the name of whatever you currently have targetted.
  • Profile Window: This window shows your character name as well as your current health (red bar), mana (blue bar) and stamina (yellow bar).
  • Group Window: When you join a group, this window will show your group mates names and current health.
  • Battle Window: This window shows all damage done by you and to you, as well as spells cast and abilities performed.
  • Action Window: This window allows you to invite people to your group, disband your group, sit down/stand up, toggle walk or run, and exit the game through 'camping'.
  • Spell Bar: If you chose a class with access to spells, this is the place where you place spells prior to clicking on them and 'casting' them. The little red button will show you a book with all your learned spells, of which you can pick eight to be on your bar and ready to cast at any one time.
  • Main Window Menu: This bar allows you to toggle on or off most of the other windows we have described. It also will open up your inventory window (you can also get there with the I button), and the options window (also reachable with Alt-O).
  • Map Window: You can display an in game map of the zone you are in by pressing the Backspace key.
  • Inventory: You can see what your character is carrying and wearing by pressing the I key.

It is important to note that Shards of Dalaya supports a huge range of custom User Interfaces, all with different looks and styles! You can find many by looking on the game forums, or by asking friends in game what they use.

Movement and Interaction

Movement is obtained by using the arrow keys, although many players rebind movement to the WASD keys in the options menu (alt+o). Other than movement, the other two most important keys to know are H for Hailing and Q for autoattack.

Hailing (defaulted to the H key) is the primary way players interact with characters in the game. Clicking your mouse on a character within the game 'targets' it. After targeting it and walking up to it you press H to hail it. The majority of characters in the game will respond to you in the Main Chat window. It will show its own text, followed by yellow text 'dialog' options. You can interact with the character by either using the dialog command (Template:Cmd where # is the option you want to pick), or by typing out one of the options you are given. Talking to characters in Shards of Dalaya is the major way you receive quests and discover things in the game world!

Autoattack is the main way to deal melee damage in Shards of Dalaya. After targeting a monster or character, press the Q key to turn on auto attack. This will make your character swing their weapon until you turn off autoattack, or the mob you are targeting dies.

The Dream

On to the game! The Dream is the a tutorial that all characters enter into before being placed into the world of Dalaya. If you feel that you have a good grasp of the game already, you can skip the dream by talking to The Guide. If you are new to Shards of Dalaya, I highly recommend you go through the dream, as it is a great introduction to the game (albeit a bit tedious!)

The first thing you do when entering the dream, is walking up to The Guide, targeting him and then hailing him with the H key. The white text is what he says to you, while the yellow are your options to say back to him.

Starting Guide Dream 2.jpg

To pick an option to say back, type Template:Cmd or Template:Cmd depending on what you want to say. Template:Cmd skips The Dream entirely, which is not recommended for new players. Further text and interaction is done the same way, by using Template:Cmd and pointing it to the dialog number you want.

After a bit of back and forth with The Guide, he should cast a beneficial spell on you and tell you to continue past him.

Starting Guide Dream 3.jpg

Here you can see the spell he cast on us to the left. Holding your mouse over it will show you that the spell is called "Power of Dreams". Further, in our Battle Spam window, we see that the spell cast on us also healed our character.

Also, in our Chat Window we see that The Guide gave us experience and added a quest to our journal. Experience is the main progression method in Shards of Dalaya. As you gain experience, your character gains in level and you get access to new and exciting abilities and areas. The quest journal system is a way for players to see where they stand on certain quests throughout the game. You can access it with Template:Cmd.

Okay! It is time to move on. Head away from The Guide and journey further into the dream. Remember that you can bring up a map by pressing Backspace. You may need to turn off the Height Filter to see the map in its entirety.

Sooner or later you will find yourself face to face with your first trial, The Challenge.

Starting Guide Dream 4.jpg

The Challenge may be male or female, so if this picture looks a little different have no fear! As you did with The Guide, walk up to The Challenge, target him by clicking on him and then press {{key|H]} to hail him. The Challenge demands that you fight him using autoattack. Tell him you are prepared, and then turn on auto attack either by pressing the Q button or by hitting the 'Melee Attack' button on your Hotbutton Bar. Once you defeat The Challenge, you can continue on your quest to The Sorcerer.

Starting Guide Dream 5.jpg

The Sorcerer's trial is accomplished by using magic against her. If you are a class that has access to spells, she will give you a spell. If you are a pure melee, she will give you a magical item that you can use to channel the spell.

For mana users - talk to The Sorcerer until she gives you the scroll. Press the I button to bring up the inventory screen. You will see the scroll there, and it will be named "Spell: Sorcerer's Defeat" if you hover your mouse over it. Click the spell scroll to pick it up, and either type /book or click the little red button on your spell bar to open up your spell book. Move the scroll to one of the slots in the book and click on it. This will write the spell down in your book. Once the spell is written down (this takes a few seconds), you can click the "Sorcerer's Defeat" icon, and move it over to your spell bar. Again, this will take a few seconds, but after you are done you should see a gem appear in your spell bar. Stand back up, target the Sorcerer and click the spell gem. If your spell 'fizzles' you might have to click it more than once (spells fizzle less as your skills go up). Once cast, the Sorcerer will tell you that you passed her trial and you can move on.

For non mana users - you will get a magical stone from The Sorcerer. Open your inventory with I, and find the little stone there. You can inspect the stone by holding right click on it for a second. Target the sorcerer, and right click the stone. This should cast the spell, and allow you to pass the trial!

Continue on your path! Unfortunately, you will encounter a skunk. You will also be sprayed by the skunk - yuck! Luckily, you will soon after find The Healer.


As the ingame note describes, you will also find a Healer in major cities. Speak with this healer and he can cleanse you of the skunk funk. After that, it is on to the last trial - The Choice.

Starting Guide Dream 7.jpg

The Choice introduces new players to the Shards of Dalaya alignment system. Talk to The Choice, and then talk to The Thug, The Merchant and The Victim. After hearing their stories, go back and Hail the one you want to give the gift to. Afterwards, to initiate the gifting, open your inventory with 'i' and click on the gift (looks like a golden earring) to pick it up. Then click on the character you want to give it to. This will open up the NPC Trade Window.

Starting Guide Dream 8.jpg

Click 'Give' in this window, and you will have made your Choice! Depending on your choice, your alignment might have shifted in different directions. Go speak to The Choice again before moving on in The Dream.

Soon you will find yourself in the end Arena. Here you must talk to The First, then The Second, then The Third and finally The Last.

Starting Guide Dream 9.jpg

The First will offer you a range of different starting weapon combinations depending on your class. After picking your weapon, speak to The Second and then The Third. Finally, go to The Last.

Starting Guide Dream 10.jpg

After you are done talking to her, you will wake up and enter the real world of Dalaya! Thus ends the tutorial of The Dream.

Further guides

Although this starting guide covers only installation and The Dream, there is an entire set of starting area guides to help get new characters started.